... polar1
Note that Equations 8 and 11 require knowlege of which quadrant the angle lies in, because $\theta$ ranges over $[0,2\pi)$.
... cone2
double cone means that it is two ``standard'' cones joined at their apices.
... equation3
The equation itself is rather fierce and you would not be expected to do the full expansion in an exam. For those who are interested, it looks like this:
t4 ( xD4 + yD4 + zD4 + 2 xD2 yD2 + 2 xD2 zD2 + 2 yD2 zD2 ) + t3 ( 4 xD3 xE + 4 yD3 yE + 4 zD3 zE + 4 xD2 yD yE + 4 xD2 zD zE + 4 xD xE yD2 + 4 yD2 zD zE + 4 xD xE zD2 + 4 yD yE zD2 ) + t2 ( - 2 R2 xD2 - 2 R2 yD2 + 2 R2 zD2 - 2 r2 xD2 - 2 r2 yD2 - 2 r2 zD2 + 6 xD2 xE2 + 2 xE2 yD2 + 8 xD xE yD yE + 2 xD2 yE2 + 6 yD2 yE2 + 2 xE2 zD2 + 2 yE2 zD2 + 8 xD xE zD zE + 8 yD yE zD zE + 2 xD2 zE2 + 2 yD2 zE2 + 6 zD2 zE2 ) + t ( - 4 R2 xD xE - 4 R2 yD yE + 4 R2 zD zE - 4 r2 xD xE - 4 r2 yD yE - 4 r2 zD zE + 4 xD xE3 + 4 xE2 yD yE + 4 xD xE yE2 + 4 yD yE3 + 4 xE2 zD zE + 4 yE2 zD zE + 4 xD xE zE2 + 4 yD yE zE2 + 4 zD zE3 ) + ( R4 - 2 R2 xE2 - 2 R2 yE2 + 2 R2 zE2 + r4 - 2 r2 R2 - 2 r2 xE2 - 2 r2 yE2 - 2 r2 zE2 + xE4 + yE4 + zE4 + 2 xE2 yE2 + 2 xE2 zE2 + 2 yE2 zE2 ) = 0
... defined4
The disc is also arbitrarily defined if you want a circular disc, but it could be transformed to provide an ellipse.
... definition5
The sphere has unit radius; the cylinder has unit radius and is aligned with the z-axis; the cone is similarly aligned and has unit slope; the torus is aligned with the z-axis.
... transformation6
Where ${\bf T}$ is a translation, ${\bf R}$ a rotation, and ${\bf S}$ a scaling.
... where7
If you are wondering where r has disappeared to, remember that, in a unit sphere, r=1.
... being8
If you try this at home you will find that you will need to divide through by the factor $-1/(lmn\cos\phi)$.
... doubles9
It doesn't quite double the number of points when the sequence is open and of finite length, but we will gloss over that at the moment.
Neil Dodgson