Document: ID=A (5 sentences, 41 tokens) Sentence #1 (3 tokens): Filling the reservoir Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Filling-1) det(reservoir-3, the-2) dobj(Filling-1, reservoir-3) Sentence #2 (10 tokens): Your iron is designed to function using tap water. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, designed-4) nmod:poss(iron-2, Your-1) nsubjpass(designed-4, iron-2) nsubj:xsubj(function-6, iron-2) auxpass(designed-4, is-3) mark(function-6, to-5) xcomp(designed-4, function-6) xcomp(function-6, using-7) compound(water-9, tap-8) dobj(using-7, water-9) punct(designed-4, .-10) Sentence #3 (12 tokens): However, it will last longer if you use distilled water. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, will-4) advmod(will-4, However-1) punct(will-4, ,-2) nsubj(will-4, it-3) advmod(longer-6, last-5) advmod(use-9, longer-6) mark(use-9, if-7) nsubj(use-9, you-8) advcl:if(will-4, use-9) amod(water-11, distilled-10) dobj(use-9, water-11) punct(will-4, .-12) Sentence #4 (9 tokens): Always unplug the iron before filling the reservoir. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, unplug-2) advmod(unplug-2, Always-1) det(iron-4, the-3) dobj(unplug-2, iron-4) mark(filling-6, before-5) advcl:before(unplug-2, filling-6) det(reservoir-8, the-7) dobj(filling-6, reservoir-8) punct(unplug-2, .-9) Sentence #5 (7 tokens): Always empty the reservoir after use. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, empty-2) advmod(empty-2, Always-1) det(reservoir-4, the-3) dep(empty-2, reservoir-4) case(use-6, after-5) nmod:after(reservoir-4, use-6) punct(empty-2, .-7) Coreference set: (3,8,[8,9]) -> (2,1,[1,2]), that is: "you" -> "Your" Coreference set: (3,3,[3,4]) -> (2,2,[1,3]), that is: "it" -> "Your iron" (4,4,[3,5]) -> (2,2,[1,3]), that is: "the iron" -> "Your iron" Coreference set: (1,3,[2,4]) -> (5,4,[3,7]), that is: "the reservoir" -> "the reservoir after use" (4,8,[7,9]) -> (5,4,[3,7]), that is: "the reservoir" -> "the reservoir after use" Document: ID=B (6 sentences, 90 tokens) Sentence #1 (4 tokens): Temperature and steam control Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Temperature-1) cc(Temperature-1, and-2) compound(control-4, steam-3) conj:and(Temperature-1, control-4) Sentence #2 (17 tokens): Your Moulex iron has two buttons which control the intensity of heat produced by the iron. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, has-4) nmod:poss(iron-3, Your-1) amod(iron-3, Moulex-2) nsubj(has-4, iron-3) nummod(buttons-6, two-5) dobj(has-4, buttons-6) nsubj(control-8, buttons-6) ref(buttons-6, which-7) acl:relcl(buttons-6, control-8) det(intensity-10, the-9) dobj(control-8, intensity-10) case(heat-12, of-11) nmod:of(intensity-10, heat-12) acl(heat-12, produced-13) case(iron-16, by-14) det(iron-16, the-15) nmod:by(produced-13, iron-16) punct(has-4, .-17) Sentence #3 (28 tokens): You can, therefore, adjust the temperature of the iron and the amount of steam being given off depending upon the type of fabric being ironed. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, adjust-6) nsubj(adjust-6, You-1) aux(adjust-6, can-2) punct(adjust-6, ,-3) advmod(adjust-6, therefore-4) punct(adjust-6, ,-5) det(temperature-8, the-7) dobj(adjust-6, temperature-8) case(iron-11, of-9) det(iron-11, the-10) nmod:of(temperature-8, iron-11) cc(temperature-8, and-12) det(amount-14, the-13) dobj(adjust-6, amount-14) conj:and(temperature-8, amount-14) case(steam-16, of-15) nmod:of(amount-14, steam-16) auxpass(given-18, being-17) xcomp(adjust-6, given-18) compound:prt(given-18, off-19) case(type-23, depending-20) case(type-23, upon-21) det(type-23, the-22) advcl:upon(given-18, type-23) case(fabric-25, of-24) nmod:of(type-23, fabric-25) auxpass(ironed-27, being-26) acl(fabric-25, ironed-27) punct(adjust-6, .-28) Sentence #4 (9 tokens): Turn the steam control to the desired intensity. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Turn-1) det(control-4, the-2) compound(control-4, steam-3) dobj(Turn-1, control-4) case(intensity-8, to-5) det(intensity-8, the-6) amod(intensity-8, desired-7) nmod:to(Turn-1, intensity-8) punct(Turn-1, .-9) Sentence #5 (9 tokens): Turn the thermostat control to the desired temperature. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Turn-1) det(control-4, the-2) compound(control-4, thermostat-3) dobj(Turn-1, control-4) case(temperature-8, to-5) det(temperature-8, the-6) amod(temperature-8, desired-7) nmod:to(Turn-1, temperature-8) punct(Turn-1, .-9) Sentence #6 (23 tokens): Important: If your iron produces droplets of water instead of giving off steam, your temperature control is set too low. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Important-1) punct(Important-1, :-2) mark(produces-6, If-3) nmod:poss(iron-5, your-4) nsubj(produces-6, iron-5) advcl:if(set-20, produces-6) dobj(produces-6, droplets-7) case(water-9, of-8) nmod:of(droplets-7, water-9) mark(giving-12, instead-10) mwe(instead-10, of-11) advcl:instead_of(produces-6, giving-12) compound:prt(giving-12, off-13) dobj(giving-12, steam-14) punct(set-20, ,-15) nmod:poss(control-18, your-16) compound(control-18, temperature-17) nsubjpass(set-20, control-18) auxpass(set-20, is-19) dep(Important-1, set-20) advmod(low-22, too-21) xcomp(set-20, low-22) punct(Important-1, .-23) Coreference set: (5,4,[2,5]) -> (4,4,[2,5]), that is: "the thermostat control" -> "the steam control" (6,18,[16,19]) -> (4,4,[2,5]), that is: "your temperature control" -> "the steam control" Coreference set: (2,16,[15,17]) -> (2,3,[1,4]), that is: "the iron" -> "Your Moulex iron" (3,11,[10,12]) -> (2,3,[1,4]), that is: "the iron" -> "Your Moulex iron" Document: ID=C (3 sentences, 27 tokens) Sentence #1 (2 tokens): Spray button Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, button-2) compound(button-2, Spray-1) Sentence #2 (18 tokens): This button activates a jet of cold water which allows you to iron out any unintentional creases. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, activates-3) det(button-2, This-1) nsubj(activates-3, button-2) det(jet-5, a-4) dobj(activates-3, jet-5) nsubj(allows-10, jet-5) case(water-8, of-6) amod(water-8, cold-7) nmod:of(jet-5, water-8) ref(jet-5, which-9) acl:relcl(jet-5, allows-10) dobj(allows-10, you-11) nsubj:xsubj(iron-13, you-11) mark(iron-13, to-12) xcomp(allows-10, iron-13) compound:prt(iron-13, out-14) det(creases-17, any-15) amod(creases-17, unintentional-16) dobj(iron-13, creases-17) punct(activates-3, .-18) Sentence #3 (7 tokens): Press the button for one second. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Press-1) det(button-3, the-2) dep(Press-1, button-3) case(second-6, for-4) nummod(second-6, one-5) nmod:for(button-3, second-6) punct(Press-1, .-7) Coreference set: (2,2,[1,3]) -> (1,2,[1,3]), that is: "This button" -> "Spray button" Document: ID=D (3 sentences, 34 tokens) Sentence #1 (2 tokens): Pressing button Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Pressing-1) dobj(Pressing-1, button-2) Sentence #2 (20 tokens): This button activates a super shot of steam which momentarily gives you an additional 40g of steam when needed. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, activates-3) det(button-2, This-1) nsubj(activates-3, button-2) det(shot-6, a-4) amod(shot-6, super-5) dobj(activates-3, shot-6) nsubj(gives-11, shot-6) case(steam-8, of-7) nmod:of(shot-6, steam-8) ref(shot-6, which-9) advmod(gives-11, momentarily-10) acl:relcl(shot-6, gives-11) iobj(gives-11, you-12) det(40g-15, an-13) amod(40g-15, additional-14) dobj(gives-11, 40g-15) case(steam-17, of-16) nmod:of(40g-15, steam-17) advmod(needed-19, when-18) advcl(activates-3, needed-19) punct(activates-3, .-20) Sentence #3 (12 tokens): Important: Do not use this more than five successive times. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Important-1) punct(Important-1, :-2) aux(use-5, Do-3) neg(use-5, not-4) dep(Important-1, use-5) det(times-11, this-6) advmod(five-9, more-7) mwe(more-7, than-8) nummod(times-11, five-9) amod(times-11, successive-10) dobj(use-5, times-11) punct(Important-1, .-12) Document: ID=E (7 sentences, 123 tokens) Sentence #1 (3 tokens): Suits etc. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Suits-1) dep(Suits-1, etc.-2) punct(Suits-1, .-3) Sentence #2 (25 tokens): It is possible to use this iron in a vertical position so that you can remove creases from clothes on coathangers or from curtains. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, possible-3) nsubj(possible-3, It-1) nsubj:xsubj(use-5, It-1) cop(possible-3, is-2) mark(use-5, to-4) xcomp(possible-3, use-5) det(iron-7, this-6) dobj(use-5, iron-7) case(position-11, in-8) det(position-11, a-9) amod(position-11, vertical-10) nmod:in(use-5, position-11) mark(remove-16, so-12) mwe(so-12, that-13) nsubj(remove-16, you-14) nsubj(remove-16', you-14) aux(remove-16, can-15) advcl:so_that(use-5, remove-16) advcl:so_that(use-5, remove-16') conj:or(remove-16, remove-16') dobj(remove-16, creases-17) case(clothes-19, from-18) nmod:from(remove-16, clothes-19) case(coathangers-21, on-20) nmod:on(clothes-19, coathangers-21) cc(remove-16, or-22) case(curtains-24, from-23) nmod:from(remove-16', curtains-24) punct(possible-3, .-25) Sentence #3 (27 tokens): Turning the thermostat control and the steam button to maximum, hold the iron in a vertical position close to the fabric but without touching it. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, hold-12) dep(hold-12, Turning-1) det(control-4, the-2) compound(control-4, thermostat-3) dobj(Turning-1, control-4) cc(control-4, and-5) det(button-8, the-6) compound(button-8, steam-7) dobj(Turning-1, button-8) conj:and(control-4, button-8) case(maximum-10, to-9) nmod:to(Turning-1, maximum-10) punct(hold-12, ,-11) det(iron-14, the-13) dobj(hold-12, iron-14) case(fabric-22, in-15) det(fabric-22, a-16) amod(fabric-22, vertical-17) compound(fabric-22, position-18) case(fabric-22, close-19) mwe(close-19, to-20) det(fabric-22, the-21) nmod:close_to(iron-14, fabric-22) cc(touching-25, but-23) mark(touching-25, without-24) dep(hold-12, touching-25) dobj(touching-25, it-26) punct(hold-12, .-27) Sentence #4 (12 tokens): Hold down the pressing button for a maximum of one second. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Hold-1) compound:prt(Hold-1, down-2) det(button-5, the-3) amod(button-5, pressing-4) dobj(Hold-1, button-5) case(maximum-8, for-6) det(maximum-8, a-7) nmod:for(button-5, maximum-8) case(second-11, of-9) nummod(second-11, one-10) nmod:of(maximum-8, second-11) punct(Hold-1, .-12) Sentence #5 (15 tokens): The steam produced is not always visible but is still able to remove creases. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, visible-7) det(steam-2, The-1) nsubj(visible-7, steam-2) nsubj(able-11, steam-2) nsubj:xsubj(remove-13, steam-2) acl(steam-2, produced-3) cop(visible-7, is-4) neg(visible-7, not-5) advmod(visible-7, always-6) cc(visible-7, but-8) cop(able-11, is-9) advmod(able-11, still-10) conj:but(visible-7, able-11) mark(remove-13, to-12) xcomp(able-11, remove-13) dobj(remove-13, creases-14) punct(visible-7, .-15) Sentence #6 (20 tokens): Important: Hold the iron at a sufficient distance from silk and wool to avoid all risk of scorching. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Important-1) punct(Important-1, :-2) dep(Important-1, Hold-3) det(iron-5, the-4) dobj(Hold-3, iron-5) case(distance-9, at-6) det(distance-9, a-7) amod(distance-9, sufficient-8) nmod:at(iron-5, distance-9) case(silk-11, from-10) nmod:from(Hold-3, silk-11) cc(silk-11, and-12) nmod:from(Hold-3, wool-13) conj:and(silk-11, wool-13) mark(avoid-15, to-14) advcl:to(Hold-3, avoid-15) det(risk-17, all-16) dobj(avoid-15, risk-17) case(scorching-19, of-18) nmod:of(risk-17, scorching-19) punct(Important-1, .-20) Sentence #7 (21 tokens): Do not attempt to remove creases from an item of clothing that is being worn, always use a coathanger. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, use-18) aux(attempt-3, Do-1) neg(attempt-3, not-2) ccomp(use-18, attempt-3) mark(remove-5, to-4) xcomp(attempt-3, remove-5) dobj(remove-5, creases-6) case(item-9, from-7) det(item-9, an-8) nmod:from(remove-5, item-9) nsubjpass(worn-15, item-9) case(clothing-11, of-10) nmod:of(item-9, clothing-11) ref(item-9, that-12) aux(worn-15, is-13) auxpass(worn-15, being-14) acl:relcl(item-9, worn-15) punct(use-18, ,-16) advmod(use-18, always-17) det(coathanger-20, a-19) dobj(use-18, coathanger-20) punct(use-18, .-21) Coreference set: (3,26,[26,27]) -> (3,22,[21,23]), that is: "it" -> "the fabric" Document: ID=F (7 sentences, 101 tokens) Sentence #1 (1 tokens): Auto-clean Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Auto-clean-1) Sentence #2 (33 tokens): In order that your iron does not become furred up, Moulex have integrated an autoclean system and we advise you to use it very regularly (12 times per month). Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, integrated-14) case(order-2, In-1) dobj(furred-9, order-2) nmod:in(integrated-14, order-2) ref(order-2, that-3) nmod:poss(iron-5, your-4) nsubj(become-8, iron-5) aux(become-8, does-6) neg(become-8, not-7) acl:relcl(order-2, become-8) xcomp(become-8, furred-9) compound:prt(furred-9, up-10) punct(integrated-14, ,-11) nsubj(integrated-14, Moulex-12) aux(integrated-14, have-13) det(system-17, an-15) amod(system-17, autoclean-16) dobj(integrated-14, system-17) cc(integrated-14, and-18) nsubj(advise-20, we-19) conj:and(integrated-14, advise-20) dobj(advise-20, you-21) nsubj:xsubj(use-23, you-21) mark(use-23, to-22) xcomp(advise-20, use-23) dobj(use-23, it-24) advmod(regularly-26, very-25) advmod(use-23, regularly-26) punct(times-29, -LRB--27) compound(times-29, 12-28) dep(regularly-26, times-29) case(month-31, per-30) nmod:per(times-29, month-31) punct(times-29, -RRB--32) punct(integrated-14, .-33) Sentence #3 (9 tokens): Turn the steam control to the off position. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Turn-1) det(control-4, the-2) compound(control-4, steam-3) dobj(Turn-1, control-4) case(position-8, to-5) det(position-8, the-6) amod(position-8, off-7) nmod:to(Turn-1, position-8) punct(Turn-1, .-9) Sentence #4 (11 tokens): Fill the reservoir and turn the thermostat control to maximum. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Fill-1) det(reservoir-3, the-2) dobj(Fill-1, reservoir-3) cc(Fill-1, and-4) conj:and(Fill-1, turn-5) det(control-8, the-6) compound(control-8, thermostat-7) dobj(turn-5, control-8) case(maximum-10, to-9) nmod:to(turn-5, maximum-10) punct(Fill-1, .-11) Sentence #5 (27 tokens): As soon as the indicator light goes out, unplug the iron and, holding it over the sink, turn the steam control to auto-clean. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, unplug-10) advmod(soon-2, As-1) advmod(goes-7, soon-2) mark(goes-7, as-3) det(light-6, the-4) compound(light-6, indicator-5) nsubj(goes-7, light-6) dep(unplug-10, goes-7) compound:prt(goes-7, out-8) punct(unplug-10, ,-9) det(iron-12, the-11) dobj(unplug-10, iron-12) cc(unplug-10, and-13) punct(holding-15, ,-14) parataxis(turn-21, holding-15) dobj(holding-15, it-16) case(sink-19, over-17) det(sink-19, the-18) nmod:over(holding-15, sink-19) punct(holding-15, ,-20) conj:and(unplug-10, turn-21) det(control-24, the-22) compound(control-24, steam-23) dobj(turn-21, control-24) case(auto-clean-26, to-25) nmod:to(turn-21, auto-clean-26) punct(unplug-10, .-27) Sentence #6 (11 tokens): Any calcium deposits will be washed out by the steam. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, washed-6) det(deposits-3, Any-1) compound(deposits-3, calcium-2) nsubjpass(washed-6, deposits-3) aux(washed-6, will-4) auxpass(washed-6, be-5) compound:prt(washed-6, out-7) case(steam-10, by-8) det(steam-10, the-9) nmod:agent(washed-6, steam-10) punct(washed-6, .-11) Sentence #7 (9 tokens): Continue the procedure until the reservoir is empty. Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, Continue-1) det(procedure-3, the-2) dobj(Continue-1, procedure-3) mark(empty-8, until-4) det(reservoir-6, the-5) nsubj(empty-8, reservoir-6) cop(empty-8, is-7) advcl:until(Continue-1, empty-8) punct(Continue-1, .-9) Coreference set: (5,12,[11,13]) -> (2,5,[4,6]), that is: "the iron" -> "your iron" (5,16,[16,17]) -> (2,5,[4,6]), that is: "it" -> "your iron" Coreference set: (5,24,[22,25]) -> (3,4,[2,5]), that is: "the steam control" -> "the steam control" Coreference set: (2,24,[24,25]) -> (2,17,[15,18]), that is: "it" -> "an autoclean system" Coreference set: (7,6,[5,7]) -> (4,3,[2,4]), that is: "the reservoir" -> "the reservoir" Document: ID=questions (5 sentences, 60 tokens) Sentence #1 (10 tokens): What sort of water are you advised to use? Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, advised-7) det(sort-2, What-1) dep(advised-7, sort-2) case(water-4, of-3) nmod:of(sort-2, water-4) auxpass(advised-7, are-5) nsubjpass(advised-7, you-6) nsubj:xsubj(use-9, you-6) mark(use-9, to-8) xcomp(advised-7, use-9) punct(advised-7, ?-10) Sentence #2 (13 tokens): What factor makes you decide on the quantity of steam to use? Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, makes-3) det(factor-2, What-1) nsubj(makes-3, factor-2) nsubj(decide-5, you-4) nsubj:xsubj(use-12, you-4) ccomp(makes-3, decide-5) case(quantity-8, on-6) det(quantity-8, the-7) nmod:on(decide-5, quantity-8) case(steam-10, of-9) nmod:of(quantity-8, steam-10) mark(use-12, to-11) xcomp(decide-5, use-12) punct(makes-3, ?-13) Sentence #3 (12 tokens): What should you do if your iron starts to drip water? Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, do-4) dobj(do-4, What-1) aux(do-4, should-2) nsubj(do-4, you-3) mark(starts-8, if-5) nmod:poss(iron-7, your-6) nsubj(starts-8, iron-7) nsubj:xsubj(drip-10, iron-7) advcl:if(do-4, starts-8) mark(drip-10, to-9) xcomp(starts-8, drip-10) dobj(drip-10, water-11) punct(do-4, ?-12) Sentence #4 (12 tokens): What could damage your iron if you do not clean it? Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, damage-3) nsubj(damage-3, What-1) aux(damage-3, could-2) nmod:poss(iron-5, your-4) dobj(damage-3, iron-5) mark(do-8, if-6) nsubj(do-8, you-7) advcl:if(damage-3, do-8) neg(clean-10, not-9) xcomp(do-8, clean-10) xcomp(do-8, it-11) punct(damage-3, ?-12) Sentence #5 (13 tokens): Which misuse of the iron could result in a person getting hurt? Dependency Parse (enhanced plus plus dependencies): root(ROOT-0, result-7) det(misuse-2, Which-1) nsubj(result-7, misuse-2) case(iron-5, of-3) det(iron-5, the-4) nmod:of(misuse-2, iron-5) aux(result-7, could-6) case(person-10, in-8) det(person-10, a-9) nmod:in(result-7, person-10) acl(person-10, getting-11) dep(getting-11, hurt-12) punct(result-7, ?-13)