FoCS Practicals Ticks Michaelmas 2018 Tick Briefing

These ML exercises run alongside the Foundations in Computer Science course given by Alan Mycroft and Amanda Prorok. They are called ticks to emphasise that they are binary pass/fail rather than actively graded.

Exam Requirements

Starred Ticks

Each tick is accompanied by a starred tick (i.e. 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*). These are strictly optional and will not contribute to the final mark for the year. Nonetheless you may find it very valuable to attempt these ticks


The Role of Tickers

A ticking session is a short (5 minute) one-to-one session with a ticker conducted on Thursday afternoons between 13:00 and 17:00. The role of the ticker is twofold:

  1. to check you understand your solution (and didn’t just have some lucky guesses or copy code from elsewhere);

  2. to give you general feedback on ways to improve your code.

To those ends a Ticker will typically ask you questions related to the core material of the tick and discuss your code directly.

Deadline Extensions

Deadline extensions can be granted for illness or similar reasons. To obtain an extension please email Alan Mycroft and Amanda Prorok in the first instance, clearly stating your justification for an extension and CCing your Director of Studies, who will need to support your request.

Errata and Problems

Please make use of the Help Forum (on the Moodle site for this course) if you spot any errors in these ticks or you have any difficulties submitting your work.