Further Java Practical Class

Workbook 1

Table of Contents

Connecting to the Internet
Hints 'n' tips
A simple Java instant messaging client
Ticklet 1

In this workbook you will learn how to write a simple Java messaging client which will allow you to send and receive plain text messages to and from fellow classmates over the Internet.


An on-line version of this guide is available at:


You should check this page regularly for announcements and errata. You might find it useful to refer to the on-line version of this guide in order to follow any provided web links or to cut 'n' paste example code.

Connecting to the Internet

Many distributed systems use the client-server metaphor for communication. This style of communication will be explored in more detail in the Concurrent and Distributed Systems courses, as well as the Computer Networking course. A server is a piece of software which runs indefinitely, accepting requests from multiple clients and providing those clients with any information or other services they request. For example, a web server runs indefinitely, responding to requests from many web browsers. Last year you wrote a very simple client when you used an instance of the URL class to create a URLConnection object, and thus connect to a web server and download descriptions of board layouts for Conway's Game of Life.

The Java programming language provides several libraries to support the construction of distributed systems. In this course we are going to explore writing clients and servers with the Socket and ServerSocket classes respectively. These classes use the TCP/IP communication protocol, which won't be explained in detail here, but is taught in the Computer Networking course. For this course it suffices to know that a TCP/IP connection provides a method of transmitting a stream of bytes between a client and a server (and back again) and that the TCP/IP protocol guarantees reliable and in order delivery of any bytes sent. A TCP/IP connection is initiated by a client connecting to a server running on a particular machine and port. For example, the Computer Laboratory website runs on a machine called www.cl.cam.ac.uk on port number 80. Port numbers allow multiple servers and clients to run on a single machine.

The Java programming language also supports other types of communication which we will not have time to explore in detail. The DatagramSocket class supports a datagram service, an unreliable mechanism for sending packets of data between two computers on the Internet. This class uses the UDP/IP protocol for communication. The Java MulticastSocket class supports multicast communication, a method of sending the data to many computers simultaneously.

Reading data from an instance of a Socket class in Java blocks the execution of the program until data is available. This can be a useful feature, since you will often want your program to wait until at least some data is available before continuing execution. In the next section you will take advantage of this feature. Later on, you will discover the limitation of this approach and learn how to write your first multi-threaded application to overcome this problem.

Hints 'n' tips

  • Use the appropriate constructor for the Socket class to initiate a connection to the server.

  • Create a local array of bytes of a small fixed size (e.g. byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];) to store the responses from the server.

  • The method getInputStream on the Socket object will return an InputStream object which allows you to read in the data from the server into an array of bytes.

  • An instance of the InputStream class has an associated read method which will pause the execution of your Java program until some data is available; when some information is available, the read method will copy the data into the byte array and return the number of bytes read; the number of bytes read is a piece of information you will find useful later.

  • The String class has a number of constructors which enable you to reinterpret an array of bytes as textual data. Use the following constructor to convert data held in the byte array into a String object:

    public String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
noneThis application requires two arguments: <machine> <port>
java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk twentyThis application requires two arguments: <machine> <port>
java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk 1024Cannot connect to java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk on port 1024

Table 1. Unit tests for StringReceive

A simple Java instant messaging client

Your final task is to use the Socket class to write your first instant messaging client. Your client will communicate with a server running on java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk on port number 15001 (note this is a different port number from the one used earlier). The clients and server will communicate by sending text between them. You may have noticed that you've already written half the code! Your implementation of StringReceive is already capable of connecting to the server and displaying any messages sent between users.

Your final task in this workbook is to successfully send messages to the instant messaging server. One of the difficulties which must be overcome is that reading user input from System.in, and reading data from the server via a Socket object, both block the execution of your program until data becomes available. Consequently you must write a multi-threaded application: one thread will run in a loop, blocking until data is available on a Socket object (and then displaying the information to the user when it's available); a second thread will run in another loop, blocking until data has been typed in by the user (and sending the data to the server when it becomes available).

Threads in Java are created either by inheriting from the class java.lang.Thread or implementing the interface java.lang.Runnable. In either case, you place the code which runs inside the new thread inside a method with the following prototype

public void run();

You should create a new thread via inheritance today, but you will often find it useful to implement the Runnable interface in more complicated programs because Java only allows a class to inherit code from one parent.

A partially completed class, StringChat is available in your repository. Take a careful look at the use of class Thread. The variable output is a reference to an unnamed child of the class Thread which overrides the run method. The method start is then called on the reference. When output.start() is invoked, the body of method run is executed as the rest of the program proceeds. In other words, the body of run is executed concurrently with the rest of the program. As a result the above program structure provides one (new) thread of execution to print out messages from the server, whilst another (the original) thread of execution handles the user input.

Ticklet 1

You have now completed all the necessary code to gain your first ticklet. Your repository should contain the following source files:


When you are satisfied you have completed everything, you should commit all outstanding changes and push these to the Chime server. On the Chime server, check that the latest version of your files are in the repository, and once you are happy schedule your code for testing. You can resubmit as many times as you like and there is no penalty for re-submission. If, after waiting one hour, you have not received a final response you should notify ticks1b-admin@cl.cam.ac.uk of the problem. You should submit a version of your code which successfully passes the automated checks by the deadline, so don't leave it to the last minute!

[1] Note: there's a problem with the template configuration for IntelliJ on MCS machines which means this might fail. If this happens to you, please fix as follows.

  1. Go to File Settings.

  2. In the search box, type "template". Choose File and Code templates from the left-hand side, then choose class from the list of templates. You'll see the template box is empty. Put the following into it:

    #if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end
    #parse("File Header.java")
    public class ${NAME} {

  3. Click OK.

Copyright 2008-2012 Alastair R. Beresford and Andrew C. Rice