Programming in Java Practical Class

Workbook 5

Table of Contents

An implementation of the World interface
Stub methods (draw and getPopulation)
The print method
The nextGeneration methods
Other methods
Testing your program
Implementing the World interface again
Code inheritance
Keyword: abstract
Keywords: private, protected and public
Keyword: extends
Keyword: super
Keyword: this
Benefits from World interface
Tick 5


Last week you improved the error handling of your program by catching errors and throwing exceptions. You did this by defining your own exception, PatternFormatException, which extended the class Exception. This week you will explore what "extending" a class actually means by looking at inheritance in more detail. You will also use this knowledge to refactor your implementation of LoaderLife you wrote last week to separate out the data structure used to record the state of the world into a separate object.


Remember to check the course website regularly for announcements and errata:


An interface in Java defines a type, and specifies the methods which are required in any implementation of the interface. For example, we could state the following methods are required in an implementation which is able to store, update and draw the state of a world in the Game of Life:


public interface World {
	public void setCell(int col, int row, boolean alive);
	public boolean getCell(int col, int row);
	public int getWidth();
	public int getHeight();
	public int getGeneration();
	public int getPopulation();
	public void print(Writer w);
	public void draw(Graphics g,int width, int height);
	public World nextGeneration(int log2StepSize);	

Particular bits to note in this definition of the interface World are the use of the keyword interface in the definition (not class), and the use of the semicolon (;) instead of curly brackets ({ and }) after the method names, indicating that the methods themselves are merely prototypes or descriptions and cannot contain actual code.

The specification of the interface World states that any implementation of the interface is required to provide nine methods: setCell, getCell, getWidth, getHeight, and so on. Since the interface does not provide an implementation of the methods, the following is wrong and will result in a compile error:

World w = new World(); //Wrong; will result in compile error

In order to implement an interface in Java you write a class which contains implementations of every method defined in the interface. In addition, you must use the keyword implements to name the interface explicitly in the class definition. For example:


import java.awt.Graphics;

public class TestArrayWorld implements World {

 private int generation;
 private int width;
 private int height;
 private boolean[][] cells;

 public TestArrayWorld(int w, int h) {
   width = w;
   height = h;
   // TODO: set generation equal to zero
   // TODO: set cells to reference a new rectangular two-dimensional 
   //       boolean array of size height by width  

 protected TestArrayWorld(TestArrayWorld prev) {
   width = prev.width;
   height = prev.height;
   // TODO: set generation equal to prev.generation+1
   // TODO: set cells to reference a new rectangular two-dimensional 
   //       boolean array of size height by width  

 public boolean getCell(int col, int row) { /* TODO */ }
 public void setCell(int col, int row, boolean alive) { /*TODO*/ }
 public int getWidth()  { /*TODO*/ }
 public int getHeight()  { /*TODO*/ }
 public int getGeneration()  { /*TODO*/ }
 public int getPopulation()  { return 0; }
 public void print(Writer w)  { /*TODO*/ }
 public void draw(Graphics g, int width, int height)  { /*Leave empty*/ }

 private TestArrayWorld nextGeneration() {
   //Construct a new TestArrayWorld object to hold the next generation:
   TestArrayWorld world = new TestArrayWorld(this);
   //TODO: Use for loops with "setCell" and "computeCell" to populate "world"
   return world;

 public World nextGeneration(int log2StepSize)  { 
   TestArrayWorld world = this;
   //TODO: repeat the statement in curly brackets 2^log2StepSize times
    world = world.nextGeneration();
   return world;
 //TODO: Add any other private methods which you find helpful      

You will be instructed to complete this code later in the workbook. For the moment just read through it and the explanation that follows. Some of the keywords used (such as private and protected) might be unfamiliar to you. These are explained later.

In Java, a class may implement multiple interfaces, in which case a list of comma-separated interfaces should appear after the keyword implements in the class definition.

You can create variables of type World which reference an instance of a class which implements the interface World. For example, if you've implemented a class called MyWorldImpl which implements the World interface, then the following is correct

MyWorldImpl a = new MyWorldImpl();
World b = a;

or more simply

World b = new MyWorldImpl();

Any class which implements the interface World can be assigned to a variable of type World. This allows easy substitution of multiple different implementations, providing an extensible method of defining new ways of storing the state of the world in Conway's Game of Life. For example, later on in this Workbook, you will adapt your code from Tick 2 which used a long integer to store the state of a world in a class called TestPackedWorld. You will also adapt code from Tick 3 and Tick 4 which used a Java array to store the state of the world in a class called TestArrayWorld. Since both these classes will implement the World interface, you can substitute one implementation in place of another when drawing the state of the world to the terminal or (as we shall see later) a graphical display.

The interface World is provided for you inside the package, as shown in the definition written at the start of this Workbook. This interface, along with several other classes in this package, have been written for you. Using the World interface defined in this package enables the interoperability described above—it also allows you to plug in implementations by other students if you wish. To introduce the name "World" as short-hand for, you need to write import; at the top of your source files. This has been done for you in TestArrayWorld.

To use the interface World you also need to download and save the jar file containing the interface definition from To use the code available in this jar file, you will need to tell the java compiler (javac) and the java runtime environment (java) the location of the jar file. If you don't tell the compiler or the runtime where the jar file is, the tools won't be able to locate the definition of the World interface and your own programs will not compile or run.

You can instruct the Java tools to look inside a jar file by providing an additional argument on the command line. For example, if you have saved world.jar to your home directory, then you can tell the Java compiler to look at, and possibly use, the contents of world.jar when compiling your own implementation of TestArrayWorld as follows:

crsid@machine:~> javac -cp /home/crsid/world.jar:. \

The option -cp stands for class path. The class path in Java is, by default, the set of directories and jar files which are searched for class definitions. By default, the standard library and current working directory are on the class path but, as you've seen above, you may have to manually add to the class path if you wish to work with libraries provided by third parties.

If you want to include multiple directories and jar files on the class path, then you can use the colon (:) operator to separate them. In the example above, the classes within world.jar, as well as the class files located in the current working directory (represented by ".") are put on the class path. (Whilst the current working directory is on the class path by default, it is removed when using the -cp option, so you will often need to include it again.)

The -jar option you have used in previous weeks is actually just a convenient way of adding the jar file to the class path, and then executing the class specified as the entry point. For example, last week you built a jar file called crsid-tick4.jar with the entry point set to You can run the main method in LoaderLife by executing:

crsid@machine:~> java -jar crsid-tick4.jar

which is the same as writing

crsid@machine:~> java -cp crsid-tick4.jar

An implementation of the World interface

Create a new package called and copy the contents of TestArrayWorld as shown in the previous section into a file with a suitable name inside this package. Copy across your implementation of LoaderLife from last week, renaming the class RefactorLife. Finally, copy across your implementations of Pattern, PatternLoader and PatternFormatException. Remember to update the package statements at the top of your source files appropriately.

Stub methods (draw and getPopulation)

When implementing TestArrayWorld you do not have to implement the draw method, so as the comment suggests, you may leave it blank. Similarly you will see that getPopulation method returns 0 rather than the correct answer. These are commonly known as method stubs. The idea is to put something simple in so that the program will compile and unrelated functionality will work. Once the program compiles the programmer will return to the stubs and incrementally replace them with working code.

The print method

The print method should take a single argument of type Writer rather than simply printing using System.out.print and System.out.println. Here is a skeleton which you can use to complete the new version of print:

public void print(Writer w) {
 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(w);
 // See the Java documentation for PrintWriter
 // use pw.print("something") to write to the writer
 // use pw.println("something") to write a newline
 // you must always call pw.flush() at the end of this method
 // to force the PrintWriter to write to the terminal (if you
 // do not, then data may be buffered inside PrintWriter).

You can use the Java OutputStreamWriter class to create an instance of type Writer which outputs information to the terminal. For example, the following snippet of code should print the contents of a variable world of type World to the terminal:

Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);

Remember to include appropriate import statements at the top of your source file. For example, you will need to write:


to successfully use the PrintWriter and OutputStreamWriter.

The nextGeneration methods

The World interface specifies a nextGeneration method which takes a single argument called log2StepSize. This argument states the number of generations to iterate through before returning the state of the new world. For example, if log2StepSize has the value 0, then, since 20 = 1, executing the method nextGeneration with the value 0 should update the state of the world by one generation. If log2StepSize has the value 2, then since 22 = 4, executing the method nextGeneration with the value 2 should update the state of the world by four generations. You should use a for loop inside the method nextGeneration to update the state of the world the correct number of times. You might find it helpful to recall that 1 << n is equivalent to 2n.

A good way to implement the nextGeneration method described above is to first complete the private nextGeneration method (the one which takes no arguments) which should perform a single timestep forward in the Game of Life. Then complete the original nextGeneration method required by the interface by repeatedly calling your private nextGeneration method. You will need to use the methods computeCell and countNeighbours which are discussed next.

Other methods

In previous weeks you wrote several helpful methods inside the body of what is now called RefactorLife. These methods include countNeighbours and computeCell. You should move these methods from RefactorLife to TestArrayWorld; they should become non-static, private methods and operate directly on the cells field. For example, the method countNeighbours should have the following prototype inside TestArrayWorld:

private int countNeighbours(int col, int row)

Testing your program

When you've finished refactoring your code, your implementation of RefactorLife should behave just as LoaderLife did last week. For example, the following should work:

crsid@machine:~>java -cp /home/crsid/world.jar:. \
uk/ac/cam/your-crsid/tick5/RefactorLife \ 0

Pressing Enter should show successive generations of the Game of Life. Typing q followed by Enter should quit the application as before.

Implementing the World interface again

In the last section you produced an implementation of the interface World which used arrays to store the state of the world. In this section you will write a second class called TestPackedWorld to use a long integer to store the state of the world, just as you did in Tick 2.

In order to use your latest implementation of RefactorLife you simply replaced all instances of TestArrayWorld with TestPackedWorld, but this now precludes the use of Java arrays to store the state of the world. A better solution is to accept an argument on the command line which instructs the program to use a particular implementation—arrays or long—as the underlying storage mechanism.

The approach you should use is to modify RefactorLife to accept an option on the command line to specify the underlying storage architecture used. If the user types "--array" as the first argument, then the storage architecture used should be a Java array, using TestArrayWorld; if the user types "--long" as the first argument then the storage used to record the state of the world should be TestPackedWorld. If no switch is specified, then your implementation of RefactorLife should default to using Java arrays to store the state of the world. Here is an example invocation which requests the use of Java arrays using the "--array" switch:

crsid@machine:~>java -cp /home/crsid/world.jar:. \
uk/ac/cam/your-crsid/tick5/RefactorLife --array \ 0

Here is an example invocation of which requests the use of a long integer to store the state of the world:

crsid@machine:~>java -cp /home/crsid/world.jar:. \
uk/ac/cam/your-crsid/tick5/RefactorLife --long \ 0

Here is an example invocation which specifies no storage type (your code should default to using Java arrays):

crsid@machine:~>java -cp /home/crsid/world.jar:. \
uk/ac/cam/your-crsid/tick5/RefactorLife \ 0

You may have heard in lectures that you cannot compare strings for equality as follows:

String first = new String("a");
String second = new String("a");
if (first == second) { //does not perform String equality
	System.out.println("This is not printed");
else {
	System.out.println("This is printed!");

this is because the equality operator for variables which reference Java objects (e.g. first and second above) returns true only if the two references point to the same underlying object. In the above code snippet, first and second are variables which reference two separate instances of a Java String which contain the same character sequence.

To check whether the contents of two String objects contain the same characters you should use the equals method of the String object:

if (first.equals(second)) {
	System.out.println("This is printed");
else {
	System.out.println("This is not printed!");

All variables which reference Java objects contain an equals method which you should use to compare two references for equality.

When you write your improved implementation of RefactorLife, you should declare a variable of type World to reference an instance of either TestArrayWorld or TestPackedWorld and use if-else statements to update the reference to point to the correct instance. Here is a skeleton piece of code:

public static main(String[] args) {
 String worldType = args.length == 3 ? args[0] : "--array"; 
 //TODO: initialise other variables here and interpret format string
 //      which defines the size and state of the world
 World world = null;
 if (worldType.equals("--array")) {
  world = new TestArrayWorld(/* TODO */);
 } else if (worldType.equals("--long")) {
  world = new TestPackedWorld(/* TODO */); 
 } else {
   //TODO: print a descriptive error message

 //TODO: use the "world" variable to display the state of the world
 //      on the terminal using the "print" method

Code inheritance

Your implementation of TestArrayWorld and TestPackedWorld share substantial amounts of identical code. This is bad from a software engineering point of view because you have implemented the same bugs twice, and you'll have to fix them in two places. When you need to add new features you will have to add them in two places too. If you add more methods of storing the state of the world by creating new classes which implement World, you'll then have three or more places to update with new features (or bug fixes)!

One solution to this is to use code inheritance to collect together the shared code in one place. Unlike interfaces, inheritance allows the programmer to share code between classes. Shared pieces of code are placed in the parent class, and this basic implementation is then extended by a child class. The child classes then automatically inherit any methods or fields provided in the parent class.

A parent class might not provide an implementation of all the methods which are expected to appear in the child classes. In which case, the parent class is an abstract class; since not all the methods have an implementation, it is not possible to create an instance of an abstract class. Next is an example abstract class which collects together all the shared code which is found in your implementation of TestArrayWorld and TestPackedWorld. A full explanation of this code is given in subsequent subsections of this Workbook.


import java.awt.Color;
//TODO: insert other appropriate "import" statements here

public abstract class WorldImpl implements World {

 private int width;
 private int height;
 private int generation;

 protected WorldImpl(int width, int height) {
  this.width = width;
  this.height = height;
  this.generation = 0;
 protected WorldImpl(WorldImpl prev) {
  this.width = prev.width;
  this.height = prev.height;
  this.generation = prev.generation + 1;

 public int getWidth() { return this.width; }

 public int getHeight() { return this.height; }
 public int getGeneration() { return this.generation; }
 public int getPopulation() { return 0; }

 protected String getCellAsString(int col,int row) {
  return getCell(col,row) ? "#" : "_";

 protected Color getCellAsColour(int col,int row) {
  return getCell(col,row) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;
 public void draw(Graphics g,int width, int height) {
  int worldWidth = getWidth();
  int worldHeight = getHeight();
  double colScale = (double)width/(double)worldWidth;
  double rowScale = (double)height/(double)worldHeight;
  for(int col=0; col<worldWidth; ++col) {
   for(int row=0; row<worldHeight; ++row) {
    int colPos = (int)(col*colScale);
    int rowPos = (int)(row*rowScale);
    int nextCol = (int)((col+1)*colScale);
    int nextRow = (int)((row+1)*rowScale);

    if (g.hitClip(colPos,rowPos,nextCol-colPos,nextRow-rowPos)) {
     g.setColor(getCellAsColour(col, row));

 //TODO: Complete here in parent
 public World nextGeneration(int log2StepSize) {
  //Remember to call nextGeneration 2^log2StepSize times

 //TODO: Complete here in parent
 public void print(Writer w) {
  //Use getCellAsString to get text representation of the cell
 //TODO: Complete here in parent
 protected int countNeighbours(int col, int row) {
  //Compute the number of live neighbours

 //TODO: Complete here in parent
 protected boolean computeCell(int col, int row) {
  //Compute whether this cell is alive or dead in the next generation
  //using "countNeighbours"

 // Will be implemented by child class. Return true if cell (col,row) is alive.
 public abstract boolean getCell(int col,int row);

 // Will be implemented by child class. Set a cell to be live or dead.
 public abstract void setCell(int col, int row, boolean alive);

 // Will be implemented by child class. Step forward one generation.
 protected abstract WorldImpl nextGeneration();

Note that the class WorldImpl has no method of storing the state of the world. This task is left to child classes which extend WorldImpl.

Keyword: abstract

A few new keywords have been introduced in this class definition. The keyword abstract prefixes both the keyword class and several methods. Just as you saw earlier with interfaces, abstract methods contain no body and instead are terminated with a semi-colon (;).

Keywords: private, protected and public

Methods and fields are prefixed with one of three access modifiers. Fields or methods which are marked private cannot be accessed by any other class (not even children); those marked protected can only be accessed within the class, by any child class (or any subsequent child of the child) or by any class in the same package; those marked with public are accessible from any class. Finally, if a method or field does not have any access modifier, it is accessible by any class in the same package. You should use access modifiers to minimise access to fields and methods as much as possible in order to control complexity and therefore reduce the chance for unintentional interdependence between classes; this should help reduce bugs and make your code more legible to others (and yourself when you return to read it after a few months).

Keyword: extends

To create a subclass of WorldImpl you use the extends keyword. For example, to create a new child class of WorldImpl called ArrayWorld you should write the following:

public class ArrayWorld extends WorldImpl {

Keyword: super

Unlike interfaces, a class can only inherit from a single parent in Java. All the methods of the parent class are inherited by the child with the exception of the constructors. If a parent class has no default constructor (i.e. it has no constructor which takes zero arguments) then the child class must provide a constructor; in addition the constructor provided in the child class must call the constructor of the parent class. For example, the class WorldImpl does not have a default constructor. Consequently ArrayWorld as declared above must provide at least one constructor and inside it call a constructor for the parent class. This can be done as follows:

public class ArrayWorld extends WorldImpl {

 public ArrayWorld(int width, int height) {
  //possibly other constructor stuff here

In this example the special method super is used to call a constructor in the parent class, in this case the constructor in WorldImpl which takes two int arguments. The call to super must be the first statement found inside the body of the constructor. If a child has a method body provided for every abstract method found in a parent class, then the child class is no longer an abstract class, and concrete instances of it can be created. For example:

World world = new ArrayWorld(8,8);

is possible if ArrayWorld provides implementations for the three abstract methods found in WorldImpl.

Keyword: this

The existence of a concrete class such as ArrayWorld allows the last important keyword introduced in the class WorldImpl to be discussed. The keyword is this, which is a read-only variable which references the current object instance on which the method has been called. For example, in the code snippet above, the variable world references a new instance of ArrayWorld. Inside the body of the call to the constructor of the parent class (WorldImpl), this references the new instance of ArrayWorld under construction. Therefore this.width references the field called width found in the class definition of WorldImpl, whereas width references the local variable of the same name which is the first argument to the constructor.

The keyword this is optional in many cases. If you refer back to the constructor for TestArrayWorld you will see that it has been omitted. This is because the arguments of the constructor are called w and h and so the member variable width can be referred to without needing to write this.width. If the argument of a method has the same name as a member variable then the argument masks the member variable.

Benefits from World interface

Your implementation of ArrayWorld and PackedWorld both extend the abstract class WorldImpl which in turn implements the interface World. Therefore both ArrayWorld and PackedWorld are of type World. Consequently, you can use the graphics display class inside world.jar which you downloaded at the start of this workbook. To use the graphical display component, you first need to import the class by typing "import;" at the top of RefactorLife. You can create a new instance of the WorldViewer class as follows:

WorldViewer viewer = new WorldViewer();

To use an instance of WorldViewer to display a World you can use the show method. For example, if you have a variable called world of type World then you can type:;

This method can be called repeatedly to update the screen when a new generation is computed. You should destroy the WorldViewer instance after you have finished by calling viewer.close()

Another representation of the Game of Life is to use an int[][] to store the number of generations since a cell was last alive. An implementation of this can be downloaded from Place a copy of this file in the package and update the package declaration in the file.

Keeping a history of the number of generations since each cell was last alive is not currently exploited in the graphical interface. It would be nice to use colour to display the number of generations since the cell was last alive. To do so, you should add the following method to your AgingWorld class as follows:

protected Color getCellAsColour(int col, int row) {
 int age = getCellAge(col, row);
 final int[] colors = new int[] 
 if (age >= colors.length) { return Color.WHITE;}
  return new Color(colors[age]);

The method getCellAsColour overrides the default implementation of getCellAsColour found in WorldImpl. When the draw method is called on AgingWorld, the draw method provided by WorldImpl will run as normal. However, the draw method calls getCellAsColour and the new implementation will be used instead of the default one in WorldImpl. This is depicted graphically in Figure 1, “AgingWorld overrides the getCellAsColour method”.

AgingWorld overrides the getCellAsColour method

Figure 1. AgingWorld overrides the getCellAsColour method

Tick 5

To complete your tick you need to prepare a jar file with the contents of all the classes you have written in this workbook and email it to Your jar file should contain:


You should be able to run your program in one of three ways:

  • java -cp world.jar:crsid-tick5.jar \ [url/file]

  • java -cp world.jar:crsid-tick5.jar \ [url/file] [index]

  • java -cp world.jar:crsid-tick5.jar \ [worldType] [url/file] [index]

Copyright 2008-2012 Alastair R. Beresford and Andrew C. Rice