// // ACS P35 Exercise 3a - Feb 2015 - Credit 0 Marks. // Note: Although there is zero credit for this Exercise, please do give in your report as hardcopy to the ACS Admin office and also email a PDF to DJ Greaves. Please write a short report entitled 'Exercise 3a: Planning an investigation of XXX' consisting of about 3 pages excluding listings. It should have something sensible instead of XXX and should: 1. Demonstrate proficiency with the Parallella Card blocking-TLM model by preparing an experiment that can potentially be taken further in Exercise 4. 2. Write up what you have done so far listing experiments and results and stating any problems you have had. 3. State plans for exercise4/miniproject. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The simulator is new this year and so-far uncalibrated so we expect something like the following: In table X I report my measurements so far. These involve running one or two programs in several different ways and comparing the performance results. Energy measurements on the real card have so far not been possible owing to the equipment not being ready. The timing measurements in table X do/do not correspond very well to timings made on the real card and the reasons are potentially ... I propose to do the following for my exercise 4 (which will become my miniproject) a) Explore oprofile or other performance counter applications on the real board b) Implement a SystemC component that exposes the performance counter registers of the caches and so on to the ARM cores so they can read the various events that are logged. I will do such and such and my colleage will do ... We have agreed to work together on the basic infrastructure but will perform separate experiments in our miniprojects. This will ultimately satisfy the P35 requirements since I have both written my own program for the Parallella system and extended the simualtor and carried out a comparison. END