 * Programmer: Carlos Molina-Jimenez
 * Date: 01 Jan 2023, Department of Computer Science, Univ of Cambridge
 * Program: helloworldcap.c
 * cap
 *          This is a hello world capability C code.
 * See pg 27 of https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-947.pdf
 * Source: original version taken from
 * https://i.blackhat.com/USA21/Wednesday-Handouts/us-21-Security-Analysis-Of-Cheri-Isa.pdf
 * where a detailed memory analysis, based on debugger gdb, is presented.
 * Compilation and execution tested on
 * morello-camb-2:~/progs/C $ cc --version
 * clang version 13.0.0
 * Target: aarch64-unknown-freebsd14.0
 * Thread model: posix
 * InstalledDir: /usr/local64/llvm-morello/bin
 * Compilation: % cc -g -O2 -Wall -o helloworldcap helloworldcap.c
 * Execution:   % ./helloworldcap

#include <cheriintrin.h> // interfaces to manupulate cap properties
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void){

/* this code is no ready yet */

  return 0;