Student Projects: 2001

 Index 2001  Student Projects  NetOS 

If you are interested in attempting any of these projects then in the first instance contact Ian Pratt or Tim Harris, unless advised otherwise in the description.

We will be holding a meeting to describe these proposals in more detail at 2pm, Monday June 18th in TP4.

Mobile IP phone
Proxy for Mobile TCP/IP
Syncronization Compression
Crowbar: a protocol for opening holes in firewalls
Fun with solid-state accelerometers
Ethernet to IR transceiver
Location using AM radio signals
Mighty morphin' data structures
Fine-grained concurrency for the JVM
Workload monitoring
Simulation of active memories
Backwards debugger
Auto-tuning software: most programs of any size involve arbitrary constant values - e.g. selecting initial sizes for data structures, or the rate at which a hash table will expand when it becomes full. Such parameters affect system performance but are typically chosen somewhat arbitrarily by the programmer - or they are embedded in library code which gets used by a variety of programs with different requirements. This project proposes designing a feedback-based system which tries to automatically select good parameter settings. This project is somewhat similar to the mighty morphin' data structures suggestion, but concentrates on selecting appropriate tuning parameters rather than appropriate data structures.
Executing code on untrusted servers
Meta NFS
An expert system for home automation
A peer-to-peer internet chat infrastructure

  2001  Student Projects  NetOS 
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