Sigmetrics/Performance 2012 Hands-on tutorial-workshop

Hands-on with the NetFPGA Router

Andrew W. Moore, Paolo Costa, Muhummad Shahbaz, Matthew Grosvnor

Friday, June 15, 2012
9am - 5pm

Department of Computing,
Imperial College London,
Room 343, 3rd Floor
Huxley Building,
180 Queen's Gate, London, SW7 2RH, UK

Google Map


The NetFPGA is and open platform enabling researchers and instructors to build high-speed, hardware-accelerated networking systems. The platform can be used in the classroom to teach students how to build Ethernet switches and Internet Prototcol (IP) routers using hardware rather than software. The platform can be used by researchers to prototype advanced services for next-generation networks.

By using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), the NetFPGA enables new types of packet routing circuits to be implemented and detailed measurements of network traffic to be obtained. During the tutorial, attendees will learn about the NetFPGA platform and and how it can be used. We will demonstrate the use of the reference router to dynamically re-route traffic using PW-OSPF with streaming video traffic. We will also show how we can extend existing designs to experiment with buffer sizes.

No knowledge of Verilog/VHDL is required to attend the tutorial, although knowledge of these languages is needed to program NetFPGA.


About the presenters


Tutorial Material