Ian Leslie, Richard Black, Paul Barham and Robin Fairbairns are with the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Cambridge UK.
Derek McAuley is with the Department of Computer Science, University of Glasgow, UK.
Timothy Roscoe is with Persimmon IT Inc, Durham, NC.
David Evers is with Nemesys Research Limited, Cambridge UK.
Eoin Hyden is with AT&T Bell Labs, NJ.
The concept of domains in Nemesis will be explained in section iii, for the moment they can be thought of as analogous to Unix processes.
Such a timer is available on the DECchip EB64 board used to prototype Nemesis, but has to be simulated with a 12213#13s periodic ticker on the Sandpiper workstations.
This is different from C++ where there is no distinction between class and type, and hence no clear notion of an interface. C++ abstract classes often contain implementation details, and were added as an afterthought[23, p. 277,].

This limit is actually as a result of socket buffering.

This is because of the copy to user process memory. However some networking code rounds up the sizes of certain buffers without clearing the padding bytes thus included; this can cause an information leak of up to three bytes.

Buffers must be cleared when the memory is first allocated. This allocation is not for every buffer usage in Fbufs but is still more frequent in Fbufs than in Rbufs.
This is used in an embedded application where the number of processes is small.

I. Leslie, D. McAuley, R. Black, T. Roscoe, P. Barham, D. Evers, R. Fairbairns & E. Hyden