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Nemesis Release Notes
6th edition1

Dickon Reed

January 19992


Welcome to Nemesis. This document describes the licensing of Nemesis and the procedures for obtaining it, working with it and contributing back to it that have been developed for the Nemesis release.

Look at the Nemesis home page for news, new versions and documentation.

The Nemesis Free License

The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.


refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through textual modification.

``Standard Version''
refers to such a Package if it has not been modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright Holder as specified below.

``Copyright Holder''
is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for the package.

is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.

``Reasonable copying fee''
is whatever you can justify on the basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.)

``Freely Available''
means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they received it.

You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.

You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.

You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.

use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it differs from the Standard Version.

make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.

You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files, together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to get the Standard Version.

accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package with your modifications.

give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.

make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.

You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a product of your own.

Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution. Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package.

The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

This package is provided ``as is'' and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.


Nemesis is managed as a set of packages. Each package consists of a set of branches. Some branches of some packages are publicly available and some have more restricted availabilities for a variety of reasons. Each package, by convention, has a branch called live, where the main thrust of active development takes place. Other branches may exist as bug fixes to stable points in the live development, or when the direction a package is taking branches.

Several versions of Nemesis are built daily and (if they compile!), then tarballs are made available. The most common of these is available as the quickstart tar ball; see the section below on Quickstart to see how to obtain and use it.

We use a custom designed system called dpatch to make changes to Nemesis. See the section on Contributing your work back to us for details. We use PRCS as a back end for dpatch. You may wish to set yourself up with a Nemesis source code repository; this will make it possible for you to submit patches back to us easily, and will make it easier for you to upgrade to new versions of the Nemesis packages when you wish. Some sites may already have a Nemesis source code repository set up, and if so then you may be able to use it saving the time of setting up your own. See the instructions below on obtaining a source code repository.

The standard, publicly available Nemesis packages are currently:

contains the Heart Of Nemesis; the low level code, IDC system, startup, build system and so on. You always have to have a version of this.

contains x86 support.

contains networking support.

contains windowing system support.

contains ATM support.

contains audio support.

contains the source code management scripts we use for Nemesis.

contains the new tools necessary to build Nemesis, such as fancy linkers and IDL compilers.

contains the skeleton of the quickstart tar ball.

The following packages may become available in the future:

contains ARM support. This package is not publically available yet, pending a copyright review.

contains Alpha support. This package is not publically available yet, pending a copyright review.

will contain extended networking support from SICS.

will contain X11 support for the windowing system in cws from Glasgow..

will contain X/Open support from Glasgow.


We've put together a fast track mechanism for you to build and evaluate Nemesis. It just involves downloading one file, using tar to extract it and then building it. It includes everything you need to get started.

Download the quickstart tar ball: located here

Extract the quickstart tar ball in to a scratch directory. If you want to use the bootfloppy mechanism (recommended for first-time users) then you should ensure that the scratch directory is in an ext2 filesystem on a primary partition of an IDE disk. The quickstart tar ball contains many files. They are:

which contains some READMEs (including a copy of this document in HTML), and a makefile and script to allow you to easily build things without becoming familiar with the details of our innovative build system.

which contains the source code for Nemesis. You can edit it to modify Nemesis.

which apart from the source code also contains logs of what has changed in the source code. Furthermore, if you type make in the top level directory, extra directories will appear which are called ``build trees''. They contain symbolic links to the source code directory master/nemesis/master and also Nemesis binaries, as they are built. The convetion is that a build tree for a particular Nemesis target like intel will apppear in master/nemesis/build_intel.

contains the source code for the tools necessary to build nemesis.

is where the installed copies of the Nemesis tools will go when you build them. Nemesis developers will normally have these tools on their binary path.

contains source code for various Nemesis documents.

contains source code for dpatch, the source code management system developed for Nemesis. It isn't part of Nemesis and is written in python so it doesn't need to compile. You may like to copy master/dpatch/master/ and master/dpatch/master/ on to your path.

contains things that don't fit anywhere else.

contains a few scripts that you may find useful when working with Nemesis.

contains a compressed intel boot floppy, used to build Nemesis bootloaders.

is used during the creation of Intel Nemesis bootloaders.

Change in to that directory. If you are not running on a standard Linux system or do not wish to build an intel version of Nemesis, edit the start of the Makefile in the top level directory to change the options you want to build.

Type make and take a break while the Nemesis tools and a Nemesis image are built for you.

In the subdirectory:


you should find a Nemesis image and some support files.

Format a standard HD floppy and leave it in /dev/fd0. Type make bootfloppy; a build tree for the Nemesis bootloader will be created, and the bootloader will be installed on the floppy.

The file SYSLINUX.CFG on the floppy contains a line which tells the bootloader how to find the master/nemesis/build_intel/links directory. If you move your build tree, or want to use a new one, your should edit this file appropriately; instructions for this are in help.txt on the floppy.

When the floppy is booted you will end up running the Nemesis bootloader. To boot the image generated when you typed make, enter the command boot.

If you wish to continue working with Nemesis, you should arrange to place the Nemesis tools on your path. They have been built as part of the above process for you. You need to do something like:

export PATH

If you want to boot Nemesis using LILO or another bootloader, or mount something other than a local ext2fs at boot time, you should read the Nemesis tutorial.

Read the Nemesis documentation, available as postscript or HTML from our web site or in the quickstart tar ball.

When you want to configure Nemesis, look at (eg)
and modify that file.

When you want to modify Nemesis, you have two choices:

You may modify the contents of nemesis/source/master or tools/source/master directly. Don't edit the build directories (nemesis/build_*), apart from the choices file. The build trees consist of symlinks to the master trees.

You may use a sparse source tree. This means that files in a new tree you create will override files in the quickstart tar ball. It is called sparse because it does not need to contain every file; in fact, it is best if you just copy files in to it when you intend to change them. This is more complicated, but saves you having to back up your extracted quickstart tar balls. It is also much easier when you abandon the quickstart tarball and use instead. is located in misc/scripts of the quickstart tarball and releasemisc package, along with some example scripts. The idea is that you add a line to a file called choices in each build tree. This tells the build system to, whenever creating symlinks, check another directory tree for files and symlink to those in preference to the ones in the master tree. For example, if you add to nemesis/build_intel/choices a line like:


then type make grow in nemesis/build_intel, all files in /usr/groups/pegasus/users/dr10009/experimentalsparsetree will override the master tree files. You can then copy files there, modify them, and just back up the sparsetree directory instead of the whole of the quickstart tar ball.

Frequently asked questions about the quickstart process:

Obtaining a Nemesis source code repository

The quickstart tar ball is usually updated every day, so you can just download new versions of that. However, it may be much more convenient to set yourself up with a local Nemesis source code repository. Then, you will be able to work with whichever version of Nemesis you like, and with whichever combination of packages you like. Furthermore, you will be able to use PRCS to help manage your source code.

You may already have access to a Nemesis source code repository on your site. In the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, where Nemesis was developed, a PRCS archive is currently available at /local/scratch/dr10009/nemesis/PRCS on all normal build machines. If you already have access to such a PRCS, skip this section and proceed to the next section on working with this PRCS archive.

Obtaining a source code repository will let you work with custom versions of Nemesis, and will save on download times. We recommend you keep source code repositories on each machine you will build on; this really speeds up creating new build trees.

A Nemesis source code repository consists of two parts; a set of patches in a special format called the patch archive, and a PRCS archive to make it easy and efficient to check out particular versions of Nemesis packages. The PRCS repository just provides the data for an easy way to check out particular version of Nemesis; it is generates from the patch archive. The repository you will end up with on your filesystem will of course just be copies of the offical patch archives in Cambridge and other places. But it will enable you to retrieve any combination of any version of any Nemesis package.

Install PRCS if you do not already have it.
You will find a script called in directory master/dpatch/master of any Nemesis release. It handles the Nemesis source code repository. As well as checking in as the names would suggest, it can also perform several other operations on a Nemesis patch archive. Make sure it is executable and available to you.
Configure by writing a .dcheckinrc file in your home directory. Here is an example:

  'patch tree' : '/home/fred/nemesis/patches',
  'prcs repository' : '/home/fred/PRCS',
  'description map' : {
     'project' : 'The Nemesis Project at OurSiteName'

Change the directory names tagged patch tree and prcs repository to suit your needs. The prcs repository does not need to be backed up. The patch tree only needs to be backed up if you start exporting your own packages.

Download the patch repository from Cambridge by executing: webimport

(If you believe you have access to some of the non-public branches, you will need to find out the alternative command for you to obtain the extra material).

You may like to run this command from a CRON job. It works incrementally; it will just download new patches.

(At any stage, you may destroy your patch tree and PRCS repository, and start again from scratch. That is unless you are exporting a package in the way suggested below).

Install PRCS if you do not already have it. You will find a script called in directory master/dpatch/master of any Nemesis release. It handles the Nemesis source code repository. As well as checking in as the names would suggest, it can also perform several other operations on a Nemesis patch archive. Make sure it is executable and available to you. Configure by writing a .dcheckinrc file in your home directory. Here is an example:

  'patch tree' : '/home/fred/nemesis/patches',
  'prcs repository' : '/home/fred/PRCS',
  'description map' : {
     'project' : 'The Nemesis Project at OurSiteName'

Change the directory names tagged patch tree and prcs repository to suit your needs. The prcs repository does not need to be backed up. The patch tree only needs to be backed up if you start exporting your own packages.

Download the patch repository from Cambridge by executing: webimport

(If you believe you have access to some of the non-public branches, you will need to find out the alternative command for you to obtain the extra material).

You may like to run this command from a CRON job. It works incrementally; it will just download new patches.

(At any stage, you may destroy your patch tree and PRCS repository, and start again from scratch. That is unless you are exporting a package in the way suggested below).

Working with Nemesis via a PRCS archive

You should by now have access to Nemesis in a PRCS archive. We only use prcs for checking versions of Nemesis out. To contribute back to Nemesis, see the section below.

A tool called provides a useful way to checkout multiple PRCS packages and build them. It is located in the quickstart tar ball as master/misc/scripts/ but we suggest you copy it somewhere else and keep it on your path. It used by us to generate the quickstart tar ball, for instance. See the build system users guide for more details, or the start of the source code of where you'll find an explanation of what it does and how it works.

For example, suppose you want to build Nemesis in a directory called /anfs/scratch/hornet/dr10009/autobuild/cuttingedge. You've got a PRCS repository in /local/scratch/dr10009/nemesis/PRCS and prcs is on your path, as are built Nemesis tools. You also don't need ATM support. You'd write a configuration file called nemesis_test.coag, in your home directory for instance, containing:

  'packages' : [
     ('prcs', 'releasemisc:live.@', '/..'),
     ('prcs', 'ccore:live.@', '/nemesis'),
     ('prcs', 'cnet:live.@', '/nemesis'),
     ('prcs', 'cws:live.@', '/nemesis'),
     ('prcs', 'caudio:live.@', '/nemesis'),
     ('prcs', 'cfs:live.@', '/nemesis'),
     ('prcs', 'tgtx86:live.@', '/nemesis'),
  'basepath' : '/anfs/scratch/hornet/dr10009/autobuild/cuttingedge',
  'actions' : """
python establish-intel ix86_linux
echo "include('/homes/dr10009/u/mychoicesfile')" >> nemesis/build_intel/choices
cd nemesis/build_intel
  'prcsrepo' : '/local/scratch/dr10009/nemesis/PRCS',
  'postfix' : 'master'

Then, invoke (from any directory): ~/coag/nemesis_test.coag

(specifying the path to your checkoutandgo script as the argument to, of course, and the path to your local PRCS repository instead of the example given above in the line defining prcsrepo). will empty your build tree (specified by the basepath line if it exists, create the directory if it does not already exist, and then check out the versions you asked for of the packages you want, and invoke the actions script. releasemisc forms the framework for your build tree so you will always need that. core, cfs and a target package such as tgtx86 are usually required. All other packages are optional bolt on extras. In the example above, this then sets up a intel build tree, makes it use the choices file in /homes/dr10009/u/mychoicesfile and then builds the tree. See the build system users guide for an explanation of choices files. The idea is that you keep the choices file, the checkoutandgo script and any of your own source code safe on backed up filespace. At any stage, you can repeat the command to destroy the build tree and start again, should the non backed up filespace become damaged or the build tree become confused. The actions line contains the commands necessary to create the Nemesis build tree. We work by picking configuration files close to what we need, and modifying them for new build trees.

You may use PRCS directly to checkout, merge or diff packages of course. See the PRCS documentation for details. If you want to see exactly what versions of files you need, then look at the CONTENTS file in the directory created by checkoutandgo. It gives the PRCS versions of each file. You may want to inspect the contents of the patch repository to see what has changed; see the dpatch manual for details.

When you wish to upgrade one of the packages in a checked out tree, you can use prcs merge or prcs checkout. prcs checkout is simpler; it will merely write the new package on top of what you have at that time. prcs merge will interactively reconcile your changes with what have gone before. Alternatively, you can just reinvoke which is event easier but means the entire tree will be recreated which may take some time.

Contributing your work back to us

All changes to Nemesis must be submitted to us in dpatch format, using the patchman web interface (see the Nemesis home page). There are many ways to generate patch files. First of all, however, make sure you are working with the latest versions of the Nemesis packages you want changed. The more out of date your versions, the less likely it is your patch will still be valid and will be accepted. Alternatively, you may try to write your patches by hand. See the dpatch manual for details. If you are modifying the contents of a Nemesis quickstart tar ball master directory directly:

Use prcs populate to inform prcs of any new files you have created. Make sure they go in to the .prj file in the Nemesis directory, corresponding to the package they should end up in. Hint; tell PRCS explicitly what files to add to the prj file, or it may become confused and try to add the contents of all the other packages to your file.

Invoke: prcsdiff packagename > mypatch_to_packagename

in the nemesis directory, where packagename is the name of one of the .prj files in that directory.

If you modify the nemtools or dpatch, you need to run it in the directory containing the relevant .prj file.

If you are working with a private tree (sparse or with symlinks), for each package you want to change:

In an empty directory, check out a fresh copy of the package.

Copy the files from your sparse tree you want to go in to this package on top of your newly checked out copy of the file.

If you have created new files in the previous step, run
prcs populate
to let PRCS update your .prj file.

Invoke: prcsdiff > mypatch_to_packagename

See the dpatch manual for more ways to use ddiff.

Now, review your patch files and upload them to us using the web interface.

Making a new package

Warning; I haven't checked this section is up to date for a while; mail me if you find any problems, and of course make sure you keep your own copies of the patch files!

If you have some code which is new, rather than an enhancement of an existing package, or you wish to maintain it yourself, or you cannot persuade us to take on your changes, then you should make a new package. First perform step 1 of ``Contributing your work back to us'' to set up your patch tree. Your package will go in the same patch tree as the patches you import from us. Then:

Read about the Nemesis build system.
Decide on a name for your package. For example, I'll assume it is called gnemx. (So where you see gnemx insert the name of your new package).
Create a new directory, containing glue/packages/ This file should contain the blueprint items for your pacakge. You might want to look at the corresponding files in other packages for inspiration.
Before you go any further, test your package. It should be the case that if you copy the entire contents of your package directory on top of a release tree, your package builds and works as you intend.
Back in the directory containing just the contents of your new package, execute: create > ~/initial_gnemx_patch
Now you need to create a package and branch in your patch tree. By convention, the main development and initial branch is called live. So execute: create gnemx live

You'll need a .dcheckinrc file in your home directory to let dcheckin know where to write to; an example is given above. Now you've got a new package, you should add a description of your package to your .dcheckinrc. Mine looks like:

    'patch tree' : '/usr/groups/pegasus/nemesis/patches',
    'prcs repository': '/usr/groups/pegasus/nemesis/PRCS',
    'description map': {
        'project' : 'The Nemesis Project\n',
        'ccore' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis Core\n',
        'dpatch' : 'The dpatch Project\n',
        'catm' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis ATM subsystem\n',
        'caudio' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis Audio subsystem\n',
        'cnet' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis Network subsystem\n',
        'cfs' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis filing subsystem\n',
        'cws' : 'The Cambridge Nemesis windowing subsystem\n',
        'nemtools' : 'The Nemesis build tools\n'

At this point, you have created your package and branch, but there isn't any code in the package yet.

You should now checkin the patch you created above. Type: commit gnemx live ~/initial_gnemx_patch

Make sure you give an absolute path to the name of your patch.

At this point, you have a package with one branch and one patch. You can check that everything is working by inspecting the files metaupdates and allupdates in the patch tree, or you can type:

prcs info gnemx

You should see that there has been one patch in the updates file, and there are now two PRCS versions of your packages (the first one is empty).

Next you should publish your package. Choose a directory for your patches index HTML file to appear in, and build it by typing: publish ~/public_html/nemesis/patches.html

In order for the patch index to work, in the directory that you have built the HTML file you will need to create a symlink to your patch tree called patches. You can test this by making sure that you can follow the link on your patch index web page to your patch, using HTTP.

If you wish, mail me with the URL of your patch archive web index. I can then arrange for it to be indexed off the master patch index in Cambridge.

Whenever people make changes to your package they wish your package repository to carry, they will need to have their patches applied. When a patch is submitted to you, check it for semantics, then apply it using: commit gnemx live ~/another_patch

The patch will first of all be tested, and if it cannot be applied to the package and branch you specify then you will be told and you will need to edit the patch or ask whoever wrote it to regenerate it against the latest release. If the patch has been accepted then remember to reexecute: publish ~/public_html/nemesis/patches.html

in order to expose your patch to the world.

See the dpatch manual for more details on how dpatch works.

Your patch tree contains the canonical copy of your package and its branches. You should make sure that at least the subdirectory containing your package in your patch tree is regularly backed up. The other directories in your tree will continue to be filled from Cambridge every time you run dcheckin webimport.

Known problems

About this document ...

Nemesis Release Notes
6th edition1

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 98.1p1 release (March 2nd, 1998)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 0 -toc_depth 3 releaseguide.tex.

The translation was initiated by Dickon Reed on 1999-04-26


... edition1
Revision date 1999/03/12, last checkin r, by
... 19992
Processed April 26, 1999

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Dickon Reed