The Nemesis Project ; Patch Archive

The Nemesis Project

ccore: The Cambridge Nemesis Core

dpatch: The dpatch Project

cws: The Cambridge Nemesis windowing subsystem

cfs: The Cambridge Nemesis filing subsystem

catm: The Cambridge Nemesis ATM subsystem

caudio: The Cambridge Nemesis Audio subsystem

cnet: The Cambridge Nemesis Network subsystem

nemtools: The Nemesis build tools

tgtx86: The Nemesis X86 target

releasemisc: The Miscellaneous Release tools

summary [('ccore', [('live', None, 64)], 'live'), ('dpatch', [('live', None, 45), ('stable0', ('live', 30), 0)], 'live'), ('cws', [('live', None, 18)], 'live'), ('cfs', [('live', None, 8)], 'live'), ('catm', [('live', None, 8)], 'live'), ('caudio', [('live', None, 5)], 'live'), ('cnet', [('live', None, 6)], 'live'), ('nemtools', [('live', None, 12)], 'live'), ('tgtx86', [('live', None, 7)], 'live'), ('releasemisc', [('live', None, 5)], 'live')]