Orangepath/HPR Logic Synthesis Project: Hardware and Embedded Software Synthesis from Executable Specifications.
Compilation from .net CIL Bytecode (second example)

Kiwi Simple Demo: LCD display panel driven from C# CSharp HLS

FPGA evaluation cards, like the Xilinx VC-707, often have 16x2 LCD panels. These display up to two lines of 16 characters each.

There are numerous examples online showing how to exercise these displays using low-level RTL. It is much easier with a HLS flow such as Kiwi, where the thread of control with method call inlining neatly generates the same designs.

The standard 16x2 DisplayTech LCD is documented here

Photo of Xilinx VC707 Eval Card LCD 1602 Module Controlled By Kiwi HLS Device Driver

Source File

The following CSharp file was compiled with mono mcs.

// Kiwi Scientific Acceleration
// (C) 2009 DJ Greaves - University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory
// Demonstration of driving the 16x2 LCD display panel found on FPGA development boards.

using System;
using KiwiSystem;

class KiwiLCD1602Driver

   // Put the following padring code in a Xilinx top-level file.
   // Instance of the Kiwi-generated LCD driver
   wire lcd_data4_openable; 
   wire [3:0] lcd_data4_in, lcd_data4_out;
   bufif1(LCD_DB4_LS, lcd_data4_out[0], lcd_data4_openable);  
   bufif1(LCD_DB5_LS, lcd_data4_out[1], lcd_data4_openable);  
   bufif1(LCD_DB6_LS, lcd_data4_out[2], lcd_data4_openable);  
   bufif1(LCD_DB7_LS, lcd_data4_out[3], lcd_data4_openable);  
   IBUF lcd_in40(lcd_data4_in[0], LCD_DB4_LS);
   IBUF lcd_in41(lcd_data4_in[1], LCD_DB5_LS);
   IBUF lcd_in42(lcd_data4_in[2], LCD_DB6_LS);
   IBUF lcd_in43(lcd_data4_in[3], LCD_DB7_LS);
   kiwi_lcd1602_driver  the_lcd_driver(  


// The standard 1602a DisplayTech LCD is documented here

  // Use 4-bit, tri-state connection to the LCD panel.
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("LCD_RS_LS")] static bool LCD_RS;    
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("LCD_RW_LS")] static bool LCD_RW;   
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("LCD_E_LS")] static bool LCD_E;    
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("lcd_data4_openable")] static bool lcd_data4_openable;    
  [Kiwi.InputWordPort(3, 0, "lcd_data4_in")] static byte lcd_data4_in;
  [Kiwi.OutputWordPort(3, 0, "lcd_data4_out")] static byte lcd_data4_out;

  public static void PortIdle()
    lcd_data4_openable = true;
    LCD_RS = false;
    LCD_RW = false;
    LCD_E = false;
    lcd_data4_out = 0;

  // To send a byte on the 4-bit bus, send high nibble first.
  // To read a byte on the 4-bit bus, get high nibble first.
  static byte readByte(bool dataf)
    LCD_RS = dataf; 	// Low for control, high for readback of data.
    lcd_data4_openable = false;    LCD_RW = true;   
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = true;
    Kiwi.Pause();    byte r = (byte)(lcd_data4_in & 0xF);  LCD_E = false;
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = true;
    Kiwi.Pause();    r =  (byte)((r << 4) | (lcd_data4_in & 0xF)) ;    LCD_E = false;
    lcd_data4_openable = true;  // Re-enable outputs for next write.
    return r;

  // To send a byte on the 4-bit bus, send high nibble first.
  static void sendByte(bool dataf, byte data)
    LCD_RS = dataf; 	// Low for control, high for readback of data.
    lcd_data4_openable = true;     LCD_RW = false;    lcd_data4_out = (byte)((data >> 4) & 0xF);
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = true;
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = false;
    Kiwi.Pause();    lcd_data4_out = (byte)((data >> 0) & 0xF) ;  
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = true;
    Kiwi.Pause();    LCD_E = false;

  static void WaitNotBusy()
    // Have two pauses to give it a chance to go busy.
    // Busy flag is bit seven of the status register - poll to be not busy.
    while (true)
	byte status_reg = readByte(false); 
	if (((int)(status_reg) & 128)==0) break;

  static void wait_delay_40() 
    for (int k=5; k != 0; k--) Kiwi.Pause();   // Wait 5*period for 4.1 ms or 100 us

  static void LcdCmdD(byte cmd, int delay)      // Send a command byte using a delay.
  { sendByte(false, cmd);
    Console.WriteLine("LCD sent cmd byte using delay timing alue={0:X}", cmd);

  static void LcdCmd(byte cmd)      // Send a command byte using polled busy.
    sendByte(false, cmd);
    Console.WriteLine("LCD sent cmd byte value={0:X}", cmd);

  public static void sendDataByte(byte data)

    sendByte(true, data);
    Console.WriteLine("LCD sent data byte (datareg={1}) value={0:X}", data, LCD_RS);

  public static void Reset()
    lcd_data4_openable = false;
    // Wait >4.1ms and >100 us in the gaps between the first 2 '3' operations, then used BF polling instead of delays.
    LcdCmdD(0x33, 2000); // Reset code 30
    LcdCmdD(0x32, 2000); // Reset code 20
    LcdCmdD(0x28, 2000);   // 4-bit interface, 2 lines.

  public static void Setup()
    LcdCmd(0x06);   // Entry mode, ID=1, S=0;
    LcdCmd(0x0f);   // Display: disp on, cursor on, blink on.
    LcdCmd(0x01);   // Home
    LcdCmd(0x80);   // Set data data RAM location 0 of top line write

  public static void WriteString(string msg)
    char [] cdata = msg.ToCharArray();
    for (int x=0; x<msg.Length; x++) sendDataByte((byte)cdata[x]);

class tester
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("done")] static bool done;  
  [Kiwi.InputBitPort("select")] static bool select;    
  public static void Main()
    select = false;

  public static void RunHW()
    done = false;
    Console.WriteLine("Hello from LCD 1602 driver");
    string msg = (select) ? "Hello World": "David Greaves";
	done = true;

// eof

Compile and Simulate

gmcs kiwi-lcd1602-driver.cs -r:/home/djg11/d320/hprls/kiwipro/kiwic/distro/support/Kiwi.dll 
kiwi-lcd1602-driver.cs(20,49): warning CS0414: The private field `KiwiLCD1602Driver.LCD_RW' is assigned but its value is never used
kiwi-lcd1602-driver.cs(21,48): warning CS0414: The private field `KiwiLCD1602Driver.LCD_E' is assigned but its value is never used
kiwi-lcd1602-driver.cs(24,58): warning CS0414: The private field `KiwiLCD1602Driver.LCD_DATA' is assigned but its value is never used
kiwi-lcd1602-driver.cs(97,44): warning CS0414: The private field `tester.done' is assigned but its value is never used
Compilation succeeded - 4 warning(s)
/home/djg11/d320/hprls/kiwipro/kiwic/distro/bin/kiwic -give-backtrace -vnl-rootmodname=DUT -vnl=kiwi-lcd1602-driver.v kiwi-lcd1602-driver.exe -vnl-resets=synchronous -kiwic-cil-dump=combined -kiwic-kcode-dump=enable -res2-loadstore-port-count=0 -vnl-roundtrip=disable
 devx  (getenv "HPRLS_DEVX"="1")  developer mode=true
+++ devx: other form in bifo GetLength pokidl: CT_arr (CTL_net (false,16,Signed,[Cil_at_native]),Some 11L)
+++ devx: other form in bifo GetLength pokidl: CT_arr (CTL_net (false,16,Signed,[Cil_at_native]),Some 11L)
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'2I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'8I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'1I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'6I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))>>4): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'2I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'8I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'1I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'6I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))>>4): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'3I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'2I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'8I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'1I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'6I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'0I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := U8'12I: assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))>>4): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ wrap check warning: LCD_DATA_LS[3:0]:OUTPUT::Unsigned{init=0, io_output=true, username=LCD_DATA_LS, HwWidth=4, storage=8} := C8u(15&(C8u("Hello World"[TKWr0.8_V_1]))): assignment may wrap differently: rhs/w=8, lhs/w=4, store/w=8I
+++ devx: wrap_unaltered: no arg nn in net   $$AUTOFORMAT: This will be automatically replaced with a printf formatted string. 
iverilog kiwi-lcd1602-driver.v vsys.v 
VCD info: dumpfile vcd.vcd opened for output.
Hello from LCD 1602 driver
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=33
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=33
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=32
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=2c
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=8
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=1
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=6
LCD sent cmd byte (datareg=0) value=c
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=48
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=65
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=6c
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=6c
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=6f
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=20
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=57
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=6f
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=72
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=6c
LCD sent data byte (datareg=1) value=64

Process make finished


Src files in this ZIP.

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     7071  2016-06-30 10:44   cbguart1.v
     5796  2016-08-08 16:19   lcd_panel_top.v
     1863  2016-08-08 16:23   simsys.v
      908  2016-06-17 16:45   vsys.v
     6210  2016-08-08 16:19   kiwi_lcd1602_driver.cs
     2453  2016-06-22 14:22   lcd-panel.tcl
      888  2016-08-08 16:22   Makefile
     3437  2016-08-01 15:50   lcd-panel.xdc
---------                     -------
    28626                     8 files

Updated April 2016               UP.