Metrics comparison

The results are reported for the testing portion of the dataset: randomly selected 80% of the conditions. The remaining 20% was used to calibrate FovVideoVDP parameters. The testing set was used to fit JOD regression (JOD regression is not a part of training). The scatter plots and detailed reports (if present) show the entire dataset.

Metric/Variant RMSE PLCC SROCC
FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(1) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(2) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(3)
FovVideoVDP 0.9703 0.7232 0.9308 0.5606 0.7962 0.722 0.8745 0.8136 0.7999 0.8697 0.769 0.8493 0.8423 0.7913 0.8492
VSI 1.429 0.7884 1.025 0.6377 0.9702 0.7481 0.851 0.828 0.8489 0.8395 0.7702 0.8289 0.7966 0.8525 0.8257
MS-SSIM 1.292 0.8304 0.9185 0.9336 0.9937 0.7563 0.8389 0.8412 0.8011 0.8249 0.7835 0.8334 0.8378 0.8085 0.8239
HDR-VQM 1.21 0.8626 1.251 0.7374 1.015 0.6954 0.8154 0.761 0.6684 0.8045 0.7402 0.7675 0.7412 0.6749 0.7613
STRRED 1.201 NaN 1.097 0.7741 1.024 0.8104 NaN 0.8214 0.6532 0.5948 0.8266 NaN 0.8248 0.656 0.6126
SSIM 1.247 1.092 1.184 0.7123 1.059 0.6073 0.6842 0.7945 0.6579 0.6798 0.6112 0.7134 0.779 0.6663 0.7129
PSNR 1.152 1.163 1.235 0.7684 1.079 0.5801 0.6255 0.723 0.5917 0.6229 0.5577 0.6702 0.7152 0.5583 0.6662
FSIM 1.719 0.8032 1.052 0.8892 1.116 0.7475 0.8595 0.7492 0.7615 0.8385 0.8632 0.8032 0.7429 0.7742 0.7937
LPIPS 1.919 0.9093 1.078 0.7899 1.174 0.6385 0.7937 0.7927 0.8451 0.7716 0.6671 0.7722 0.7834 0.8442 0.7554
FWQI 1.161 1.169 1.789 0.7203 1.21 0.6324 0.6216 0.02874 0.7606 0.6085 0.6621 0.6291 0.2125 0.7448 0.6191
HDR-VDP-3 (3.0.6) 0.8748 0.8969 1.176 2.16 1.277 0.8553 0.8129 0.692 0.7161 0.7432 0.8615 0.8084 0.6881 0.747 0.7799
VMAF (v0.6.1 HDTV) 2.5 NaN 0.8232 1.074 1.466 0.657 NaN 0.8648 0.7919 0.7841 0.7381 NaN 0.861 0.79 0.7784

(1)Average RMSE is computed as an average of RMSEs of individual datasets so that each dataset has the same influence on the average RMSE regardless of the number of conditions it contains.

(2-3)Average correlation coeffcients are computed for the consolidated dataset consisting of all four individual datasets. It means that the average correlation coefficients are dominated by the performance on UPIQ, which contains over 4000 conditions. For that reason, RMSE is more indicative of metric performance.


RMSE = 0.7962 PLCC = 0.8697 SROCC = 0.8492

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.249449 * M^0.372455


RMSE = 0.9702 PLCC = 0.8395 SROCC = 0.8257

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -120.401 * z^0.0301661 + 10, z=log2(1.001-M)


RMSE = 0.9937 PLCC = 0.8249 SROCC = 0.8239

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -102.849 * z^0.0214474 + 10, z=log2(1.001-M)


RMSE = 1.015 PLCC = 0.8045 SROCC = 0.7613

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -1.98843 * M + 8.91004


RMSE = 1.024 PLCC = 0.5948 SROCC = 0.6126

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.564865 * M^0.247371


RMSE = 1.059 PLCC = 0.6798 SROCC = 0.7129

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -83.2433 * z^0.0157508 + 10, z=log2(1.001-M)


RMSE = 1.079 PLCC = 0.6229 SROCC = 0.6662

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

metric to JOD mapping params: Q = 4.06072 * M^0.325177 + -3.84643


RMSE = 1.116 PLCC = 0.8385 SROCC = 0.7937

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -0.399536 * z^1.24912 + 10, z=log2(1.001-M)


RMSE = 1.174 PLCC = 0.7716 SROCC = 0.7554

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -5.10424 * M + 9.34396


RMSE = 1.21 PLCC = 0.6085 SROCC = 0.6191

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = -4.42667*|1-M|^0.589672 + 10

HDR-VDP-3 (3.0.6)

RMSE = 1.277 PLCC = 0.7432 SROCC = 0.7799

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 0.593624 * M + 4.15607

VMAF (v0.6.1 HDTV)

RMSE = 1.466 PLCC = 0.7841 SROCC = 0.7784

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 0.0431542 * M + 5.23811