Ablation study: masking models

Metric/Variant RMSE PLCC SROCC
FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(1) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(2) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(3)
FovVideoVDP masking 0.8837 0.8147 0.9449 0.6841 0.8319 0.7938 0.8409 0.8262 0.7113 0.837 0.8284 0.8112 0.8401 0.711 0.8104
Foley's transducer 0.9778 0.8119 1.028 0.6618 0.8698 0.7794 0.8436 0.8178 0.7732 0.839 0.8313 0.8373 0.8115 0.7662 0.8353
VDP threshold elevation 0.9931 0.8184 1.004 0.6792 0.8737 0.7564 0.8394 0.8086 0.6917 0.834 0.788 0.8011 0.8288 0.6867 0.7989
CSF-normalized cont. diff. 1.341 1.044 1.15 0.8395 1.094 0.6376 0.7216 0.8255 0.7579 0.7117 0.6245 0.7121 0.8014 0.7521 0.7044
Contrast difference 1.277 1.152 1.245 0.7466 1.105 0.6325 0.6522 0.7262 0.6456 0.6483 0.608 0.7108 0.7223 0.6455 0.7062

(1)Average RMSE is computed as an average of RMSEs of individual datasets so that each dataset has the same influence on the average RMSE regardless of the number of conditions it contains.

(2-3)Average correlation coeffcients are computed for the consolidated dataset consisting of all four individual datasets. It means that the average correlation coefficients are dominated by the performance of UPIQ, which contains over 4000 conditions. For that reason, RMSE is more indicative of metric performance.

FovVideoVDP masking

RMSE = 0.8319 PLCC = 0.837 SROCC = 0.8104

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.11692 * M^0.402183

Foley's transducer

RMSE = 0.8698 PLCC = 0.839 SROCC = 0.8353

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.0806332 * M^1.23171

VDP threshold elevation

RMSE = 0.8737 PLCC = 0.834 SROCC = 0.7989

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.802297 * M^0.212519

CSF-normalized cont. diff.

RMSE = 1.094 PLCC = 0.7117 SROCC = 0.7044

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.00600938 * M^0.651775

Contrast difference

RMSE = 1.105 PLCC = 0.6483 SROCC = 0.7062

Detailed report for:FovDotsUPIQDeepFoveaLIVE-FBT-FCVR

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.821919 * M^0.437133