Ablation study: local adaptation

Metric/Variant RMSE PLCC SROCC
FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(1) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(2) FovDots UPIQ DeepFovea LIVE-FBT-FCVR Average(3)
Local G-pyr(l+1) 0.8655 0.7957 0.9342 0.689 0.8211 0.8037 0.849 0.8233 0.7129 0.8448 0.8312 0.818 0.8387 0.713 0.8173
Local G-pyr(l+2) 0.8593 0.7963 0.9398 0.7054 0.8252 0.8071 0.8487 0.8192 0.7059 0.8443 0.8393 0.8179 0.8345 0.7043 0.8171
Local [Vangorp et al. 2015] 0.8481 0.8127 0.9338 0.7165 0.8278 0.8121 0.8419 0.8201 0.7069 0.8378 0.8418 0.8126 0.8328 0.7039 0.8121
Local G-pyr(l) 0.8911 0.8273 0.9589 0.6895 0.8417 0.794 0.8355 0.8193 0.7237 0.8315 0.8172 0.8068 0.8347 0.7217 0.8061
Global adaptation 0.9416 1.134 1.185 0.7417 1 0.8061 0.6586 0.7013 0.6182 0.6596 0.8396 0.6581 0.6727 0.6273 0.66

(1)Average RMSE is computed as an average of RMSEs of individual datasets so that each dataset has the same influence on the average RMSE regardless of the number of conditions it contains.

(2-3)Average correlation coeffcients are computed for the consolidated dataset consisting of all four individual datasets. It means that the average correlation coefficients are dominated by the performance of UPIQ, which contains over 4000 conditions. For that reason, RMSE is more indicative of metric performance.

Local G-pyr(l+1)

RMSE = 0.8211 PLCC = 0.8448 SROCC = 0.8173

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.0568075 * M^0.462044

Local G-pyr(l+2)

RMSE = 0.8252 PLCC = 0.8443 SROCC = 0.8171

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.048486 * M^0.47319

Local [Vangorp et al. 2015]

RMSE = 0.8278 PLCC = 0.8378 SROCC = 0.8121

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.0177824 * M^0.560615

Local G-pyr(l)

RMSE = 0.8417 PLCC = 0.8315 SROCC = 0.8061

JOD regression: Q = 10 -0.111689 * M^0.405759

Global adaptation

RMSE = 1 PLCC = 0.6596 SROCC = 0.66

JOD regression: Q = 10 -3.48351e-07 * M^1.48402