File ‹Tools/ATP/atp_proof_redirect.ML›
signature ATP_ATOM =
type key
val ord : key ord
val string_of : key -> string
type atom
structure Atom_Graph : GRAPH
type refute_sequent = atom list * atom
type refute_graph = unit Atom_Graph.T
type clause = atom list
type direct_sequent = atom * (atom list * clause)
type direct_graph = unit Atom_Graph.T
type rich_sequent = atom * (clause list * clause)
datatype direct_inference =
Have of rich_sequent |
Cases of (clause * direct_inference list) list
type direct_proof = direct_inference list
val make_refute_graph : atom -> (atom list * atom) list -> refute_graph
val axioms_of_refute_graph : refute_graph -> atom list -> atom list
val tainted_atoms_of_refute_graph : refute_graph -> atom list -> atom list
val sequents_of_refute_graph : refute_graph -> refute_sequent list
val string_of_refute_graph : refute_graph -> string
val redirect_sequent : atom list -> atom -> refute_sequent -> direct_sequent
val direct_graph : direct_sequent list -> direct_graph
val redirect_graph : atom list -> atom list -> atom -> refute_graph -> direct_proof
val succedent_of_cases : (clause * direct_inference list) list -> clause
val string_of_direct_proof : direct_proof -> string
functor ATP_Proof_Redirect(Atom : ATP_ATOM): ATP_PROOF_REDIRECT =
type atom = Atom.key
structure Atom_Graph = Graph(Atom)
type refute_sequent = atom list * atom
type refute_graph = unit Atom_Graph.T
type clause = atom list
type direct_sequent = atom * (atom list * clause)
type direct_graph = unit Atom_Graph.T
type rich_sequent = atom * (clause list * clause)
datatype direct_inference =
Have of rich_sequent |
Cases of (clause * direct_inference list) list
type direct_proof = direct_inference list
val atom_eq = is_equal o Atom.ord
val clause_ord = dict_ord Atom.ord
fun direct_sequent_ord seqp = prod_ord clause_ord clause_ord (apply2 snd seqp)
fun direct_sequent_eq seqp = is_equal (direct_sequent_ord seqp)
fun make_refute_graph bot infers =
fun add_edge to from =
Atom_Graph.default_node (from, ())
#> Atom_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (from, to)
fun add_infer (froms, to) =
Atom_Graph.default_node (to, ())
#> fold (add_edge to) froms
val graph = fold add_infer infers Atom_Graph.empty
val reachable = Atom_Graph.all_preds graph [bot]
graph |> Atom_Graph.restrict (member (is_equal o Atom.ord) reachable)
fun axioms_of_refute_graph refute_graph conjs =
subtract atom_eq conjs (Atom_Graph.minimals refute_graph)
fun tainted_atoms_of_refute_graph refute_graph = Atom_Graph.all_succs refute_graph
fun sequents_of_refute_graph refute_graph =
Atom_Graph.keys refute_graph
|> filter_out (Atom_Graph.is_minimal refute_graph)
|> map (`(Atom_Graph.immediate_preds refute_graph))
val string_of_context = map Atom.string_of #> space_implode ", "
fun string_of_sequent (gamma, c) =
string_of_context gamma ^ " ⊢ " ^ Atom.string_of c
fun string_of_refute_graph refute_graph =
refute_graph |> sequents_of_refute_graph |> map string_of_sequent |> cat_lines
fun redirect_sequent tainted bot (gamma, c) =
if member atom_eq tainted c then
gamma |> List.partition (not o member atom_eq tainted)
|>> not (atom_eq (c, bot)) ? cons c
(gamma, [c]))
fun direct_graph seqs =
fun add_edge from to =
Atom_Graph.default_node (from, ())
#> Atom_Graph.default_node (to, ())
#> Atom_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (from, to)
fun add_seq (_, (gamma, c)) = fold (fn l => fold (add_edge l) c) gamma
fold add_seq seqs Atom_Graph.empty
fun disj cs = fold (union atom_eq) cs [] |> sort Atom.ord
fun succedent_of_inference (Have (_, (_, c))) = c
| succedent_of_inference (Cases cases) = succedent_of_cases cases
and succedent_of_case (c, []) = c
| succedent_of_case (_, infs) = succedent_of_inference (List.last infs)
and succedent_of_cases cases = disj (map succedent_of_case cases)
fun descendants direct_graph = these o try (Atom_Graph.all_succs direct_graph) o single
fun zones_of 0 _ = []
| zones_of n (bs :: bss) = (fold (subtract atom_eq) bss) bs :: zones_of (n - 1) (bss @ [bs])
fun redirect_graph axioms tainted bot refute_graph =
val seqs = map (redirect_sequent tainted bot) (sequents_of_refute_graph refute_graph)
val direct_graph = direct_graph seqs
fun redirect c proved seqs =
if null seqs then
else if length c < 2 then
val proved = c @ proved
val provable = filter (fn (_, (gamma, _)) => subset atom_eq (gamma, proved)) seqs
val horn_provable = filter (fn (_, (_, [_])) => true | _ => false) provable
val seq as (id, (gamma, c)) =
(case horn_provable @ provable of
[] => raise Fail "ill-formed refutation graph"
| next :: _ => next)
Have (id, (map single gamma, c)) ::
redirect c proved (filter (curry (not o direct_sequent_eq) seq) seqs)
fun subsequents seqs zone =
filter (fn (_, (gamma, _)) => subset atom_eq (gamma, zone @ proved)) seqs
val zones = zones_of (length c) (map (descendants direct_graph) c)
val subseqss = map (subsequents seqs) zones
val seqs = fold (subtract direct_sequent_eq) subseqss seqs
val cases = map2 (fn l => fn subseqs => ([l], redirect [l] proved subseqs)) c subseqss
Cases cases :: redirect (succedent_of_cases cases) proved seqs
redirect [] axioms seqs
fun indent 0 = ""
| indent n = " " ^ indent (n - 1)
fun string_of_clause [] = "⊥"
| string_of_clause ls = space_implode " ∨ " (map Atom.string_of ls)
fun string_of_rich_sequent ch (id, (cs, c)) =
(if null cs then "" else commas (map string_of_clause cs) ^ " ") ^ ch ^ " " ^ string_of_clause c ^
" (* " ^ Atom.string_of id ^ " *)"
fun string_of_case depth (c, proof) =
indent (depth + 1) ^ "[" ^ string_of_clause c ^ "]"
|> not (null proof) ? suffix ("\n" ^ string_of_subproof (depth + 1) proof)
and string_of_inference depth (Have seq) =
indent depth ^ string_of_rich_sequent "▹" seq
| string_of_inference depth (Cases cases) =
indent depth ^ "[\n" ^
space_implode ("\n" ^ indent depth ^ "|\n") (map (string_of_case depth) cases) ^ "\n" ^
indent depth ^ "]"
and string_of_subproof depth = cat_lines o map (string_of_inference depth)
val string_of_direct_proof = string_of_subproof 0