# COMPUTER LABORATORY ROLES DATABASE # # Original design: Markus Kuhn -- 2015-09 # # This file records who occupied which role in the department and when. # It not only records who currently occupies a role, but also past # and possibly future incumbents. # # The format of this database is as follows: # # - The character encoding is UTF-8 (Unicode/ISO 10646, Normalization # Form C). # # - Each role is listed as a single line of the form # # rolename|shortcode|attributes # # as in # # Technical Report Editor|tech-reports|url=/techreports/ # # where # # rolename This is the official name of the role, preferably in # singular, even if there are multiple role occupants. # Example: "Head of Department" # # shortcode is a human-readable identifier for the role entry, # which ideally matches the name of the mail alias # that comes with the role, and must fit the regular # expression /^[a-z][a-z0-9-]{0,30}[a-z0-9]$/. # Can be used as HTML id, mail alias, filename part, etc. # Example: "hod" # # - The optional attributes field for a role has the form # # key=value|key=value|... # # and the following keys are allowed, where each key can appear # at most once per role, and the order of apperance does not matter: # # url a web page associated with the role # # max maximum number of role occupants # (to trigger warnings if a role is overoccupied) # # min minimum number of role occupants # (to trigger warnings if a role is underoccupied) # # hours rough estimated workload associated with the role # in hours per (academic) year per occupant # (see also /usr/groups/deptadmin/UTOs/ and # /usr/groups/deptadmin/DeptSec/Data) # # invisible 0 (default value) # 1 (hide minor roles from main index.html roles page, # e.g. committee membership) # # - Roles should be listed in the order in which it should # usually be displayed, e.g. in order of seniority or grouped # by departments. # # - Each role line can be followed by zero or more role occupancy # records (stints). Each of these is a line of the form # # = crsid:startdate>enddate|attributes # # where # # crsid is the CRSId of the role occupant # # startdate first date of the stint, in YYYY (1 October), # YYYY-MM (start of month) or YYYY-MM-DD format, # empty or missing value is interpreted as minus infinity # ("since time memorial") # # enddate first date *after* the end of the stint, in # YYYY (1 October), YYYY-MM (start of month) or # YYYY-MM-DD format, empty or missing value is # interpreted as plus infinity ("until further notice"), # unless the role has max=1, in which case this field # defaults to the start date of the next entry for the # same role # # Example: mgk25:2001-03>2010-10 means 1 March 2001 - 30 Sep 2010 # # Role-occupancy record should appear in the file sorted by # startdate in chronological order. # # - The optional attributes field for a role occupancy has the form # # key=value|key=value|... # # and the following keys are allowed, where each key can appear # at most once per role, and the order of apperance does not matter: # # name full name of the person, including Dr/Prof prefix # (only needed for someone not yet appearing in the # HR_wgb table in the Administration database on the # departmental SQLServer, mainly for externals and # historic people without CRSid) # # url a web page associated with the person # (defaults to departmental home page) # # note additional clarification/specialisation regarding # the role occupied during a stint, for example # "Chair" or "Secretary" if the role represents # membership of a committee, or "Part IA" etc. # for the role "Director of Studies" # # college name of the college for the role "Director of Studies" # # hours rough estimated workload assigned to this role # occupancy, in hours per (academic) year # (defaults to the value of the corresponding role attribute) # # placeholder if the crsid field of the stint does not identify # an actual person, but is meant a placeholder for # displaying a vacant position, then use this # attribute to provide a suitable placeholder text, # e.g. “tbf:>|placeholder=to be found” # # - Header comments have “#” in the first column # # - Records may end in comments, which go from ' #' until the # end of the line (# must be preceded by a space to start a comment, # to still allow # in URLs, etc.) # # - a line of the form # # +file filename.txt # # causes the content of the file filename.txt to be included # (recursively), while using “+files” instead also permits # wildcard characters (globbing) and multiple white-space # separated filenames on the same line. # # DO NOT REMOVE PAST ROLE OCCUPANCIES! Just terminate them with an # end date and add below their successor with a start date. # # Likewise, do not rename or remove old roles. If a role sigificantly # changes name, terminate the last occupancy in the old role with an # end date and add a new role below under the new name. # Head of Department|hod|max=1 = jlj:1937 >1945 |name=Prof John Lennard-Jones = mvw1:1945 >1980 |homepage=/archive/mvw1/ = rmn2:1980 >1996 = rm135:1996 >1999 |homepage=/archive/rm135/ = iml1:1999 >2004 = ah12:2004 >2018-05 = aac10:2018-05>2023-05 PA to HoD|pahod| = cb210: >2013 = jm896:2013 >2018-05 = jd670:2018-05> Deputy Head of Department|dhod| = amp12:2000 >2003 = amp12:2005 >2010 |note=Research = nad10:2010 >2013 |note=Research = aac10:2012-01>2015-01|note=Teaching = mjcg:2013 >2015 |note=Research = swm11:2015-01>2018-05|note=Research = pr10:2015 >2018-01|note=Teaching = afb21:2018-01>2019 |note=Teaching = cm542:2018-05>2019 |note=Research = cm542:2019 >2021-05 = arb33:2019 >2022 = tmj32:2021-05>2024-05 = tms41:2022 >2025 = pjb48:2024-05>2027-05 Departmental Secretary|departmental-secretary| = mal10: >2013 = cb210:2013> Departmental Secretary (Finance)|accounts|url=/local/finance/ = cs219:2002-01> Senior Computer Officer|scompoff|url=/local/sys/ = maj1:1997 >2020 = gt19:2013-09>2020 Computer Officer|compoff|url=/local/sys/ = maj1:1981-05 >1997 = pb22: > = ckh11: > = nb110: > = jh347: > = bdj23: > = djsd100: >2016-11 = mas90: > = mdc56:2019-08-14> Information Coordinator|info-coordinator|url=/local/sys/web/ = ld516:2016-07 >2018-07-05 = stc40:2019-01-14> Digital Communications Coordinator|digi-coordinator| = jg654:2019-03 >2020-02 = rg580:2020-04-15> Facilities Manager|building-services|url=/local/wgb/ = ib253:> Departmental Health and Safety Officer|safety-officer|url=/local/safety/ = pb22:> Departmental Fire Officer|fire-officer|url=/local/safety/emergency/fire.html = mjm65:> Departmental Laser Safety Officer|laser-safety|url=/local/safety/laser/ = mgk25:2003-11-14> First Aider|first-aider|url=/local/safety/firstaid/firstaiders.html = pb22: > = mgk25:2004>2013-09 = mjm65: > = ms725: >2019 = hs488: > = jlr59: > = kmc42: >2015-07 Faculty Board Chair|facultyboard-chair|url=/local/committees/facultyboard/ = sh372: >2016|name=Prof Simone Hochgreb|homepage=http://www3.eng.cam.ac.uk/~sh372/ = pch1000:2016> |name=Prof Paul Hewett|homepage=http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/people/paul.c.hewett Faculty Board Secretary|facultyboard-secretary|url=/local/committees/facultyboard/ = mal10: >2013 = cb210:2013> Appointments Committee Secretary|appointments-secretary| = cb210:>2018-06 Selection Committee Secretary|selection-secretary| = cb210:2018-06> Degree Committee Chair|degree-committee-chair|url=/local/committees/degree/ = sh372: >2016|name=Prof Simone Hochgreb|homepage=http://www3.eng.cam.ac.uk/~sh372/ = pch1000:2016> |name=Prof Paul Hewett|homepage=http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/people/paul.c.hewett Degree Committee Secretary|degree-committee-secretary|url=/local/committees/degree/ = lmg30:> Graduate Education Committee Chair|graduate-committee-chair|url=/local/committees/grad-ed/ # from 1 Oct 2017 this committee merged with the Advanced Taught Course Management Committee to become the Postgraduate Education Committee = nad10:2010>2013 = mjcg:2013>2015 = pr10:2015>2017 Postgraduate Education Committee Chair|postgrad-ed-committee-chair|url=/local/committees/grad-ed/ = afb21:2017>2018 = ijw24:2018> Health and Safety Committee Chair|hscom-chair|url=/local/committees/safety/ = pb22:> Librarian|librarian|url=/library/ = lkt12:1993-01 >2004-01-12 = lw302:2004-01-12>2005-01 = ncc25:2005-01 >2020-08 Accreditation Coordinator|accreditation|url=/admissions/undergraduate/accreditation/ = nad10:2002>2005 = dp341:2011>2018 QAA Coordinator|qaa| = nad10:2002>2005 = cb210: > REF Coordinator|ref-coordinator| = nad10:2012>2014 = pr10:2017>2021 REF Committee|ref-committee| = jac22:2018>2020 = tmj32:2018>2020 = cm542:2018>2020 = amp12:2018>2020 = sht25:2018>2020 = kmc34:2018>2020 = pr10:2018>2020 Research Facilitator|research-facilitator|url=/research/researchsupport/ = ark20:2013-10-21>2018-09-08 Research Strategy Manager|research-strategy| = hjf37:2019-11-25> Industrial Collaboration Coordinator|industry-coordinator| = lbj20:2018> Senior Research Grants and Finance Administrator|research-grants-senior|url=/local/finance/ = ngw25:2017-01>2018-08 Research Grants|research-grants|url=/local/finance/ = tnh23:> Finance Assistant|finance-assistant|url=/local/finance/ = mjr98: >2015-06 = ls653:2015-06>2016-07 = jr585:2015-06> = gtg25:2016-11> Graduate Students Coordinator|grad-coordinator| = jac22: >2014 # sabbatical in 2014/15 = amp12:2014>2017 # "acting" in 2014/15, proper from 2015 on = tgg22:2017>2019 = ek264:2019> Buildings and Environment Committee Chair|buildings-env-chair|url=/local/committees/buildings-environment/ = swm11:2018-09> Athena SWAN Panel Chair|athena-swan-chair|url=/athena-swan/ = aac10: >2015 = pr10:2015>2018-01 Equality and Diversity Committee Chair|equality-diversity-chair|url=/athena-swan/ = rmm1002:2018-01> Athena SWAN Administrator|athena-swan-admin|url=/athena-swan/ = clc32:2014-11>2019-03-29 Equality and Diversity Committee Secretary|equality-diversity-sec|url=/athena-swan/ = cb801:2019-06-17> Researcher Development Coordinator|researcher-development| = acr31: >2016 # sabbatical in 2016/17 = pl219:2016>2017 = acr31:2017>2019 = ek264:2019> Head of Advanced Courses and Advanced Taught Course Management Committee Chair|advanced-courses|url=/local/committees/atcmc/ = arb33: >2015 = afb21:2015>2018 Head of Teaching|hot| = nad10:2005>2008 = am21:2008>2009 = lp15:2009>2010 Head of Tripos and Teaching Management Committee Chair|tmc-chair|url=/local/committees/teaching/ = am21:2010>2012 = iml1:2012>2013 = djg11:2013>2018 = tmj32:2018> Joint Teaching Strategy Committee Chair|jts-chair|url=/local/committees/jts/ # jts now disbanded to become Teaching Coordination Group = aac10:2012-01>2015-01 = pr10:2015 >2018 = afb21:2017 >2018-07 Outreach Committee Chair|outreach|url=/local/committees/outreach/ = jms213: >2017-07 = rkh23:2017-07>2018-04 = tmj32:2018-04> Wellbeing Committee Chair|wellbeing|url=/local/committees/wellbeing/ = acr31:2019> Workload Committee Chair|workload|url=/local/committees/workload/ = acr31:2019-12> Faculty Administrator|faculty-admin| = cb801:2019-06-17> Human Resources Manager|human-resources-manager| = jm896:2019-07>2020-02-06 = tbf: > |placeholder=to be found Graduate Education Manager|graduate-admin-manager|url=/admissions/student-admin = lmg30:2011> Graduate Education Assistant|graduate-admin-assistant|url=/admissions/student-admin = kmc42: >2015-07 = clc32:2014-11>2016-02 = jlr59:2015-08> = mg797:2016-02>2022-06 Teaching Administration Manager|teaching-admin-manager|url=/admissions/student-admin = dp341:2011>2021-12-18 = hpd20:2022-01-17> Teaching Administration Assistant|teaching-admin-assistant|url=/admissions/student-admin = ms725:2009-01 >2019-09-27 = clc32:2014-11 >2019-03-29 = hn316:2019-05-30> = tsl34:2019-09-30>2020-01 = mjc298:2020-01 Chairman of Examiners, CST IA|examiners-1a-chair|url=/teaching/exams/ = rg31:2003>2004 = fhk1:2004>2005 = mgk25:2005>2006 = fms27:2006>2007 = tgg22:2007>2008 = lp15:2008>2009 = rdm34:2009>2010 = djg11:2010>2011 = pl219:2011>2012 = sht25:2012>2013 = amp12:2013>2014 = swm11:2014>2015 = mpf23:2015>2016 = tms41:2016>2017 = rmm1002:2017>2018 = am21:2017>2018 = tgg22:2018>2021 = am21:2021>2022 Examiner, CST IA|examiners-1a|url=/teaching/exams/ = rg31:2002>2004 = fhk1:2004>2005 = mgk25:2004>2006 = fms27:2005>2007 = tgg22:2006>2008 = lp15:2007>2009 = rdm34:2008>2010 = pl219:2009>2010 = djg11:2010>2011 = mgk25:2010>2011 = pl219:2011>2012 = sht25:2011>2013 = amp12:2012>2014 = swm11:2013>2015 = mpf23:2014>2016 = tms41:2015>2017 = rmm1002:2016>2018 = am21:2017>2018 = tgg22:2018>2021 = djw1005:2018>2021 = rnw24:2021>2022 = am21:2021>2022 Clerk to Examiners, CST IA|examiners-clerk-1a|url=/teaching/exams/ = fhk1: >2011 = ckh11:2010>2018 Chairman of Examiners, CST IB, II and Diploma|examiners-1b2d-chair|url=/teaching/exams/ = nad10:1999>2000 Chairman of Examiners, CST IB, II|examiners-1b2-chair|url=/teaching/exams/ = awm22:2010>2011 = mjcg:2011>2012 = sc609:2012>2013 = cm542:2013>2014 = rg31:2014>2015 = pr10:2015>2016 = ad260:2016>2017 = rdm34:2017>2018 = arb33:2018>2019 = nk480:2019>2020 = ijw24:2020>2021 = djg11:2021>2022 = rkm38:2022>2023 = sbh11:2023>2024 Examiner, CST IB, II and Diploma|examiners-1b2d|url=/teaching/exams/ = nad10:1997>2000 Examiner, CST IB, II|examiners-1b2|url=/teaching/exams/ = awm22:2008>2011 = mjcg:2009>2012 = sc609:2010>2013 = cm542:2011>2014 = rg31:2012>2015 = pr10:2013>2016 = ad260:2014>2017 = fms27:2015>2017 = rdm34:2016>2018 = nk480:2017>2020 = arb33:2017>2019 = ijw24:2018>2021 = djg11:2019>2022 = rkm38:2020>2023 = sbh11:2021>2024 Examiner, MPhil ACS|examiner-mphil|url=/local/committees/degree/examiners/ = ejb1:2009>2011 = ijw24:2009>2011 = tgg22:2010>2011 Chair of Examiners, MPhil and Part III|examiners-master-chair|url=/local/committees/degree/examiners/ = ijw24:2011>2012 = tgg22:2013>2014 = afb21:2014>2015 = rja14:2015>2016 = lp15:2016>2017 = rnw24:2017>2018 = ejb1:2018>2019 = mj201:2019>2020 Examiner, MPhil and Part III|examiner-master|url=/local/committees/degree/examiners/ = ijw24:2011>2013 = lp15:2011>2012 = ejb1:2011>2012 = tgg22:2012>2014 = afb21:2012>2015 = ejb1:2013>2015 = rja14:2014>2016 = sc609:2015>2016 = gw104:2015>2016 = lp15:2016>2017 = rnw24:2016>2018 = mj201:2016>2018 = ad260:2018>2019 = pl219:2018>2019 = awm22:2018>2019 = mj201:2019>2020 = sht25:2019>2020 = awm22:2019>2020 = rnw24:2019>2020 Part IA Coordinator|part1a-coordinator|url=/freshers/ = fhk1: >2011 = mgk25:2010>2012 = rkh23:2012>2018-04 = tmj32:2018> Part IB Group Projects Organisers|part1b-projects|url=/teaching/group-projects/ = iml1: >2017 = afb21: > = rmm1002:2017> Part II Supervisions Coordinator|supervisions|url=/teaching/supervisions/ = nad10:1998>2002 = nad10:2004>2005 = sbh11: > Part II Projects Briefing Officer|proj-briefings|url=/teaching/projects/ = djg11: >2018 = tmj32:2018> +file ../../teaching/projects/overseers/overseer-stints.txt +file ../../teaching/projects/overseers/supervisor-stints.txt Staff-Student Consultative Forum Chair|sscom-chair|url=/local/committees/staff-student/ = acn1: >2005 = sbh11:2005 >2008 = lp15:2008 >2009 = awm22:2009 >2012 = rkh23:2012 >2018-04 = asp45:2018-04>2019 = rkh23:2019 > Graduate Students Forum Chair|gradforum-chair|url=/local/phd/gradforum/ = acr31: >2016 # sabbatical in 2016/17 = pl219:2016>2017 = acr31:2017>2019 = ek264:2019> Ethics Committee Chair|ethics|url=/local/policy/ethics/ = afb21: >2019 = ah793:2019> Local Industry Supporters Club|supporters-club|url=/supporters-club/ = jms213: >2019 = lbj20:2019> Cambridge Ring|ring|url=/ring/ = jms213: >2019 = lbj20:2019> women@CL Director|women|max=1|url=/women/ = mj201:2003>2014 women@CL Academic Director|women-academic-dir|max=1|url=/women/ = sht25:2014 >2017-09 = awm22:2017 >2018-01 = avsm2:2018-01>2019-01 = awm22:2019-01> Head of Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research|ace-csr|url=/projects/ace-csr/ = fms27:2013-06> UROP Administrator|urop|url=http://to.eng.cam.ac.uk/teaching/urops/ = fms27: >2012 = kmc42:2012>2015-07 = jlr59:2015> Wednesday Seminar Organiser|wednesday-seminars|url=/seminars/wednesday/ = tgg22: >2008 = mj201:2008 >2010-05 = sc609:2010-05>2013-04 = djg11:2013-04>2018-09 = rkm38:2018-09> Personnel Administration|personnel|url=/local/personnel/ = jf382:>2015-09 = kw10006:> Technical Report Editor|tech-reports|url=/techreports/ = mgk25:2002-01>|hours=20 = ncc25:2009 > Pagemaster|pagemaster|url=/local/sys/web/ = nad10:1997 >2005 = mgk25:2005 > |hours=150 = ncc25: >2020-08 = ld516:2016 >2018-07-05 = stc40:2019-01-14> Reception|reception|url=/facilities/reception.html = hs488:2011-01-10> = cjc99: >2015 = ay292: >2012-09-03 = rjw225:2015-09 > Sabbatical leave|sabbatical|url=http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/policy/flexible/policy/sabbatical.html = mgk25:2010-01>2010 = sbh11:2014 >2015-04 = jac22:2014 >2015 = arb33:2015 >2016-04 = aac10:2015 >2016 = cm542:2016-01>2016 = ad260:2016 >2017-01 = acr31:2016 >2017 = am21:2016 >2017-04 = rg31:2017-01>2018-01 = sht25:2017-04>2018-01 = pl219:2017 >2018-01 = lp15:2017 >2018 = amp12:2017 >2018 = fms27:2017 >2018 = gw104:2017 >2018 = awm22:2018-01>2018-04 = rkh23:2018-04>2019-04 = awm22:2018 >2019-01 = sbh11:2018 >2019-04 = djg11:2018 >2019 = mj201:2018 >2019 = rnw24:2018 >2019-01 = mpf23:2018 >2019 = ah12:2018 >2020 = rja14:2019-01>2020-01 = swm11:2019-01>2019-03 = rnw24:2019-04>2020-01 = afb21:2019 >2020 = ejb1:2019 >2020 = am21:2020-01>2020-04 = sht25:2020 >2021-01 = avsm2:2020 >2021-04 = ad260:2021-01>2021 Unpaid leave|unpaid-leave| = sc609:2016>2018 = avsm2:2016>2017-09 CSAT Coordinator|csat|url=/admissions/undergraduate/admissions-test/ = abr28:2015>2019-01 Director of Studies|director-of-studies|url=/teaching/dos-list/ = iml1: >2017 |college=Christ’s College = rmm1002:2016 > |college=Christ’s College = sjm217:2021-01>2021 |college=Christ’s College = jkf21: > |college=Churchill College|homepage=https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/people/view/john-fawcett/ = lp15: >2017 |college=Clare College = rrw1000: >2018-09|college=Clare College = lp15:2018 > |college=Clare College = djg11: >2018 |college=Corpus Christi College = djg11:2019-08> |college=Corpus Christi College = mk428: >2018 |college=Corpus Christi College = mk428:2018 >2020 |college=Corpus Christi College = afb21: >2017-05|college=Darwin College = gcj21: >2019-03|college=Downing College = rkh23:2019-04> |college=Downing College = jmh93: >2017 |college=Emmanuel College = tms41:2017 > |college=Emmanuel College = rkh23: >2018-04|college=Fitzwilliam College = gcj21:2018-04>2019 |college=Fitzwilliam College = rkh23:2019 > |college=Fitzwilliam College = ckh11: >2019-03|college=Girton College = rdm34: >2020-01|college=Girton College = sac92:2020-01> |college=Girton College = pr10: >2019 |college=Gonville & Caius College = gt19: >2020 |college=Gonville & Caius College = pjb48:2017 > |college=Gonville & Caius College = tmj32:2017 > |college=Gonville & Caius College = jkf21: > |college=Homerton College = jkf21: > |college=Hughes Hall = cm542: > |college=Jesus College|note=Part IA = jmb25: >2022 |college=Jesus College|note=Part IB = cpt23: > |college=Jesus College|note=Part II and III = tgg22: > |college=King’s College = jkf21: > |college=Lucy Cavendish College|homepage=https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/people/view/john-fawcett/ = jkf21: > |college=Magdalene College|homepage=https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/people/view/john-fawcett/ = dc552: >2018 |college=Murray Edwards College = hy260: >2019-08|college=Murray Edwards College = ltf24: > |college=Murray Edwards College = jkf21: > |college=Newnham College|homepage=https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/people/view/john-fawcett/ = asp45:2019-09> |college=Pembroke College = avsm2: >2019-09|college=Pembroke College = and1000:2016 >2017 |college=Pembroke College|homepage=http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/austind/ = rdm34: > |college=Peterhouse = acr31: >2022-01|college=Queens’ College|note=Part IA = abr28: >2017 |college=Queens’ College = arb33:2017 > |college=Queens’ College|note=Part IB and II = rws26: > |college=Robinson College|note=Part IA|homepage=https://www.robinson.cam.ac.uk/fellows/richard-sharp = am21:1987 >2015 |college=Robinson College| = ad260:2015 >2016 |college=Robinson College|note=Part IB = am21:2015 >2016 |college=Robinson College|note=Part II and III = arb33:2016 >2017 |college=Robinson College|note=Part IB and II = ad260: >2018-09|college=Robinson College|note=Part IB = am21:2017 > |college=Robinson College|note=Part II and III = ad260:2019 >2020-04|college=Robinson College|note=Part IB = jdy22:2020-04> |college=Robinson College|note=Part IB = rrw1000: > |college=Selwyn College|homepage=http://www.semiramis.org.uk/rrw/ = bgr25: >2016 |college=Sidney Sussex College = jkf21: >2017 |college=Sidney Sussex College|homepage=https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/people/view/john-fawcett/ = mti20:2017 > |college=Sidney Sussex College|homepage=http://mti.me.uk/ = snt1000: > |college=St Catharine’s College|homepage=http://www.complex-systems.ch.cam.ac.uk/ = rkh23: >2018-04|college=St Edmund’s College = gcj21:2018-04>2020-09|college=St Edmund’s College = rdm34: > |college=St John’s College = sbh11: > |college=Trinity College = fms27:2018 > |college=Trinity College = swm11: > |college=Trinity Hall = gt19:2016 >2018 |college=Trinity Hall = hg410:2019-04> |college=Trinity Hall = pes20:1998 >2008 |college=Wolfson College = cpt23:2008 > |college=Wolfson College +files ../committees/*/members.txt # # DO NOT REMOVE PAST ROLE OCCUPANCIES! Just terminate them with an # end date and add below their successor with a start date. #