Twenty-fifth International Workshop on Security Protocols

Cambridge, England — 20-22 March 2017


Photograph of this year's participants

Monday, 20 March

Afternoon Socio-economic and game-theoretical issues (part 1)
“Multiple Objectives of Lawful-Surveillance Protocols” Joan Feigenbaum and Bryan Ford
“Getting security objectives wrong: a cautionary tale of an Industrial Control System” Simon Foley
“Assuring the safety of asymmetric social protocols” Virgil Gligor and Frank Stajano
“Simulating Perceptions of Security” Paul Wernick, Bruce Christianson and Joseph Spring

Tuesday, 21 March

Morning Protocols and cryptography (part 1)
“Self Attestation of Things” Partha Das Chowdhury and Bruce Christianson
“Making decryption accountable” Mark Ryan
“Extending Full Disk Encryption for the Future” Milan Broz
“Key exchange with the help of a public ledger” Thanh Bui and Tuomas Aura
Afternoon Socio-economic and game-theoretical issues (part 2)
“Reconciling Multiple Objectives – Politics or Markets?” Ross Anderson and Khaled Baqer
“The seconomics (security-economics) vulnerabilities of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations” Fabio Massacci, Nam Ngo, Jing Nie, Daniele Venturi and Julian Williams
“A Security Perspective on Publication Metrics” Hugo Jonker and Sjouke Mauw
“Controlling Your Neighbors Bandwidth For Fun and Profit” Jonathan Weekes and Shishir Nagaraja

Wednesday, 22 March

Morning Protocols and cryptography (part 2)
“Permanent Reencryption: How to Survive Generations of Cryptanalysts to Come” Marcus Völp, Francisco Rocha, Jérémie Decouchant, Jiangshan Yu and Paulo Verissimo
“Security from disjoint paths: is it possible?” Sergiu Costea, Marios O. Choudary and Costin Raiciu
“End to End Security is Not Enough” Dylan Clarke and Taha Ali
“Auditable PAKEs: Approaching Fair Exchange Without a TTP” Bill Roscoe and Peter Y A Ryan