HCI 2009 Press Coverage
Press and photographic coverage of HCI 2009 can be found on:
The 23rd BCS conference on Human Computer Interaction was associated with the research programmes of the
Rainbow Graphics and Interaction group
in the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, the
Computer Mediated Living group
at Microsoft Research Cambridge, and the
Crucible network
for research in interdisciplinary design.
The conference was supported by many of the research laboratories and
technology companies in the Cambridge area, who demonstrated new
interactive technologies in the
Open House Festival of interactive technology.
The HCI 2009 Conference and the Open House Festival of interactive technology were among many events celebrating the
800th anniversary of the University of Cambridge.
Further information can be obtained from the conference chair
Alan Blackwell (afb21@cam.ac.uk), or from conference press office
Thomas Kirk (tdk25@admin.cam.ac.uk) and Sue Harker (i-suhark@microsoft.com).