Group Echo Meeting Minutes - 22/1/99


Matthew Benthammjb67No
Trevor Boydtdb26Yes
David Dunwoodydgd21Yes
Crispin Flowerdaycehf2Yes
Simon Frankausgf22Yes
Simon Freytagsjf34Yes
Simon Greenwaysag25No


  1. Discuss research progress
  2. Discuss prototyping progress
  3. Create top-level program design


tdb26 had been to the CL library and had found a book detailing the EDSAC down to a very low level - such that it including the binary representations of each instruction, and similarly low-level detail. This will come in extremely useful during the development of the project, as we need to not only emulate the EDSAC functions, but to simulate, as exactly as possible, how it did them also. He will photocopy the most useful parts of the book before returning it to the library.

Both cehf2 and sjf34 had been doing some prototyping. In his investigations of the Java AWT, sjf34 has created a general purpose display class that we hope to use to display memory and register contents, to simulate the EDSACs CRT displays. cehf2 has been looking into simulating EDSAC arithmetic, in particular he has been investigating big integer arithmetic, as the EDSAC has a 71-bit accumulator, which may be tricky to simulate in Java. He believes that a few days' coding will be sufficient to solve the problems in this area.

The main purpose of the meeting was to thrash out a top-level design for the simulator, so that we can start thinking about how to structure it. One we have a top-level design, we can then refine it before the major part of the programming begins. The design, as it stands at the moment, is detailed at the bottom of this document.

A final, ongoing item was for the group to continue investigating development tools, especially RCS, as the need for a version control system is growing, even at this early stage.

A heirarchical design was drafted as outlined below:

Simulator execution cycles is along the line of:

Questions still to be answered include:

Major Decisions

Major Decisions


Researchtdb26, sag2518/1/99ASAP10%
Project Plandgd21, (mjb67)18/1/9929/1/9910%
Prelim Prototypingcehf2, sgf22, sjf3418/1/9922/1/9975%
Set up RCSdgd2122/1/99ASAP0%

If you spot anything wrong/missing, please email me.

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Author: David Dunwoody, 24/1/99, Draft