Group Echo Meeting Minutes - 18/1/99


Matthew Benthammjb67Yes
Trevor Boydtdb26Yes
David Dunwoodydgd21Yes
Crispin Flowerdaycehf2Yes
Simon Frankausgf22Yes
Simon Freytagsjf34Yes
Simon Greenwaysag25Yes


  1. Determine roles for group members
  2. Research the EDSAC
  3. Investigate Development tools
  4. Any Other Business


Our first job was to decide upon what role each member of the group should undertake, and after some discussion, a preliminary consensus was reached. It is expected that some of the roles, particularly the research ones, will change as the project progresses. No decisions have yet been made about testing.

tdb26Technical Research
dgd21Manager & Secretary
cehf2Core Programming
sgf22Data Structure Prototyping
sjf34GUI Programming
sag25Technical Research

It was also decided that the first major task for the group was to create a specification, followed by a detailed design document, to be completed by 29/1/99. An informal agreement to "do everything like the EDSAC did it" was agreed. To achieve this, fairly extensive research needs to be conducted into the EDSAC machine, so that an overall design that mirrors the machine can be chosen, if that turns out to be appropriate. It was also agreed that some initial code prototyping, especially for the GUI, in order to determine possible GUI and data structures would be useful.

There was some discussion about what development tools to use, with a consensus reached to use RCS for version control, and to investigate Sun's "Java Workshop" as a development environment.

A second meeting was scheduled for the end of the week (22/1/99), after more research was done, in order to draw up an overall program design for the project.

Major Decisions


Researchtdb26, sag2518/1/9922/1/990%
Project Plandgd21, (mjb67)18/1/9929/1/990%
Prelim Prototypingcehf2, sgf22, sjf3418/1/9922/1/990%

If you spot anything wrong/missing, please email me.

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Author: David Dunwoody, 20/1/99, Final candidate