Overview of the method of operation of the (simulated) processor

Processor abstract class

As was agreed in the meeting on Monday 25/1/99 the Kernel will control the processor, by sending it the new instruction every time, with the processor returning the address of the new instruction for the next cycle. This means that the Kernel has to do the retrieving of the instruction and the decoding of it so that.

Each Instruction the processor will look at the instruction part of the instruction and will then take the appropiate action. On setting up the Processor, the Kernel *should* have given the Processor the Input, Output, and the Memory objects, so that direct access to these objects can be used.

The processor is therefore a big case statement with small sections of code in each case to simply and clearly execute the action that needs to be taken

An skeleton has been coded, which demonstrates the methods required for the CPU and the objects that are passed to it. This is a preliminary example, and it is not yet perfect, for example when the execute method returns, it will return the address of the next instruction in memory, with the new instruction passed to it when it is next called.

This is only a small document, designed to give an overview of the processor and how it will work, with direct memory, input and output access, but with the instruction being passed to it by the Kernel.

As always any comment to me cehf2.