Instruction Set (1949)

A n Add the number in storage location n into the accumulator
S n Subtract the number in storage location n from the accumulator
H n Copy the number in storage location n into the multiplier register
V n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and add the product into the accumulator
N n Multiply the number in storage location n by the number in the multiplier register and subtract the product from the accumulator
T n Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and clear the accumulator
U n Transfer the contents of the accumulator to storage location n and do not clear the accumulator
C n Collate [logical and] the number in storage location n with the number in the multiplier register and add the result into the accumulator
R 2^(n-2) Shift the number in the accumulator n places to the right
L 2^(n-2) Shift the number in the accumulator n places to the left
E n If the sign of the accumulator is positive, jump to location n; otherwise proceed serially
G n If the sign of the accumulator is negative, jump to location n; otherwise proceed serially
I n Read the next character from paper tape, and store it as the least significant 5 bits of location n
O n Print the character represented by the most significant 5 bits of storage location n
F n Read the last character output for verification
X No operation
Y Round the number in the accumulator to 34 bits
Z Stop the machine and ring the warning bell