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- 1
``Transaction Security System'', DG Abraham, GM Dolan, GP Double, JV Stevens,
in IBM Systems Journal v 30 no 2 (1991) pp 206-229
- 2
`Fast Software Encryption -- Fist International Workshop', R Anderson
(editor), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science no 809
- 3
``Why Cryptosystems Fail'', RJ Anderson, in Communications of the ACM vol
37 no 11 (November 1994) pp 32-40
- 4
``On Fibonacci Keystream Generators'', R Anderson, in `Fast Software
Encryption -- Second International Workshop', B Preneel (editor), Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science no 1008 pp 346-352
- 5
``Robustness principles for public key protocols'', RJ Anderson, RM Needham, in
Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto 95 Springer LNCS vol 963 pp 236-247
- 6
``NHS Network Security'', RJ Anderson, 30 May 1995
- 7
``NHS wide networking and patient confidentiality'', RJ Anderson, in
British Medical Journal v 310 no 6996 (1 July 1996) pp 5-6
- 8
`Security in Clinical Information Systems', RJ Anderson, published by the
British Medical Association, January 1996
- 9
``Clinical system security: interim guidelines'', RJ Anderson, in British
Medical Journal v 312 no 7023 (13 Jan 1996) pp 109-111
- 10
``Patient Confidentiality -- At Risk from NHS Wide Networking'', RJ Anderson,
in Proceedings of Healthcare 96
- 11
``A Security Policy Model for Clinical Information Systems'', in
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy pp 30-43
- 12
``The Zergo Report -- Initial Comments'', RJ Anderson (May 1996)
- 13
``On the Reliability of Electronic Payment Systems'', RJ Anderson, SJ
Bezuidenhoudt, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering v 22 no 5
(May 1996) pp 294-301
- 14
``The GCHQ Protocol and its Problems'', RJ Anderson, MR Roe, to appear at
Eurocrypt 97; available from
- 15
Discussion between B Beeby, R Anderson, G Kelly and J Williams, 20th November
- 16
``A Fast New DES Implementation in Software'', E Biham, in Preproceedings
of the Fourth Fast Software Encryption Workshop (Technion, Haifa, 20-22
January 1997) pp 241-252
- 17
`Secure Computer Systems: Mathematical Foundations', DE Bell, LJ
LaPadula, Mitre Corporation report ESD-TR-73-278
- 18
`Cipher Systems', H Beker, F Piper, Northwood 1982
- 19
``Directed Acyclic Graphs, One-way Functions and Digital Signatures'', D
Bleichenbacher, UM Maurer, Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto 94
(Springer LNCS v 839) pp 75-82
- 20
`Draft guidance for the NHS on the confidentiality, use and disclosure of
personal health information', N Boyd, Department of Health, 10 August 1994
- 21
`Chipkarten im Gesundheitswesen', Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der
Informationstechnik, Bundesanzeiger 4 May 1995
- 22
``Optimizing a Fast Stream Cipher for VLIW, SIMD and Superscalar Processors'',
CSK Clapp, in Preproceedings of the Fourth Fast Software Encryption
Workshop (Technion, Haifa, 20-22 January 1997) pp 254-268
- 23
``Confidentiality of medical records: the patient's perspective'', D Carman,
N Britten, British Journal of General Practice v 45 (September 95) pp 485-488
- 24
`Securing Electronic Mail within HMG', CESG document T/3113TL/2776/11,
21st March 1996
- 25
``A Comparison of Commercial and Military Computer Security Policies'', D
Clark, D Wilson, in Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy pp 184-194
- 26
``United States pushes key escrow, security in OECD'', in Computer Fraud
and Security Bulletin (Mar 96) pp 7-9
- 27
`Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society', K Dam, H Lin,
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1996
- 28
`How to Keep a Clinical Confidence', B Darley, A Griew, K McLoughlin, J
Williams, HMSO 1994
- 29
`Keeping it Confidential -- Protecting business information', Department
of Trade and Industry, 1996
- 30
``New Directions in cryptography'', W Diffie, ME Hellman, in IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory v IT-22 no 6 (Nov 76) pp 644-654
- 31
``Exhaustive Cryptanalysis of the NBS Data Encryption Standard'', W Diffie, ME
Hellman, in Computer v 10 no 6 (June 77) pp 74-84
- 32
`Product Block Cipher for Data Security', WF Ehrsam, CHW Meyer, RL
Powers, JL Smith, WL Tuchman, US Patent 3,962,539 (8th June 1976)
- 33
``HMG's Unified Incident Reporting and Alert Scheme'', P Fleury, talk given at
`Information Security -- is IT Safe?', IEE, 27th June 1996
- 34
``The law and its impact on the way data security issues are addressed'', E
France, at Information Security -- is IT Safe?'', IEE, London, 27 June
- 35
``Future frameworks for data and privacy protection'', E France, at
Liberty on the Line: Opportunities and Dangers of the Superhighway, 14th
November 1996
- 36
``Encryption Trials -- Aims, Objectives & Issues'', D Garwood, 1996
- 37
`Good Medical Practice', General Medical Council
- 38
`Confidentiality', General Medical Council
- 39
`A Strategy for Security of the Electronic Patient Record', A Griew, R
Currell, IHI, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 14/3/95
- 40
P Gutman, personal communication, July 96
- 41
A Hassey, Talk at Personal Information workshop, Cambridge, June 96
- 42
N Hickson, Department of Trade and Industry, speaking at `Information
Security -- Is IT Safe?', IEE, Savoy Place, London, 27th June 1996
- 43
`Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria', EU document
COM(90) 314 (6/91)
- 44
``GMSC and RCGP guidelines for the extraction and use of data from general
practitioner computer systems by organisations external to the practice'',
Appendix III in `Committee on Standards of Data Extraction from General
Practice Guidelines' Joint Computer Group of the GMSC and the RCGP, 1988
- 45
``A Proposed Architecture for Trusted Third Party Services'', N Jefferies, C
Mitchell, M Walker, in proceedings of Cryptography Policy and Algorithms
Conference, 3-5 July 1995, pp 67-81; published by Queensland University of
- 46
``A Proposed Architecture for Trusted Third Party Services'', N Jefferies, C
Mitchell, M Walker, in Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms, Springer LNCS
v 1029 pp 98-104; also appeared at the Public Key Infrastructure Invitational
Workshop at MITRE, Virginia, USA, in September 1995 and PKS '96 in Zürich on
1st October 1996
- 47
``Information and the NHS (for me or for them?), S Jenkins, in Personal
Information -- Security, Engineering and Ethics (21-22 June 1996),
preproceedings published by the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, pp 1-21
- 48
`The Codebreakers', D Kahn, Macmillam 1967
- 49
`La Cryptographie Militaire', A Kerkhoffs, in Journal des Sciences
Militaires, 9th series, IX (Jan 1883) pp 5-38; (Feb 1883) pp 161-191
- 50
``Constructing digital signatures from a one-way function'', L Lamport,
SRI TR CSL 98 (1979)
- 51
Talk given by J Leach at meeting organised by `Scientists for Labour', 14th
November 1996
- 52
B Molteno, comments at BMA House, 13th June 1996
- 53
`Information Systems Security: Top level policy for the NHS`, IMG
document 2009 (b)
- 54
`NWN Threats and Vulnerabilities', 5 April 1995, IMG document NWNS/T1.22
- 55
`NHS-wide networking: data security policy', IMG document NWNS/T3.3
- 56
`NHS wide networking security architecture`, 3 April 1995, IMG document
- 57
Security Guide for IM&T Specialists', 3 April 1995, IMG document
- 58
`NHS/CCTA Internet Security Report' version 1.3
- 59
`NHS IS Reference Manual', December 1995
- 60
Press release, NHS Executive, 17th October 1996
- 61
NHS Wide Clearing System, Encryption Pilot Project, Project Board Minutes for
- 62
NHS Wide Clearing System, Encryption Pilot Project, Project Board Minutes for
- 63
``Announcing Development of a Federal Information Processing Standard for
Advanced Encryption Standard'', National Institute of Standards and Technology,
in Federal Register v 62 no 1 (Jan 2 1997) pp 93-94
- 64
``Managing Health Data Privacy and Security: a case study from New Zealand'', R
Neame, in Personal Information -- Security, Engineering and Ethics
(21-22 June 1996), preproceedings published by the Isaac Newton Institute,
Cambridge, pp 207-215
- 65
``Encryption and the Global Information Infrastructure: An Australian
Perspective'', S Orlowski, in proceedings of Cryptography Policy and
Algorithms Conference, op. cit., pp 31-39
- 66
``Euro-Clipper chip scheme proposed'', D Peachey, in Communications Week
no 151 (18 September 1995) pp 1, 81
- 67
``Providing Secure, Recoverable Email'', P Peterson, in Network Security
(Aug 96) pp 15-19
- 68
``GP Practice computer security survey'', RA Pitchford, S Kay, in Journal
of Informatics in Primary Care (September 95) pp 6-12
- 69
``Move to Strengthen Information Security'', Press Association, 06/10 1808
- 70
``UK to license information encryption services'', Reuter RTf 06/10 1355,
London, June 10th
- 71
``Institutionell-organisatorische Gestaltung informationstechnischer
Sicherungsinfrostrukturen'', A Roßnagel, in Datenschutz und
Datensicherheit (5/95) pp 259-269
- 72
``For Sale: your secret medical records for £150'', L Rogers, D Leppard,
Sunday Times 26/11/95 pp 1-2
- 73
R Rogers, in discussion at BMA house, 2nd May 1996
- 74
``Keynote Address'', AW Saunders, in Information Security -- is IT
Safe?, IEE, London, 27 June 1996
- 75
``CESG Recommendations for Secure Electronic Mail -- A Statement by Andrew
Saunders, Director CESG'', available at
- 76
``The Blowfish Encryption Algorithm'', B Schneier, Dr. Dobbs Journal v 20
no 4 (Apr 94) pp 38 - 40
- 77
`Applied Cryptography', B Schneier, second edition, Wiley 1995
- 78
``The History of Subliminal Channels'', GJ Simmons, in Information
Hiding (proceedings of first international workshop), Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science v 1174 pp 237-256
- 79
``Proposal for a Council Decision -- in the field of security of information
systems, concerning the establishment of a Europe-wide network of Trusted Third
Party Services (ETS)'', SOGIS (Senior Officials' Group, Information Security)
- 80
`Medical Ethics Today -- Its Practice and Philosophy', A Sommerville,
BMA 1993
- 81
`Project Initiation Document -- Tees Security Pilot', Issue 1 draft 3,
Syntegra, 23rd October 1996
- 82
Letter from Ian Taylor MP MBE to the writer, 16 December 1996
- 83
``EC plans encryption rules in bid to police information superhighway'', J
Thorel, in Nature v 377 no 6547 (28/9/95) p 275
- 84
Urteil im Zivilprozess Winter/Dresdner Bank AG, Amtsgericht Darmstadt, 24.
Februar 1989, Geschäftsnummer 36 C 4386/87, Richter Jerschenkowski
- 85
``The use of encryption and related services with the NHSnet'', Zergo Ltd.,
published as NHSE IMG document number E5254, April 1996
- 86
``Zergo's response to `The Zergo report -- initial comments' by Dr Ross
Anderson'', Zergo Ltd., 17th May 1996
Ross Anderson
Mon Oct 6 12:47:34 BST 1997