PAPERS BY M. V. WILKES 1. Best, J. E., Ratcliffe, J. A., Wilkes, M. V. `Experimental Investigation of Very Long Wireless Waves Reflected from the Ionosphere.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 156 page 614 (1936). 2. Budden, K. G., Ratcliffe, J. A., Wilkes, M. V. `Further Investigations of Very Long Wireless Waves Reflected from the Ionosphere.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 171 page 188 (1939). 3. Wilkes, M. V. `Theory of Reflection of Very Long Wireless Waves from the Ionosphere.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 175 page 143 (1940). 4. Lennard-Jones, J. E., Wilkes, M. V., Bratt, J. B. `The Construction and Operation of a Small Differential Analyser.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 35 page 485 (1939). 5. Wilkes, M. V. `Theoretical Ionization Curves for the Region.' Proc. Phys. Soc. vol 51 page 138 (1939). 6. Wilkes, M. V. `A Method of Solving Second Order Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations using the Mallock Machine.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 36 page 2094 (1940). 7. Wilkes, M.V. `Region Formation in the Ionosphere according to an Attachment Theory.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 36 page 479 (1940). 8. Wilkes, M. V. `The Oblique Reflection of Very Long Wireless Waves from the Ionosphere.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 189 page 130 (1947). 9. Wilkes, M. V., Ramsay, J. A. `A Theory of the Performance of Radar on Ship Targets.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 43 page 213 (1947). 10. Wilkes, M. V. `The Eniac. High Speed Electronic Calculat- ing Machine.' Electronic Engineering vol 19 page 104 (1947). 11. Weekes, K., Wilkes, M. V. `Atmospheric Oscillations and the Resonance Theory.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 192 page 80 (1947). 12. Wilkes, M. V., Renwick, W. `An Ultrasonic Memory Unit for the EDSAC.' Electronic Engineering vol 20 page 208 (1948). 13. Wilkes, M. V. `The Design of a Practical High-Speed Calculating Machine. The EDSAC' (Part of `A Discussion on Computing Machines) Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 195 page 265 (1948). 14. Wilkes, M. V. `Programme Design for a High Speed Automatic Calculating Machine.' Journal Sci. Instr. vol 26 page 217 (1949). 15. Wilkes, M. V. `Progress in High-Speed Calculating Machine Design.' Nature vol 164 page 341 (1949). 16. Wilkes, M. V. `Atmospheric Oscillations'. (letter) Nature vol 164 page 281 (1949). 17. Wilkes, M. V. `Electronic Calculating Machine Development in Cambridge' Nature vol 164 page 552 (1949). 18. Wilkes, M. V., Renwick, W. `The EDSAC, an Electronic Calculating Machine.' J. Sci. Instr. vol 26 page 385 (1949). 19. Wilkes, M. V. `The Use of the EDSAC for Mathematical Computation.' App. Sci. Res. B vol 1 page 429 (1950). Also in Spanish: Siencia e Investigacion vol 8 page 207 (1952). 20. Wilkes, M. V., Renwick, W. `The EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.) MTAC vol 4 page 61 (1950). 21. Wilkes, M. V. `Automatic Computing.' (Summer School Report) Nature vol 166 page 292 (1950). 22. Stanley, J. P., Wilkes, M. V. `Table of the Reciprocal of the Gamma Function for Complex Argument.' Computation Centre, University of Toronto 1950. 23. Wilkes, M. V. `The Thermal Excitation of Atmospheric Oscillations.' Proc. Roy. Soc. A vol 207 page 358 (1951). 24. Wilkes, M. V. `Can Machines Think?' Spectator No. 6424 vol 117 (10 Aug 1951). 27. Wilkes, M. V. `Automatic Calculating Machines.' J. Roy. Soc. of Arts vol 100 page 56 (1951). 28. Wilkes, M. V. `The EDSAC Computer' Review of Electronic Digital Computers (AIEE/IRE Conference 1951) AIEE, New York, (1952) page 79. 29. Wilkes, M. V. `World-wide Oscillations in the Earth's Atmosphere.' (Symon's Lecture) Q.J.R. Met Soc. vol 78 page 321 (1952). 30. Wilkes, M. V. `The Use of a `Floating Address' System for Orders in an Automatic Digital Computer.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 49 page 84 (1953). 31. Wilkes, M. V. `Calculating Machine Development at Cambridge.' Chapter 7 `Faster than Thought' ed. B.V. Bowden. Pitmans (1953). 32. Wilkes, M. V. `Experiences D'Operations Effectuees Avec l'EDSAC.' Report of the Conference on `Les Machines a Calcules et la Pensee Humaine.' CNRS, Paris (1953). 33. Wilkes, M. V., Phister, M., Barton, S. A. `Experience with Marginal Checking and Automatic Routining of the EDSAC.' Automatic Digital Computation NPL Symposium 1953, page 239. London, HMSO (1954). Also in IRE Convention Record Part 7 page 66 (1953). 34. Wilkes, M. V., Stringer, J. B. `Microprogramming and the Design of the Control Circuits of an Electronic Digital Computer.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 49 page 230 (1953). 35. Wilkes, M. V. `The Best Way to Design an Automatic Computing Machine.' Report of Manchester University Computer Inaugural Conference July 1951 page 16. Reprinted in Computer Design Development edited by E. E. Swartzlander, Hayden Bok Co. N. J. (1976) and elsewhere. 36. Wilkes, M. V. `Can Machines Think?' Discovery vol 14 page 151 (1953); also Proc. IRE vol 41 page 1230 (1953); also in Italian, Pirelli vol 10 page 20 (1957). 37. Wilkes, M. V. `Pure and Applied Programming.' Proc. ACM Toronto Meeting page 121 (1952). 38. Wilkes, M. V. `A Table of Chapman's Grazing Incidence Func- tion.' Proc. Phys. Soc. B vol 67 page 304 (1954). 39. Wilkes, M. V. `Translation by Machinery.' (Review Article) Discovery vol 17 page 83 (1956). 40. Wilkes, M. V., Willis, D. W. `A Magnetic Tape Storage System for the EDSAC.' Proc. IEE vol 103B supplement no 2 page 337 (1956). 41. Wilkes, M. V. `Solution of Linear Algebraic and Differential Equations by the Long Division Algorithm.' Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol 52 page 758 (1956). 42. Wilkes, M. V. `Introduction to a Session on Magnetic Tape.' (IEE Convention on Digital Computer Techniques) Proc. IEE vol 103B supplement no 2 page 331 (1956). 43. Wilkes, M. V. `A Note on the Use of Automatic Adjustment of Strip Width in Quadrature.' Darmstadt Conference. Nachrichtentechnishce Fachberichte vol 4 page 182 (1956). 44. Wilkes, M. V., Renwick, W., Wheeler, D. J. `The Design of the Control Unit of an Electronic Digital Computer.' Proc. IEE vol 105 page B 121 (1958). 45. Wilkes, M. V., Wheeler, D. J. `Note on `A Method for Computing Certain Inverse Functions'.' MTAC vol 11 page 204 (1957). 46. Wilkes, M. V. `The Second Decade of Computer Development.' (Pres. Address) Computer Journal vol 1 page 98 (1958). 47. Wilkes, M. V. `Digital Computers in Control.' Control vol 1 page 204 (1958). 48. Wilkes, M. V. `Some Remarks on the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.' Data Processing and Automatic Computing Machines (Proc. of WRE Conference, Salisbury, W.A.) Session 1 page 108 (1957). 49. Wilkes, M. V. `Microprogramming,' Proc. Eastern J.C.C., Philadelphia, 1958. AIEE Conference Proceedings vol 18 (1959). 50. Wilkes, M. V. `International Conference on Information Processing.' Computer Bulletin vol 3 page 53 (1959). 51. Wilkes, M. V. `Rapport General (Logical Design)' UNESCO Conference, Paris 1959. Information Processing, UNESCO, Paris (1960). 52. Wilkes, M. V. `Self-repairing Computers.' Trans IRE vol EC-10 page 93 (1961). 53. Wilkes, M. V. `Data Transmission and the New Outlook for the Computer Field.' Computer Journal vol 4 page 1 (1961). 54. Wilkes, M. V. `The Design of Practical Self-repairing Computer Systems.' Control vol 4 page 86 (1961). 55. Wilkes, M. V. `Computer Techniques of Tomorrow.' New Scientist vol 11 page 805 (1961). Also in Italian: La Scirola in Agrone vol 4 page Dec (1962). 56. Wilkes, M. V., Wheeler, D. J. `Auxiliary Storage on Magnetic Tape in EDSAC 2.' Congresso Internacional de Automatica Madrid, 1958. Report page 185 (1961). 57. Wilkes, M. V. `The Solar and Luni-solar Components of Geomagnetic Variation at San Fernando.' J.A.T.P. vol 24 page 73 (1962). 58. Strachey, C., Wilkes, M. V. `Some Proposals for Improving the Efficiency of Algol 60.' Comm. ACM vol 4 page 488 (1961). 59. Wilkes, M. V. `Oscillations of the Earth's Atmosphere with allowance for the variation of Temperature with Latitude.' Proc Roy Soc A 271 44 (1963). 60. Wilkes, M. V. `The Place of Digital Computers in Control.' Progress in Control Engineering vol 1. Haywood (1962). 61. Wilkes, M. V. `;The Digital Computer in the Drawing Office.' Control vol 7 page 61 (1962). 62. Wilkes, M. V. `An Experiment with a Self-compiling Compiler for a Simple List-Processing Language.' Annuel Review in Automatic Programming vol 4 page 1. Pergamon Press (1964). 63. Wilkes, M. V. `A Programmer's Utility Filing System' Computer J. vol 7 page 180 (1964). 64. Wilkes, M. V. `Constraint-type Statements in Programming Languages.' Comm. ACM. vol 7 page 587 (1964). 65. Wilkes, M. V. `Lists and Why They are Useful.' Proc. ACM Nat. Conference, Philadelphia 1964 (ACM Publication P-64 page F1-1) (1964); Also Computer J. vol 7 page 278 (1965). 66. Wilkes, M. V. `Slave Memories and Dynamic Storage Allocation.' Trans. IEEE vol EC-14 page 270 (1965). 67. Wilkes, M. V. `On Line Time-Sharing - a Very Big Step Forward.' Electronics and Power vol 11 page 204 (1965). 68. Wilkes, M. V. `On-line Time-shared Operation of a Computer from a Console.' Proc. VIII International Automation and Instrumentation Convention Milan (1964). (Identical with Previous Paper). 69. Orgass, R. J., Schorr, H., Waite, W. M., Wilkes, M. V. `WISP - A Self-Compiling List Processing Language.' (for KDF9) Basser Computing Dept., Sydney Tech. Rept. 36 (1965); (for IBM 7094) Yale Computer Centre, (1965). 70. Wilkes, M. V. `A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis' C.U.P. (1966). (Preliminary Edition `Introduction to Numerical Analysis' UML 1965). 71. Wilkes, M. V. `The Coming of Multiple-Access Computers' J.R.Ae.Soc. vol 71 page 235 (1967). 72. Wilkes, M. V. `The Computer Outlook.' Esso Magazine vol 16 page 22 (1967). 73. Wilkes, M. V. `The Design of Multiple Access Systems.' Computer J. vol 10 page 1 (1967). 74. Wilkes, M. V. `Computer Graphics.' Fibonacci Lecture 1966. C.S.C.E. Pisa Publication No. 100 (1967). 75. Wilkes, M. V. `Computers Then and Now.' Turing Lecture, ACM 1967. Journal ACM vol 15 page 1 (1968). Reprinted in ACM Turing Lectures - The First Twenty Years, page 197. ACM Press, 1987. 76. Wilkes, M. V., Needham, R. M. `The Design of Multiple Access Computer Systems Part 2.' Computer J. vol 10 page 315 (1968). 77. Wilkes, M. V. `The Outer and Inner Syntax of a Programming Language.' Computer J. vol 11 page 260 (1968). 78. Wilkes, M. V. `Multiple Access Computer Systems.' Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. RSR. vol 12 page 60 (1968). (Rumanian) 79. Wilkes, M. V. `A Model for Core Space Allocation in a Time- Sharing System.' AFIPS Conference Proceedings vol 34 page 265 (1969). 80. Wilkes, M. V. `The Growth of Interest in Microprogramming.' Computing Surveys vol 1 page 139 (1969). 81. Wilkes, M. V., Hartley, D. F. `The Management System - A New Species of Software?' Datamation vol 15 page 73 (Sept. 1969). 82. Wilkes, M. V. `Forecasting the Future: Development in Com- puters.' Long Range Planning Journal. 83. Petard, H. W. O. (Communicated by Wilkes, M. V.) `The Optimum Size for an Establishment.' Eureka no.33 19 (1970). Reprinted in `Science with a Smile' by R. L. Weber, p 96. IOP Press 1992 84. Wilkes, M. V. `The Present Status and Potential of Micro- programming.' IEEE Convention Record (1971) (abstract only). 85. Wilkes, M. V. `Slave Memories and Segmentation.' IEEE Transactions on Elect. Computers vol EC-20 page 674 (1971). 86. Wilkes, M. V. `Automatic Load Adjustment in Time-Sharing Systems. Report on ACM SIGOPS Workshop on System Performance Evaluation, Harvard, page 308 (1971); Also: Seminaires IRIA, Le Chesnay (1971). 87. Wilkes, M. V. `The Hardware Software Interface.' IEEE Computer Soc. Conference, Boston, 93 (1971). (abstract only). 88. Wilkes, M.V. `Babbage as a Computer Pioneer.' Report of Babbage Memorial meeting, BCS (London) 1971; reprinted in Historia Mathematica vol 4 page 415 (1971) 89. Wilkes. M.V., `The Changing Computer Scene 1947-71' MC-25 Informatica Symposium, Tract 37 Math. Centre Amsterdam (1971) 90. Wilkes, M. V. `On Preserving the Integrity of Data Bases.' Computer J. vol 15 page 191 (1972). 91. Wilkes, M. V. `Associative Tabular Data Structures.' SIGPLAN Notices vol 6 page 337 (1971); revised version: Int. J. Comp. Inf. Sci. vol 1 page 225 (1972). 92. Wilkes, M. V. `Historical Perspectives - Computer Architecture.' AFIPS Conf. Proc. vol 42 page 971 (1972). 93. Wilkes, M. V. `The Use of a Writable Control Memory in a Multiprogramming Environment.' Proc. 5th Annual Micro- programming Workshop, ACM page 62 (1972). 94. Wilkes, M. V., Manville, W. D. `The Associative Language AL-1' Int. J. Comp. Inf. Sci. vol 1 page 315 (1972). 95. Wilkes, M. V. `The Dynamics of Paging.' Computer J. vol 16 page 4 (1973). 96. Wilkes, M. V. `Past, Present, and Future in the Computer Field.' Proc. Int, Computing Symp., Davos 1973, page 615. American Elsevere (1974). 97. Wilkes, M. V. `The Cambridge Multiple-access System in Retrospect.' Software vol 3 page 323 (1973). 98. Needham, R. M., Wilkes, M. V. `Domains of Protection and the Management of Processes.' Computer J. vol 17 page 117 (1974). 99. Wilkes, M. V. `Some Thoughts on Data Bases.' Lectures in Advanced Programming 1973-4; Edited D. Simpson & D. G. Rush. BCS (1974). 100. Wilkes, M. V. `Early Computer Developments at Cambridge: the EDSAC.' Radio and Electronic Engineer vol 45 page 332 (1975). 101. Wilkes, M. V. `Communication Using a Digital Ring.' PACNET Conference, Sandai, Japan, (August 1975). 102. Wilkes, M. V. `How Babbage's Dream Came True.' Nature vol 257 page 341 (1975). 103. Wilkes, M. V. `Time Sharing'. Condensed Computer Encyclopedia. Ed. P. B. Jordain, McGraw-Hill. 104. Wilkes, M. V. `Early History of Ionospheric Investigations.' Phil Trans. A vol 280 page 54 (1975). 105. Wilkes, M. V. `Software Engineering and Structured Programming.' IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering vol SE-2 page 274 (1976). 106. Wilkes, M. V. Contributions to `Encyclopedia of Computer Science.' edited by Ralston, A. & Meek, C. L. Petrocelli/Charter (1976): `Charles Babbage' page 157; `Differential Analyser' page 460; `Digital Computer: Early' page 157 `EDSAC' page 523; `Ultrasonic Memory' page 1439. 107. Wilkes, M. V. `The Application of Microcomputers to Main Frame Design.' Conference on Computer Systems and Tech- nology, IERE in assoc. with IEE & BCS, Brighton, (1977). 108. Wilkes, M. V. `Beyond Today's Computers.' IFIP (1977). 109. Wilkes, M. V. `The Future of Computer Systems.' Infotech State of the Art Report: Future Systems, vol 2 page 403 (1977). 110. Wilkes, M. V. `Microprogramming Principles and Development.' Infotech State of the Art Report vol 23 page 163 (1975). 111. Wilkes, M. V. `The EDSAC.' NPL Report Com 90 (No. 3 in a Series of Lectures on `The Pioneers of Computing') (1977). 112. Wilkes, M. V. `Computers in the Future.' Proc SEAS Cambridge Meeting 19-23 Sept 1977. Reprinted in J of Computer Soc. of India vol 8 page 3 (1978). 113. Wilkes, M. V. `Ten Years and More of Microprogramming.' SIGMICRO Newsletter vol 8 page 11 (1977). 114. Wilkes, M. V. `Minicomputers, Mainframes, and Distributed Systems.' Proc ACM SIGMINI Symposium on Small Systems (Aug 1978). 115. Wilkes, M. V. `Distributed Computing in Business Data Pro- cessing.' ICL Technical Journal 1, 66, (1978). Reprinted in Computer-Asia No. 6 page 32 (1979). 116. Wilkes, M. V., Wheeler, D. J. `The Cambridge Digital Com- munication Ring.' Proc Local Area Communications Network Symposium. NBS special publication p 47 (ed. Meisner & Rosenthal). Mitre Corp & NBS 1979. 117. Wilkes, M. V. `Early Programming Developments in Cambridge.' A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century, page 497. Academic Press (1980). 118. Wilkes, M.V., Needham, R.M. `The Cambridge Model Distributed System.' ACM Operating Systems Review vol 14 page No. 1 page 21 (1980). 119. Wilkes, M. V. `Computers into the 1980's. Electronics and Power vol 26 page 67 (1980); also Infotech State of the Art Conference (March 1980). 120. Wilkes, M. V. `A New Hardware Capability Architecture.' Operating System Review vol 14 page No 2 p 17 (1980). 121. Wilkes, M. V. `The Impact of Wide Band Local Area Communication Systems on Distributed Computing.' IEEE Computer vol 13 No 9 p 22 (1980). 122. Wilkes, M. V. `Mauchly's Position on von Newmann's Role in the Drafting of the EDVAC Report.' Annals of the History of Computing vol 2 (1980). 123. Wilkes, M.V. `The Design of a Control Unit - Reflections on reading Babbage's notebooks.' Annals of History of Computing vol 3 page 116 (1981). 124. Wilkes, M.V. `Hardware support for memory protection.' ACM Symposium on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. 1982 page 1O7. Also: Sigplan Notices vol 17 (1982); Computer Architecture News vol 10 (1982). 125. Wilkes, M.V. `J.G. Brainerd on the ENIAC.' Annals of History of Computing vol 4 page 53 (1982). 126. Wilkes, M.V. `The Processor Instruction Set' (Keynote Address) Proc Micro-15, ACM 1982. 127. Wilkes `Size, Power, & Speed' (Keynote Address) Computer Architecture News vol 11 no 3 (1982). 128. Wilkes, M.V. `Pray Mr Babbage ... A character study in dramatic form.' Computer Museum Report page 17 Fall (1983). Also Annals of the History of Computing vol 13 p 147 (1991) 129. Wilkes, M.V. `Security Management & Protection.' Comp J vol 27 page 3 (1983). 130. Wilkes, M.V. `Reflections on Maxwell' Proc AMS Maxwell Sesquicentennial Symposium (ed. Berger) page 191. Elsiver, Amsterdam (1984). 131. Wilkes, M.V. `Keeping Jump Instructions out of the Pipeline in a RISC-like Computer'. Computer Architecture News vol 11 No. 5-5 (1983). 132. Wilkes, M.V. Past, Present, and Future of the Computer Field.' Proc IEE vol 131E page 106 (1984). 133. Wilkes, M.V. `Historical Overview'. AATS Invitation Symposium. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (1984). 134. Wilkes, M.V. Introduction to reprint of `Calculating Instruments and Machines" by D.R. Hartree. Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series vol 6 page ix. MIT Press (1984). 135. Wilkes, M.V. `The Genesis of Microprogramming.' Annals of History of Computing vol 8 page 116 (1986). 136. Wilkes, M.V. `Recollections of King Edward's School, Stourbridge (1921-31).' The Black Countryman vol 20 page 6 (1987). 137. Wilkes, M.V. `The Past and Future Development of Personal Computers'. Computer Standards and Interfaces, vol 8 page 5 (1988). 138. Wilkes, M.V. `Babbage's Expectations for the Difference Engine'. Annals of the History of Computing vol 9 page 203 (1987). 139. Wilkes, M.V. and M. Underwood. `The Winthrop family and St John's College, Cambridge.' The Eagle (a magazine supported by members of St John's College) xxx (1988). 140. Wilkes M.V. `Herschel, Peacock, Babbage and the Development of the Cambridge Curriculum.' Notes and Records of the Royal Society vol 44 page 205 (1990). 141. Wilkes, M.V., Columns in Comm. ACM: vol 33 no 4 p 399 (1990)`Computer Security in the Business World' vol 33 no 6 p 631 (1990) `Networks, Email, and Fax' vol 33 no 8 p 19 (1990) `The Bandwidth Famine' vol 33 no 10 p 19 (1990) `It's all software now' vol 33 no 12 p 16 (1990) `The rise of the VLSI processor' vol 34 no 5 p 23 (1991) `Software and the programmer' vol 34 no 8 p 19 (1991) `Revisiting Computer Security in the Business Area' vol 34 no 10 p 19 (1991) `Could It Have Been Predicted?' vol 35 no 3 p 15 (1992) `Charles Babbage---the Great Uncle of Computing?' vol 35 no 8 p 17 (1992) `Artificial Intelligence as the Year 2000 Approaches' vol 35 no 11 p 23 (1992) `The Long Term Future of Operating Systems' vol 36 no 2 p 21 (1993) `Light Amplifiers and Solitons' vol 36 no 7 p 21 (1992) `From FORTRAN and Algol to Object-Oriented Programming' 142. Wilkes, M.V., `The British Association Mathematical Tables Committee.' Historia Mathematica vol 17 page 152 (1990). 143. Wilkes, M.V., `The maturing of VLSI---and its consequences for the Computer Industry.' (guest editorial) Comp. J. vol 34 page 193 (1991). 144. Wilkes, M.V., `Babbage's Expectations for his Engines.' Annals for the History of Computing vol 13 page 141 (1991). 145. Wilkes, M.V., `A Perspective on Computer Progress in the Last Five Years.' IEE Computing and Control Engineering Journal vol 1 page 201 (1990). 146. Wilkes, M.V., `EDSAC 2.' Annals for the History of Computing vol 14 no 4 page 51 (1992). 147. Wilkes, M.V., `Progress and Research in the Computer Industry' (Clifford Paterson Lecture 1990). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A vol 334, page 173 (1992). 148. Wilkes, M.V., `Operating Systems in a Changing World' Operating Systems Review vol 28 no 2 p 9 (1994) 149 Wilkes, M.V., `A Tribute to Presper Eckert.' Comm ACM Vol 38 No 9 1995 150 Wilkes, M.V., `The Memory Wall and the CMOS END-POINT.' Computer Architecture News vol 23 no 4 p 4 (1995) 151 Wilkes, M.V., `A World Dominated by Computers? New Scientist 1964. Reprinted in `The World in 1984' ed Nigel Calder, Penguin books, London (1965). 152 Wilkes, M.V., `Computers Then and Now - Part 2' Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference Feb 1996 153 Wilkes, M.V., `The EDSAC: Origins and Design Decisions' 13th World computer Conference 94 (IFIP), vol 2 p 301 ed K. Brunstein and E. Raubald. Elsevier 1994 154 Wilkes, M.V., `The CMOS End-Point and Related Topics in Computing.' IEE Computing and Control Engineering Journal vol 7 page 101 April (1996). 155 Wilkes, M.V., `Arithmetic on the EDSAC.' Annals of the History of Computing vol 19 No 1 pp 13-15 (1997) 156 Wilkes, M.V. `Challenges for Processor Designers.' Computer (appeared in Open Column) vol 30 no 2 p 10 (1997) 157 Wilkes, M.V. `Sir Edward Appleton and Early Ionosphere Research' Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond. vol 51(2) pp 281-290 (1997) 158 Wilkes, Maurice and Hopper, Andrew `The Collapsed LAN: A Solution to a Bandwidth Problem? Computer Architecture News, vol 25 No 3 page 1-5 (1997) 159 Wilkes, M. V. `A Revisionist Account of Early [Programming] Language Development' Computer, IEEE, vol 11 No 4 p 22, April 1998 160 Wilkes, M. V. `A Swing of the Pendulum?' Microprossor Report, vol 12 No 8, June 1998 161 Wilkes, M. V. `CMOS Workstations and Servers - How Far Can Evolution and Innovation Take Us'. Address at PACT 1998. Text on WWW 162 Wilkes, M. V. `Historical Studies in Science and Technology and the uses to which they can be put'. Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond. vol 53 no 1 p 3 (1999) 163 Wilkes, M. V. `A Half Century of Surprises' (edited transcript of a lecture delivered at ACM97) in `Talking Back to the Machine' Springer-Verlag 1999 164 Wilkes, M. V. Contribution to `Cockcroft Remembered', a symposium held in Churchill College on 29 May 1997. Churchill Magazine, p 24 165 Wilkes, M. V. Chapter in "Makin' Numbers - Howard Aiken and the Computer", ed Cohen and Welch. MIT Press 1999 166 Wilkes, M. V. `Recollections of Early Vacuum Tube Circuits' Computer Resurrection (BCS Computer Conservation Soc) No 24 page 7 Autumn 2000 167 Wilkes, M. V. `Introduction to "Babbage's Analytial Engine Plans 28 and 28a ..." by Allan Bromley' Annals of the History of Computing vol 22 No 4 pp 4-5 (2000) 168 Wilkes, M. V. `Was Babbage caught in the act?' Annals of the History of Computing vol 22 No 4 pp 69-70 (2000) 169 Wilkes, M. V. `John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office' IEE Computng and Control Engineering Journal, vol 12 pp 130-144 (2001) 170 Wilkes, M. V. Review of `The Cogwheel Brain' by Doan Swade. Annals of the History of Computing vol 22 No 4 pp 62-63 (2000) 180 Wilkes, M. V. `The Memory Gap and the Future of High Performance Memories.' Computer Architecture News, vol 29 no 1 p 2 March (2001) 181 Wilkes, M. V. `EMPIRIC: A Sketch of a Programming Language Designed to Facilitate a Fine Degree of Protection.' ACM Sigplan Notices vol 21 No 9 pp 16-27 Aug (1986) 182 Wilkes, M. V. `Charles Babbage and his World' Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond. vol 56 no 3 p 353 (2002) See Wilkes home page under for any unpublished papers. BOOKS BY M.V. WILKES Wilkes, M. V. `Oscillations of the Earth's Atmosphere.' C. U. P. (1949). Wilkes, M. V., Wheeler, D. J., Gill, S. `Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer.' Addison- Wesley Press (1951). 2nd edition (1957). Wilkes, M. V. `Automatic Digital Computers' Methuen (1956). Also in French: Dunod (1959). Wilkes, M. V. `Time-sharing Computer Systems.' Macdonald, London (1968); American Elsevier, New York, (1968). 2nd edition 1972, 3rd edition 1975. Also in German, Carl Hanser Verlag Munchen (1970). Also in French and Japanese. Wilkes, M. V. `A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis' C.U.P. (1966). (Preliminary Edition 'Introduction to Numerical Analysis' UML 1965). Wilkes, M.V., Needham, R.M. `The Cambridge CAP Computer and its Operating System' Elsevier-North Holland N.Y. (1979). Wilkes, M.V., `Memoirs of a Computer Pioneer.' MIT Press (1985). Wilkes, M.V., `Computing Perspectives' Morgan-Kauffmann (1995). ------------- chmod +w list-of-papers.arc1 chmod -w list-of-papers.arc1