The official job description for a Deputy Head of the Computer Laboratory is here.
The list of things below, written for my successor, is what I actually did.
- Chair Advanced Taught Courses Management Committee (ATCMC)
- Chair Part III Admissions Committee
- Chair Graduate Education Committee (GEC)
- Chair Joint Teaching Strategy Committee (JTSC)
- Member of Graduate School Committee (GSC)
- Member of Council of the School of Technology
- Member of the Athena Swan Committee
- Member of the New CL Website Committee
- Member of Degree Committee
- Member of Tripos Management Committee (TMC)
- Approve and sign travel requests and claims
- Decide whether to approve student travel requests
- Approve ad hoc expenditures
- Attend Computer Laboratory management meetings
- Approve CamSIS worklist items requested by the Secretary of the Degree Committee
- Sign MPhil award and other formal letters
- Take over PhD supervision when no other supervisor is available
- Do random ad hoc admin chores requested by the Head of Department
- Help with non-academic staff promotion and award decisions
- Help with award prioritisation (RAE, Leverhulme, Newton etc.)