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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • 23Apr

    This talk will present an overview of efforts the UK government has been taking on AI over the past year, including the AI Research Resource, the AI Safety Summit, and with a focus on the AI Safety Institute (AISI).

  • 23Apr

    Blockchains have motivated a surge of research and development into succinct probabilistic proofs. As proof constructions have gotten dramatically more efficient, entirely new applications have become feasible in other areas as well. This talk will discuss two proposed applications in the area of network security.

  • 23Apr

    *ABSTRACT*: Traditional healthcare is centered around face-to-face interactions between patients and clinicians. While these human relationships are important for establishing empathetic and ethical care, they limit the extent to which healthcare can be accessed and delivered.

  • 25Apr

    In this talk we will come at the question in the title from two different angles: first, from the vantage point of model theory, a branch of logic in which for over half a century the notion of “stability" has played a central role in describing tame behaviour; secondly, from the perspective of combinatorics, where so-called

  • 25Apr

    Combinatorial optimisation is a central area in computer
    science, applied mathematics, and operational research. Ideas and notions developed within the area of combinatorial optimisation include linear programming, flows, and matchings. In this talk I will describe

  • 26Apr

    Abstract not available

  • 26Apr

    Consider a planner laying a new train line through ecologically sensitive areas. They need to balance economic benefits with ecological damage and think through mitigations such as fencing, animal overpasses or habitat compensation areas, each of which have costs.

  • 26Apr

    In the seminar, Dr Collier will introduce the new book, Tor: From the Dark Web to the Future of Privacy (MIT Press, 2024).

    Additional speakers TBC.
    5:00pm 26th April 2024
    LT2 - William Gates Building
    15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FD

  • 29Apr

    Mathematics is made up of provable interesting statements about numbers, geometry and abstract structures.

  • 30Apr

    A randomized algorithm for a search problem is pseudodeterministic if it
    produces a fixed canonical solution to the search problem with high
    probability. In their seminal work on the topic, Gat and Goldwasser posed
    as their main open problem whether prime numbers can be pseudodeterministically