A better way to print research papers

It's usually nice to read a printed copy of a paper. I've written some shell scripts to help do this while also saving paper and possibly finding collaborators, in three ways:

To use them, add /usr/groups/netos/scripts to your PATH environment variable. To print a paper, use the lpr-paper command rather than lpr or lpr.cl. It will record the fact that you have printed a paper (in file /usr/groups/netos/library/lpr-paper/$USER) or, if someone else printed it before you, will tell you this and give you the option of cancelling. It will also detect whether your paper has large margins, and if so, offer to print it in cropped 2-up form. At present, it supports PDF and Postscript files, and understands the command-line options of lpr.cl, i.e. the Lab's own lpr rather than the CUPS one.

Some caveats:

Other notes:

Stephen Kell
24th July 2008

Content updated at Fri 8 Aug 15:13:00 BST 2008.
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