Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, Operationally: Concurrency and ISA

(Artifact Evaluation)

Below are links to web interfaces for the ARM Flowing and POP models as described in the paper. The models are written in Lem and exported to OCaml by the Lem tool. The OCaml models together with some OCaml code, to derive the user interface, are compiled to OCaml bytecode and then, using the js_of_ocaml compiler, compiled to JavaScript. This allows the tool to run in the browser on the client side.

To use the web interface click on the Flowing or POP link. The interface has two main pages, the configuration page where litmus test and options are selected and the run page where the selected test is run interactively.

Configuration Page:

Run Page:

Guided Example 1 (Flowing with default options) we will guide you, step by step, through the execution of the litmus test with default configuration.

Guided Example 2 (Flowing with eager internal) in this example we will show you how to use the Eager transitions option and how to select topology. Guided Example 3 (POP with eager simple) in this example we will show you how to use the POP model and a different Eager transitions option. Browser compatibility: we have tested the interface on the following configurations: