Test MP+nondep+sync

Run MP+nondep+sync in model, using ppcmem

PPC MP+nondep+sync (PPCAdirOneThree)
(* Was ppc-adir1v3 and I changed condition by hand *)
 P0:r1=y; P0:r2=1;
 P0:r5=x; P1:r5=x;
 P0:r6=0; P1:r6=y;
 x = z; y = 0; z=0 ; (* z is address 0, for nicer output in litmus *)

    P0       |      P1     ;
             |             ;
std r1,0,r5  | lwz r3,0,r6 ;
ld  r6,0,r5  | sync        ;
stw r2,0,r6  | ld  r4,0,r5 ;

(* Interesting, Adir et al claims this is allowed, but 
   my reading is that to be allowed, it requires "non-cumulative"
   barriers *)
exists (P1:r3 = 1 /\ P1:r4=z);
show 0
genprog generated/ppc-adir1v3-prog.tex
essdump generated/ppc-adir1v3-ess.dot
show 0 of ess 0
show interesting true
readfrom generated/ppc-adir1v3-rf.dot