COND_ELIM_CONV : term -> thm

Conversion to eliminate one free conditional subterm.

When applied to a term `....(if p then x else y)...` containing a free conditional subterm, COND_ELIM_CONV returns a theorem asserting its equivalence to a term with the conditional eliminated:
  |- ....(if p then x else y).... <=>
     (p ==> ....x....) /\ (~p ==> ....y....)
If the term contains many free conditional subterms, a topmost one will be used.

Fails if there are no free conditional subterms.

We can prove the little equivalence noted by Dijkstra in EWD1176 automatically:
  # REAL_ARITH `!a b:real. a + b >= max a b <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0`;;
  val it : thm = |- !a b. a + b >= max a b <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0
However, if our automated tools were unfamiliar with max, we might expand its definition (theorem real_max) and then eliminate the resulting conditional by COND_ELIM_CONV:
  # COND_ELIM_CONV `a + b >= (if a <= b then b else a) <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0`;;
  val it : thm =
    |- (a + b >= (if a <= b then b else a) <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0) <=>
       (a <= b ==> (a + b >= b <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0)) /\
       (~(a <= b) ==> (a + b >= a <=> a >= &0 /\ b >= &0))

Eliminating conditionals as a prelude to other automated proof steps that are not equipped to handle them.

Note that logically it should only be necessary for p to be free in the whole term, not the two branches x and y. However, as an artifact of the current implementation, we need them to be free too. The more sophisticated CONDS_ELIM_CONV handles this better.