King's College Chapel Angels,  Jean Bacon, 2015                


In the Easter term 2015, Nigel Meager, Director of the King's Art Centre, started weekly art classes.
One explored drawing fragments of the chapel architecture.  My project was inspired by the stone
angels, high up on the chapel sides (some, alas, are badly eroded).  I drew and painted (pencil and
watercolour, a little pastel) as a summer project, exploring how to combine architectural features
into a composition.  I have made no attempt to achieve a particular coherent perspective  –  we see
them from far below at ground-level.  
I continued working on the angels and held an exhibition through Advent 2015 (Nov 28th - Dec 24th)
in the Art centre, see past Art Centre exhibitions (scroll down to this one).
See Advent 2015 Exhibition for Ken Moody's photographs of the chapel and exhibition.

     [click on the thumbnails for a larger image, and again for larger]



West 4, high windows


West 2, high windows


West 4 in profile


West 4 with pastel


West 2, colour below


West 4, drawing


West 2, no windows


West 2, with windows


West 3, no windows


West 3, no windows


West 1


West 1


East 2


East 2


All of the paintings above are based on photographs taken from ground level.  An opportunity
came up to get onto the balcony of the Gibbs Building, offering the chance to take two of the
Angels at a level much closer to their own.  The next row of paintings explores three different
approaches to the window colour and light for one of the Angels.  This is work in progress.


Chapel Context for the Angels


south front of the Chapel


angels on a pillar

Experiments with folding cards based on the images can be seen here.

From the Advent Exhibition, Nov28th - Dec 24th 2015

See Advent 2015 Exhibition for Ken Moody's photographs of the chapel and exhibition.