Foundations of Computer Science

The ML data type BOOL, defined below, is to be used to represent boolean expressions.
   datatype BOOL = VAR of string
                   | NOT of BOOL
                   | AND of BOOL*BOOL
                   | OR    of BOOL*BOOL;
The constructor VAR is used to represent named boolean variables, and NOT, AND and OR are used to represent the corresponding boolean operators.

Define a function that will return a list of the distinct names used in a given boolean expression. [4 marks]

A context is represented by a list of strings corresponding to the boolean variables that are set to true. All other variables are deemed to be set to false. Define a function that will evaluate a given boolean expression in a given context. [3 marks]

incorporate your two functions into a program that will determine whether a given boolean expression is true for all possible settings of its variables. [3 marks]

Programming in Modula-3

Show how Modula-3 exceptions can be used in conjunction with a FOR loop

System Design

Foundations of Computer Science

Define an ML function rotations that will compute the list of all rotations of a given list. For example

rotations [1,2,3] = [[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2]]

The order in which the rotations occur is unimportant. [10 marks]

Carefully explain how your function works and estimate the time complexity of your solution. [10 marks]

Foundations of Computer Science

Give the declaration of an ML datatype that could be used in the representation of a lazy list of integers, and illustrate its use by defining a function ints that when given an argument n and yields a lazy list of integers from n to infinity. [5 marks]

The decimal representation of a real number in the range 0 to 1 is to be represented as an infinite sequence of the decimal digits following the decimal point (O.d1d2 ... ). Define a function mknumb which which when applied to the digit function dig will construct a lazy list of these digits where the ith digit (di) is given by dig i. [5 marks]

Suppose we have an infinite sequence of such numbers [r1,r2,...], in which the digits of the decimal expansion of ri are given by the digit function fi, and that the collection of digit functions is represented by the lazy list [f1,f2 .... ]. Define suitable datatypes for the list of numbers and the list of digit functions. [5 marks]

Define a function newnumb which when given the lazy list of digit functions will yield a lazy list of digits that have the property that its ith digit differs from the ith digit of ri. [5 marks]

Programming in Modula-3

A student unfamiliar with Modula-3 wrote the following procedure:
         PROCEDURE Stats () =
         VAR m, v := 0.0;
           WITH n = IO.GetInt (),
                a = ARRAY [1. .n]  OF REAL DO
             FOR i := 1 TO n DO a[i] := IO.GetReal () END;
             FOR i := 1 TO n DO INC (m, a[i]) END;
             m := m / n;
             FOR i := 1 TO n DO INC (v, (a[i]-m)*(a[i]-m)) END;
             v := v / n;
             RETURN RECORD {m, v};
         END Stats;
Explain, to the extent that you can reconstruct them, the programmer's intentions. [5 marks]

Comment on the legality of the code and indicate what the Modula-3 compiler's response would be to it. [5 marks]

How would you correct the procedure -

Programming in Modula-3

A priority queue maintains a list of pairs, each consisting of a priority (a natural number) and a name (a text string), sorted into increasing order of priority. Consider the implementation of such a queue as an object in Modula-3. This should have two methods insert taking a pair as its arguments to be placed at the appropriate point in the list, and next taking no arguments but removing the first pair from the list and returning its text string component.

Give type definitions and default method implementations for this queue object. [20 marks]

System Design

System Design

With modern technology, many pieces of equipment which we would describe as a `computer' actually contain multiple hardware components, each performing fetch- execute cycles. However not all of these are always intended to be `seen' by the programmer as part of the programming model. Define or explain the following: