(* =========================================================================== *)
(*          Groebner basis computation using Buchberger's Algorithm            *)
(*                                                                             *)
(* by G.O.Passmore, Aesthetic Integration Ltd & Clare Hall, Univ. of Cambridge *)
(* Contact:   (e) grant.passmore@cl.cam.ac.uk    (w) www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~gp351/. *)
(* ==========================================================================  *)

structure Groebner :> Groebner =

open Algebra;
open List;

(* Given two algebraic polys in canonical form,
   compute their S-polynomial w.r.t. the active monomial ordering. *)

fun s_poly p q =
    let val (monic_p, monic_q) = (p_monic p, p_monic q)
        val (lm_p, lm_q) = (List.hd monic_p, List.hd monic_q)
        val (hpp_p, hpp_q) =
            case (lm_p, lm_q) of ((_, pp), (_, pp')) => (pp, pp')
        val L = pp_lcm (hpp_p, hpp_q)
        val dm_p = (Rat.one, pp_div (L, hpp_p)) : mono
        val dm_q = (Rat.one, pp_div (L, hpp_q)) : mono
        val s_p = mp_mult (dm_p, monic_p)
        val s_q = mp_mult (dm_q, monic_q)
        p_sub (s_p, s_q)

(* Given a polynomial h and an array of polynomials fs_arr, compute
   the least index i s.t. LPP(fs_arr[i]) | LPP(h), if such an i
   exists.  We return SOME i | NONE.  Note: the auxiliary div_idx' has
   a different signature, involving only LPP(h). *)

fun div_idx' hpp_h fs_arr i l =
    if (i > l - 1) then NONE
    else let val f_i = Array.sub (fs_arr, i)
             val pp_i = p_hpp f_i
         in case pp_divides (pp_i, hpp_h) of
                true => SOME i
              | _ => div_idx' hpp_h fs_arr (i + 1) l end;

fun div_idx h fs_arr =
    div_idx' (p_hpp h) fs_arr 0 (Array.length fs_arr);

(* Multivariate polynomial division: the work-horse of Groebner reduction. *)

fun p_div' h fs_arr us_arr r =
    if h = p_zero orelse h = [] then (us_arr, r) else
    case div_idx h fs_arr of
        SOME i =>
        let val f_i = Array.sub (fs_arr, i)
            val u_i = Array.sub (us_arr, i)
            val m = m_div (p_hm h, p_hm f_i)
            val _ = Array.update (us_arr,
                                  (p_sum (u_i, (poly_of_mono m))))
            val h' = p_sub (h, (mp_mult(m, f_i)))
        in p_div' h' fs_arr us_arr r end
      | NONE =>
        let val r' = p_sum (r, (poly_of_mono (p_hm h)))
            val h' = List.tl h
        in p_div' h' fs_arr us_arr r' end;

fun p_div f fs =
    let val fs_arr = Array.fromList fs
        val us_arr = Array.array (List.length(fs), p_zero)
    in p_div' f fs_arr us_arr p_zero end;

(* Given a list, return a list of pairs of all unique commuting binary
   combinatons.  This is useful if we use a list-based representation
   of a growing Groebner basis. *)

fun uc_pairs f =
    case f of
        [] => []
      | (x :: xs) => foldl (fn (y, l) => (x, y) :: l)
                           (uc_pairs xs)

(* Buchberger's algorithm for Groebner basis construction. *)

fun buchberger' gs s_pairs =
    case s_pairs of
        [] => gs
      | ((p, p') :: ps) =>
        let val q = s_poly p p'
            val (_, q') = p_div q gs
            val (c, pp) = p_hm q'
            if not(Rat.eq(c, Rat.zero)) andalso pp = []
            then [p_one]
                if p_eq (q', p_zero)
                then buchberger' gs ps else
                buchberger' (q' :: gs)
                            ((map (fn x => (q', x)) gs) @ s_pairs)

fun buchberger fs = buchberger' fs (uc_pairs fs);

(* Reduce a GBasis *)

fun gb_reduce gs =
    let val set_gs = ref (Useful.setify gs)
        fun to_remove fs f =
            exists (fn p => pp_divides (p_hpp p, p_hpp f)) fs
        val _ = map (fn p =>
                        let val gs_without_p = filter (fn x => not(x = p)) (!set_gs)
                        in if to_remove gs_without_p p
                           then set_gs := gs_without_p else () end)
        val _ = set_gs := map p_monic (!set_gs)
        val _ = set_gs := map (fn p => case p_div p (filter (fn x => not(x = p)) (!set_gs))
                                        of (_, r) => r) (!set_gs)
        (* val _ = (print ("\n Reduced GB: \n"); map (fn p => print ((p_toString p) ^ "\n")) (!set_gs)) *)
    in !set_gs end;

(* Examples:

   // f_1 = 2 x1 _ x0 + 1

    val f_1 = [((Rat.rat_of_int 2), [(1, 1)]), (Rat.one, [(0, 1)]), (Rat.one, [])] : poly;

   // f = x1^2 x0 + 4 x1 x0 - 3 x0^2

    val f = [(Rat.one, [(1, 2), (0, 1)]), ((Rat.rat_of_int 4), [(1, 1), (0, 1)]), ((Rat.rat_of_int ~3), [(0, 2)])] : poly;

   // p_div f [f_1]

   > p_toString (case p_div f [f_1] of (_, r) => r);
   > val it = "1/4 x0^3 + -9/2 x0^2 + -7/4 x0": string

>  val p = [(Rat.one, [(1,1),(0,1)]), (Rat.one, [])] : poly;
val p = [(Rat (true, 1, 1), [(1, 1), (0, 1)]), (Rat (true, 1, 1), [])]: poly
>  val q = [(Rat.one, [(2,1),(0,1)]), (Rat.one, [])] : poly;
val q = [(Rat (true, 1, 1), [(2, 1), (0, 1)]), (Rat (true, 1, 1), [])]: poly
> buchberger [p,q];
val it =
   [[(Rat (false, 1, 1), [(1, 1)]), (Rat (true, 1, 1), [(2, 1)])],
    [(Rat (true, 1, 1), [(1, 1), (0, 1)]), (Rat (true, 1, 1), [])],
    [(Rat (true, 1, 1), [(2, 1), (0, 1)]), (Rat (true, 1, 1), [])]]:
   Algebra.poly list
> map p_toString (buchberger [p,q]);
val it = ["-1 x1 + x2", "x1 x0 + 1", "x2 x0 + 1"]: string list

