Computer Laboratory

Large-Scale Data Processing and Optimisation (2023-2024 Michaelmas Term)

LSDPO - R244


Open Source Projects

Reading Club papers











 Mini Project List

Current list of mini projects as follows. You are free to change any time, just let me know if you change.

Name OpenSource Project Mini Project Title/Content
Jiahao Gai PyTorch Adaptive AI for games using DRL algorithms with PyTorch
Wenxuan Li SMAC Enhancing LA-MCTS with SMAC for Heterogeneous Search Space
Qianyi Liu LA-MCTS Hyperparameter tuning with search space partition: investigating LA-MCTS
Stefan Milosevic PyTorch Exploring PyTorch by implementing and refine a deep learning model tailored for medical image segmentation
Felix Rocke TVM, Triton Code-Generation Comparison on TVM and Triton
Pedro Sousa World Model Leveraging World Models in RL for Circuit Design Optimisation
Pranav Talluri Pyro Exploring Pyro with deep generative models to investigate Pyro’s suitability as PPL in comparison to other competitors
Balázs Tóth Naiad Exploring Naiad, a timely dataflow system: Implementation of a machine learning model in Naiad's Rust
Lauren Wilkes Pyro Exploring Pyro by building 1) Student performance model or 2) Causal model
Grant Wilkins PyTorch Do We Really Need All of that Scale? (benchmark and analyze the energy efficiency of training LLM across various distributed systems)
Kim Worrall Naiad, Egg 1) Parallel distribution of the algorithm over Naiad/Egg graph or 2) Optimising NAIAD graphs using Egg
Thomas Yuan Ray Tune Distributed Hyperparameter searching in Ray Tune