Computer Laboratory

Large-Scale Data Processing and Optimisation (2021-2022 Michaelmas Term)

LSDPO - R244


Open Source Projects

Reading Club papers











 Mini Project List

Current list of mini projects as follows. You are free to change any time, just let me know if you change.

Name OpenSource Project Mini Project Title
Alexandru-Andrei Iacob Flower Optimizing Federated Learning Hyper-Parameters in Flower
Andreea Zaharia TensorFlow, PyTorch, and possibly Horovod Comparative analysis of distributed data parallel training packages
Charlie Hennys BoTorch (+SigOpt) Hyperparameter Optimisation of Neural Networks
Chih-Yuan Peng Spark + GraphX Link Prediction with GraphX and Spark
Conor Perreault Snorkel + Emukit Multi-Fidelity Supervised Learning with Snorkel
Mihai-Ionut Enache Spark Recommender systems with dimensionality reduction in Apache Spark - A trade-off between runtime and accuracy
Samuel Stark SABER Reproduction, Verification, and Improvements for SABER
Wanru Zhao Ray + Spark Scaling Emerging AI Applications with Ray, the Successor to Spark
Zakir Singh Placeto Alternative Graph Embeddings for Placeto


More detail of the project proposals can be found here.