Computer Laboratory

Large-Scale Data Processing and Optimisation (2018-2019 Michaelmas Term)

LSDPO - R244


Open Source Projects

Reading Club papers











 Mini Project List

Current list of mini projects as follows. You are free to change any time, just let me know if you change.

acs207  Aaron Solomon Naiad Parallel Graph Genome Assembly in Naiad
cit27      Chi Ian Tang Snorkel Object Detection in Snorkel
cb2015 Cristian Bodnar TF+(PyTorch) NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies in TensorFlow
dt475     Devin Taylor PyTorch Investigating scalability of recurrent network using dynamic batching in PyTorch
dk525    Dmitry Kazhdan Snorkel Multi-Modal Training Data Creation with Snorkel
ijdo2      Indigo Orton Rlgraph Assessing RLGraph prototyping capability
ms2518 Marek Strelec Ray Fast decoding in neural machine translation with Ray
sa894    Sami Alabed Ray+Snorkel Weak Supervised Learning on Ray using Snorkel 
sat62     Shyam Tailor Snorkel Using Snorkel to Generate Human Activity Data Labels
tk532    Tejas Kannan Apache Spark Benchmarking Apache Spark against Elasticsearch on Partial-Matching Textual Queries
vrs26     Vikash Singh Keras (TF, Theano, CNTK)  Analysing Keras Performance Using Tensorflow, Theano, and CNTK backends