Paper Review Log: Session 2 (2012/01/31) Name and (crsid): Paper Title and Authors 1. Paper Summary (<100 words) Describe a brief summary (extract essentials). 2. List other papers you read or skimmed for understanding this paper 3. Punch-line of the Paper (<250 words): What is the significant contribution? What is the difference from the existing work? 4. (this section is removed) Short Paper (<250 words): What is the novel idea? What is required to complete the work? 5. What didn’t you understand? (<100 words) Crystallise what you did not get from the paper and describe your potential questions to the presentation/discussion. Do you have any major criticism to the authors? 6. What did you learn from the presentation? (<250 words) Describe what you gained from the presentation and discussion including your notes from the session if applicable. 7. What paper do you want to read next as a follow on?