MPhil ACS and CST Part III 2015/16 Project Suggestions from Andrew Pitts

Categorical models of dependent type theory formalized in Agda

A project on this topic would suit someone with an interest in category theory, in dependent type theory and in the use of proof assistants based upon dependent type theory for formalizing mathematics.


The purpose of this project would be to explore the use of the Agda proof assistant for formalizing parts of category theory -- in particular, the notion of Category with Families (CwF), which can be used to give an algebraic presentation of dependent type theory. See

M. Hofmann, "Syntax and semantics of dependent types". In A. Pitts and P. Dybjer, editors, Semantics and Logics of Computation (Cambridge University Press, 1996).

The paper

A. Abel, T. Coquand and P. Dybjer, "On the Algebraic Foundation of Proof Assistants for Intuitionistic Type Theory", FLOPS 2008: 3-13.

considers CwFs with Pi-types and a universe. It presents some Haskell code for constructing type-checked normal forms and claims that this gives the initial CwF with Pi-types and a universe. However the claim is not established in the paper. In other words, their type-checking algorithm is not proved to be correct. The purpose of this project would be to explore the use Agda to formalize the theory of CwFs and then attempt to construct an initial CwF with Pi-types and a universe along the lines suggested by Abel-Coquand-Dybjer, together with a proof of correctness.


Category Theory and Logic (L108) and some familiarity with dependent type theory.

A machine-checked proof of normalization for the λανδ-calculus in Agda

A project on this topic would suit someone with an interest in typed λ-calculus, in the use of proof assistants based upon dependent type theory for formalizing programming language semantics, and in the theory of nominal sets.


The λανδ-calculus is described in the paper

A. M. Pitts, "Structural Recursion with Locally Scoped Names", Journal of Functional Programming, 21(3): 235-286, 2011.

and is a vehicle for exhibiting a new recursion principle for inductively defined data modulo α-equivalence of bound names that makes use of Odersky-style local names when recursing over bound names. Remark 3.20 (p261) of that paper says:

"The various lemmas and propositions in this section and Appendix C give the proof of Theorem 3.16 [the Normalization Theorem for λαν-calculus] in enough detail to convince the reader of its truth, one hopes. Nevertheless, the nature of what the theorem asserts depends very delicately upon the particular definitions in Figures 5-8. Mistakes in, or changes to (cf. Remark 3.13), those definitions could easily invalidate either the theorem, or some details of our proof of it, in a way that might well be hard to spot without checking all the details that are elided here. Furthermore, in the next section, we extend the λαν-calculus with a form of structural recursion and will have to replay the proof of normalization for this extended calculus [the λανδ-calculus]. For all these reasons, it would be very desirable to have a fully formalized and machine-checked proof of the results in this section in a form that is amenable to extensions."

The purpose of the project would be to develop a fully formalized proof of the normalization theorem for the λανδ-calculus (Theorem 4.7) within the Agda proof assistant, along the lines of the proof for simply typed lambda calculus given in

Chantal Keller and Thorsten Altenkirch, "Normalization by hereditary substitutions", proceedings of Mathematical Structured Functional Programming (MSFP) 2010

As well as formalizing the proof of Theorems 4.7, which only deals with β-conversion, the project could consider proving similar results for a suitable notion of η-long β-normal form - these would be new results, rather than formalizations of existing results.


Familiarity with (simply typed) lambda calculus. Prior familiarity with proof assistants based upon dependent types (such as Agda or Coq) and with nominal sets is not strictly necessary, since learning about these things could be written into the proposal as part of the purpose of the project.
Last modified: Mon Sep 7 16:50:32 BST 2015