Statically Allocated Systems

This page was intended to look at wider aspects of statically allocated systems, but has become subverted a little into SAFL and hardware applications (keep checking for a forthcoming paper on a statically allocated version of Odersky's Funnel language though, and note the ESOP'02 paper "Finite-control mobile ambients" by Charatonik, Gordon and Talbot):

Here is a fuller list of Mycroft's publications and Mycroft's home page.

Here are the SPACE'01 slides.

Here is the current version of a draft paper ``Statically Allocated Prolog -- Hardware Byrd Boxes'', presented at UPM Madrid on its 25th anniverary.

Here are various SAFL papers in chronological order; this work was done in collaboration with Richard Sharp.
Suggested ordering: start with the CHARME'01 invited paper (the last one); for a bigger language (SAFL+) see the other CHARME'01 paper; for Co-design see the TACAS'01 paper; for compilation details see the AT\&T report or the SAS'01 paper for scheduling issues; and for background theory see the ICALP'00 paper.