Subject: Confer 2 preliminary timetable Dear all, Here is the preliminary timetable for the Confer 2 meeting in Brighton next week. See you there! Alan. =================================================================== Confer 2 Goes to the Seaside ----------------------------- All talks 40 minutes. Tues April 17th am 9.30 - 12.30 3 talks: - Resource access control in systems of mobile agents, Matthew Hennessy - Origin tracking in orthogonal term rewriting systems, J.W. Klop - Tile Formats for Located and Mobile Systems, Gian Luigi Ferrari pm 2.00 - 5.30 4 talks: - A Concurrent Object Calculus Andy Gordon - Bisimulation congruences for Action Calculi, James Leifer - From Rewrite Rules to Bisimulation Congruences, Peter Sewell - A conceptual view of weak bisimulation, Marcelo Fiore =================================================================== Wed April 18th am 9.30 - 12.30 3 talks: - Type systems for Ambients, Luca Cardelli - Compilation of Higher-Order Languages in Graphical Form, Ralf Schweimeier - Concurrent objects in the blue calculus, Silvano Dal-Zilio pm 2.00 - 5.30 4 talks: - Modelling IP Mobility, Roberto Amadio - Verifying Mobile Processes in the HAL Environment, Marco Pistore - tba, Ugo Montanari - Semantics of active networks Alan Jeffrey ========================================================================= Thurs April 19th am 9.30 - 12.30 3 talks: - The fusion calculus Joachim Parrow - Games semantics for call-by-value computation, Kohei Honda - Resource based models for asynchrony, Julian Rathke