From: Gerard Boudol Subject: CONFER workshop programme Dear All, here is a (very) tentative programme for our CONFER workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monday, September 14. 9h - 9h45 Martin Odersky: "The Join Calculus from a Functional Perspective" 9h45 - 10h30 Didier Remy: "From the Join-Calculus to a Class-Based, Concurrent OO Language" 10h30 - 11h pause 11h - 11h30 Peter Sewell: "Communication Infrastructure for Mobile Agents: Calculi for Algorithms" 11h30 - 12h Bjorn Victor: "Fusion Particles: Symmetrically Asynchronous Mobile Processes" 12h - 14h lunch 14h - 14h45 Alain Deutsch: "Static Analysis of Concurrent Programs, with Applications (Verification of the Ariane Rocket's Programming)" 14h45 - 15h30 Ugo Montanari: "Final Semantics for the Pi-Calculus" 15h30 - 16h pause 16h - 16h45 Pascal Brisset: "Towards Certified Byte-Code Verification and Proof-Carrying Code" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, September 15. 9h - 9h45 Marco Pistore: "Finite State Verification for the Asynchronous Pi-Calculus" 9h45 - 10h30 Cedric Fournet (bisimulation and confluence?) 10h30 - 11h pause 11h - 11h30 Paul-Andre Mellies (games?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some Abstracts: Martin Odersky: The talk will explore some variations how join calculus can be regarded as a natural extension of traditional techniques developed for the operational semantics of sequential programs. Bjorn Victor: encodings of prefix and summation in a calculus without ANY prefix operator. Ugo Montanari: We show that the final semantics paradigm, originated by Aczel and Rutten for CCS-like languages, can be successfully applied also here. This is achieved by suitably generalizing the standard techniques so as to accomodate the mechanism of name creation and the behaviour of the binding operators peculiar to the pi-calculus. As a preliminary step, we give a higher order presentation of the pi-calculus using as metalanguage LF, a logical framework based on typed lambda-calculus. Such a presentation highlights the nature of the binding operators and elucidates the role of free and bound channels. The final semantics is defined making use of this higher order presentation, within a category of hypersets (joint work with F. Honsell, M. Lenisa and M. Pistore). Pascal Brisset: We use the Coq proof-assistant to formally specify and verify a virtual machine inpired from a small subset of Sun's Java Virtual Machine. Topics covered include basic type safety, arrays, simple exceptions and subroutines (objects and method invocation are not handled yet). A byte-code verification algorithm is proved correct with respect to the operational semantics and security policy of the virtual machine. We also show how CMU's Proof-Carrying Code technique can be safely integrated in this framework to remove additional run-time checks.