Algorithms tick bf-cycle

Algorithms tick: bf-cycle

Find a negative-weight cycle

The Bellman-Ford code given in lecture notes will report “Negative cycle detected” if there is a negative-weight cycle reachable from the start vertex. Modify the code so that, in such cases, it returns a negative-weight cycle, rather than just reporting that one exists.

Please submit a source file on Moodle. It should implement a function

bf(g, s)

# Return either (minweights,None) or (None,badcycle)
# -- badcycle is a negative weight cycle reachable from s, [v1, v2, ..., v1]
# -- minweight is a dictionary of mininum weights to each vertex, {v: minweight to v, ...}
#    (using weight = math.inf to denote an unreachable vertex)

The graph g is stored as an adjacency dictionary, for example g = {'a':{'b':3,'c':-2}, b:{}, 'c':{'a':-1}}. It has a key for every vertex, and the corresponding value is a dictionary of that vertex’s neighbours with the corresponding edge weight.