MODULE 8p - Applets - Trials B

The applet to be developed in this series of trials is called AppletB.
The first version is a simple modification of AppletA but should be
saved in

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Button;                        // new statement

public class AppletB extends Applet            // new class name
 { private String s = "Greetings";

   private Button jack = new Button("Jack");   // new statement
   private Button jill = new Button("Jill");   // new statement

   public void init()
    { this.add(this.jack);                     // new statement
      this.add(this.jill);                     // new statement
      System.out.println("Done init");

   public void start()
    { System.out.println("Done start");

   public void paint(Graphics g)
    { g.drawRect(15, 15, 270, 70);
      g.drawString(this.s, 100, 60);
      System.out.println("Done paint");

   public void stop()
    { System.out.println("Done stop");

   public void destroy()
    { System.out.println("Done destroy");

Compile this using the javac command:

$ javac

Two new data fields augment String s and the inherited data fields.
The new data fields, jack and jill, are both of type Button and these
buttons are going to appear in the central region.  When declaring
a Button object it is usual to provide a label to go on the button
and the Strings "Jack" and "Jill" are used here.  Button is not in
the main Java package and has to be imported from java.awt

To add a button to an applet, use the  add()  method which the applet
automatically inherits from its ancestors.  The add() method adds an
item to the list of charges referred to by the hypothesised charges
data field.  In simple cases it is customary to add buttons (and other
items) in the init() method as shown.

The associated HTML needs to refer to  AppletB.class  so modify the
old  AppletA.html  to  AppletB.html  as in:

    <APPLET code="AppletB.class" width=300 height=100>
            Java is not available.

Give the following appletviewer command:

$ appletviewer AppletB.html &

The applet window is now adorned by two obvious buttons.

Notice that although the buttons were added in init() BEFORE the rectangle
was drawn in paint() they obscure the top edge of the rectangle.  It is as
though buttons are added to a transparent sheet which covers the central

Try pressing the buttons.  They change their appearance when clicked but
nothing else happens.  More facilities are required.

Repeat the previous experiments with Stop, Start, etc. concluding with Quit.


Compared with class Applet, the line of succession from the root class
Object to class Button is very short:

         Object - Component - Button

Button inherits from class Component which is also an ancestor of class
Applet.  Accordingly, class Button and class Applet (and any user class
which extends Applet) will have some data fields and methods in common.

As noted in the context of class Applet, most of the data fields are not
published but one can infer their presence and suggest names for some of
them.  Here are four such hypothesised identifiers:

   1. label -      is a String, the label on the button.

   2. size -       gives the size of the button (both width and height
                   in pixels).

   3. background - is the background colour (`color' in American).

   4. listeners -  lists any special objects set up to spring into action
                   when, for example, the button is pressed or the button
                   loses focus.

Of these, size, background and listeners are inherited from class Component
and have been seen before in the context of class Applet.

As well as data fields, class Button incorporates a number of methods (both
inherited and non-inherited).  A particularly important method in class Button

addActionListener()   - used for adding an object of type ActionListener to
                        the list of listeners.

ActionListener is an interface (not a class) which specifies that any class
which implements the interface must incorporate a method actionPerformed().

By supplying a suitable object of type ActionListener and adding it to a
button by  addActionListener()  one can arrange for something to happen
when the button is pressed.

In some sense the ActionListener listens out for the action of the button being
pressed and, on detecting such an action, it invokes the  actionPerformed()


The first variation on AppletB puts the above ideas into practice.

In this version of AppletB,  class JackL  is set up as the ActionListener
class for  Button jack  and an instantiation of this class is added to
the list of jack's listeners by:

                  this.jack.addActionListener(new JackL());

It is important NOT to omit the  jack  by writing:

                  this.addActionListener(new JackL());

This is a perfectly legitimate statement but it adds the ActionListener
to the list of the applet's listeners and not to the list of the Button's
listeners.  The ActionListener would then be listening out for some action
on the applet and it is not immediately clear what such an action might be.

Using proper terminology, acts such as pressing a button or clicking a
mouse provoke an `event' and methods in listener objects `handle events'.

The event provoked by pressing a button is an ActionEvent (a Java class) and
an instance of this class is handed to the  actionPerformed()  method which
therefore requires a formal parameter of matching type.  In the version of
AppletB below, the  actionPerformed()  method simply writes  Jack pressed  in 
the log and makes no use of the ActionEvent argument.

Note that both ActionListener and ActionEvent must be imported.  They are
imported from the  java.awt.event  package.

In an analogous way,  class JillL  is set up as the  ActionListener class
for  Button jill  and an instantiation of this class is added to the list
of jill's listeners by:

                  this.jill.addActionListener(new JillL());


Modify the source code in so that it appears thus:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;               // new statement
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;                  // new statement

public class AppletB extends Applet
 { private String s = "Greetings";

   private Button jack = new Button("Jack");
   private Button jill = new Button("Jill");

   public void init()
    { this.add(this.jack);
      this.jack.addActionListener(new JackL());     // new statement
      this.jill.addActionListener(new JillL());     // new statement
      System.out.println("Done init");

   public void start()
    { System.out.println("Done start");

   public void paint(Graphics g)
    { g.drawRect(15, 15, 270, 70);
      g.drawString(this.s, 100, 60);
      System.out.println("Done paint");

   public void stop()
    { System.out.println("Done stop");

   public void destroy()
    { System.out.println("Done destroy");

class JackL implements ActionListener               // new class
 { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    { System.out.println("Jack pressed");

class JillL implements ActionListener               // new class
 { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    { System.out.println("Jill pressed");

Compile this using the javac command:

$ javac

Run the appletviewer program with this new applet:

$ appletviewer AppletB.html &

The appearance of the applet window is exactly as before and the messages
Done init  Done start  and  Done paint  are all written in the log.  The
difference now is what happens when the buttons are pressed...

Press Jack and notice that  Jack pressed  appears in the log.

Press Jill and notice that  Jill pressed  appears in the log.

As a general rule, users of applets are not much interested in any kind
of log and would prefer messages to be written to the applet.  Arranging
for this to happen when the buttons are pressed is the goal of the next
version of ApppletB...


One possibility might be to modify the bodies of the actionPerformed()
methods so that they assigned to  String s  but this isn't entirely
straightforward.  These methods are not in the same class as  s  so  s
is out of scope and one cannot have assignments like  s = "Jack pressed"
or  this.s = "Jack pressed"  in consequence.  One might consider:

                  AppletB.s = "Jack pressed";

For this to work it would be necessary to change the declaration of  s
in class AppletB from:

                  private String s = "Greetings"
                  public static String s = "Greetings"

Given that it is in a different class, the data field cannot be private
(though relaxing the visibility modifier to public is going over the
top!) and to access a data field by the associated class name requires
the data field to be static.  There is a better way...


Modify the source code in so that it appears thus:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

public class AppletB extends Applet
 { public String s = "Greetings";                   // modified statement

   private Button jack = new Button("Jack");
   private Button jill = new Button("Jill");

   public void init()
    { this.add(this.jack);
      this.jack.addActionListener(new JackL());
      this.jill.addActionListener(new JillL());
      System.out.println("Done init");

   public void start()
    { System.out.println("Done start");

   public void paint(Graphics g)
    { g.drawRect(15, 15, 270, 70);
      g.drawString(this.s, 100, 60);
      System.out.println("Done paint");

   public void stop()
    { System.out.println("Done stop");

   public void destroy()
    { System.out.println("Done destroy");

   class JackL implements ActionListener            // JackL WITHIN AppletB
    { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       { AppletB.this.s = "Jack pressed";           // new statement
         System.out.println(AppletB.this.s);        // modified statement

   class JillL implements ActionListener            // JillL WITHIN AppletB
    { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       { AppletB.this.s = "Jill pressed";           // new statement
         System.out.println(AppletB.this.s);        // modified statement
 }                                                  // closing } of AppletB

The principal modification is that the two ActionListener classes
JackL and JillL have been incorporated INSIDE class AppletB; the
final closing bracket of AppletB encloses these two classes which
have been INDENTED to reflect their status as  `member classes'

A feature of Java is that the members defined in a class definition
can include not only data fields and methods but also classes (as
classes within a class).


By making JackL and JillL member classes within AppletB, the identifier
s  is no longer out of scope in the  actionPerformed()  methods and  s
can continue to be declared NON-static.

Within the  actionPerformed()  methods one cannot write  this.s  (as in
the paint() method) because  `this'  would refer to a  JackL  or  JillL
object which is NOT where  s  is declared.

One solution is to use the syntax  AppletB.this.s  (as shown) where
`this' is prefixed by AppletB to indicate which `this' is meant!  Such
syntax requires the visibility of  String s  to be relaxed from private
as explained in the following aside...

  Java syntax permits the use of plain  s  rather than  AppletB.this.s
  and the latter use is serious pedantry!  Moreover, there seems to be
  a bug when using this syntax.  Java documentation is clear that
  member classes have access to data fields declared private in the
  containing class but, if the declaration of String s is left private,
  the above program won't compile.

  Curiously, the declaration CAN be left private if  AppletB.this.s  is
  changed to  s  on the left-hand sides of the assignment statements in
  the  actionPerformed()  methods. ]

Compile the program using the javac command:

$ javac

Run the appletviewer program with this new applet:

$ appletviewer AppletB.html &


Try pressing the Jack button.

The result is something of a disappointment.  Jack pressed  appears in the
log but not on the applet which continues to show  Greetings.  The reason
is that the  paint()  method hasn't been invoked.

Previous experience has demonstrated several ways of stirring the paint()
method into life:

   1.  Cover and uncover the applet with another window.

   2.  Change the size of the applet window.

   3.  Iconify and deiconify the window.

   4.  Select  Stop  from the menu and then  Start.

Try any of these and  Jack pressed  will appear.  Clearly it would be
nice to make the message appear without having to take special steps and
the next variant of the program shows how to achieve this goal.

There is one more experiment which gives insight into what the  paint()
method does.  Carry out the following steps carefully:

   5.  Ensure that  Jack pressed  is in the central region.

   6.  Press the Jill button.

   7.  Cover up the right-hand side of the applet with another window
       in such a way that  Jack  is visible but  pressed  is covered.

   8.  Now move the covering window out of the way so as to reveal the
       whole applet again.

You should notice that the  paint()  method appears to do just half a
job!  It repairs the central region only where it was covered up.  The
result might look something like  Jackressed

Using proportionally-spaced lettering, Jill is somewhat shorter than
Jack so the `pressed' of  Jill pressed  is somewhat to the left of the
`pressed' of  Jack pressed  and therefore appears in the new position.
Jack wasn't covered up and so isn't replaced by Jill.


Up to now, the paint() method has been invoked by the appletviewer
first at start-up [just after init() and start()] and subsequently
when there is a need to repair or restore the applet.

It has been suggested in an earlier footnote that the way the
appletviewer invokes the paint() method is by a statement like:


In this, the identifier handle is hypothesised as the appletviewer's
reference to the instantiation of the applet (AppletB now).

There is no reason why an analagous statement cannot be included in
the actionPerformed() methods to invoke the paint() method directly
rather than waiting for the appletviewer to decide that some repair
work is necessary.


Add an extra statement to the  actionPerformed()  method in JackL so
that it appears thus:

   class JackL implements ActionListener
    { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       { AppletB.this.s = "Jack pressed";
         AppletB.this.paint(AppletB.this.getGraphics());  // new statement

Don't bother to change JillL.  Note that, instead of handle, the reference
to AppletB from within class JackL is  AppletB.this

Compile using javac and run the appletviewer program again.

Press the Jack button and note the result.  There is now an immediate
change to the central region where  Jack pressed  does indeed appear but
not quite as we might have wished.  Unfortunately  Jack pressed  appears
superimposed on  Greetings  and there is a nasty mess.  A final variation
will cure this...


The proper way to cause  Jack pressed  to be written on the central region
is to invoke the  repaint()  method rather than the  paint()  method.

The  repaint()  method does not require any arguments so there is no need
to employ  getGraphics()

In short, the  actionPerformed()  method in JackL should be changed to:

   class JackL implements ActionListener
    { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
       { AppletB.this.s = "Jack pressed";
         AppletB.this.repaint();                     // modified statement

The same call of  repaint()  can be added to JillL.

Compile using javac and run the appletviewer program again.

Press the Jack button and, at last,  Jack pressed  appears in the central
region nice and tidily.


Like the  paint()  method,  repaint()  is inherited by any class that
extends class Applet.  Unlike the  paint()  method, the default inherited
version of  repaint()  actually does something.  Amongst other things, it
calls another inherited method  update()  which first clears the central
region and then calls the  paint()  method.

It has been noted in previous experiments that when, for example, the
applet is iconified and deiconified the central region reappears with
the correct message unsullied by earlier messages.  This suggests that
rather more than a simple call of  paint()  occurs and, more likely,
repaint()  [or perhaps  update()  directly] is called to ensure that
the central region is cleared prior to a fresh display.


The above account of what should happen when the different versions of
the AppletB program are run doesn't concur with what actually happens
by default under Exceed in Cockcroft4.

The problem is most noticeable with the Second Variation when trying
experiments 5, 6, 7 and 8.  The reason is that Exceed is being too
clever by doing the work of the repaint() method itself.  This
cleverness cannot be relied on and to see how the Applets will behave
on normal implementations it is necessary to deskill Exceed a little!


At the start of a session, when the Exceed window is displayed under
Windows NT, various icons are displayed in this window including:

                    HWM          and          Xconfig 

At this stage you would normally double-click HWM but, instead,
proceed as follows:

  1.  Double-click Xconfig and bring up the Xconfig window.

  2.  Double-click Performance and bring up the Performance window.

  3.  Ensure that  Batch Requests  is OFF (no tick in the box).

  4.  Ensure that the  Default Backing Store  is set to  None.

  5.  Click OK to close the Performance window.

  6.  Close the Xconfig window.

  7.  Now double-click HWM and proceed as usual.

If these precautions are taken BEFORE logging in to a Thor host the
behaviour observed at the screen should be as that described in the
main part of this document.

There should be no need to carry out these deskilling steps more than