public class DiningPhilosophers
 { private static final int SIZE = 5;

   public static void main(String[] args)
    { Fork[] forks = new Fork[SIZE];
      for (int f = 0; f<SIZE; f++)
         forks[f] = new Fork(f);
      Thread[] phil = new Thread[SIZE];
      for (int p = 0; p<SIZE; p++)
         phil[p] = new Philosopher(p, forks[p<SIZE-1 ? p+1 : SIZE-1],
                                      forks[p<SIZE-1 ? p : 0]);
      System.out.println(" Philosopher 0   Philosopher 1  " +
                         " Philosopher 2   Philosopher 3   Philosopher 4\n");
      phil[2].start(); phil[1].start(); phil[4].start(); phil[0].start(); phil[3].start();

class TAB
 { public static String tab(int n)
    { String s = "";
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
         s += "                ";
      return s;

class Fork
 { private int number;
   private boolean inuse = false;

   public Fork(int n)
    { this.number = n;

   public synchronized void get(int n) throws InterruptedException
    { while (this.inuse)
       { System.out.println( + "awaiting fork " + this.number);
      System.out.println( + "acquires fork " + this.number);
      this.inuse = true;

   public synchronized void put(int n) throws InterruptedException
    { while (!this.inuse)
      System.out.println( + "releases fork " + this.number);
      this.inuse = false;

class Philosopher extends Thread
 { private int number;
   private Fork first;
   private Fork second;

   public Philosopher(int n, Fork ff, Fork sf)
    { this.number = n;
      this.first = ff;
      this.second =  sf;

   public void run()
    { try
       { for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
          { System.out.println( + "wants some food");
            System.out.println( + "starts his meal");
            for (int j=0; j<(int)(Math.random()*3); j++)
             { System.out.println( + "is still eating");
            System.out.println( + "has become full");
            System.out.println( + "resumes thought");
      catch (InterruptedException e) {}


public class Hash { private static double[] data = {637.42d, 6300.95d, 7.81d, 6300.95d, 712.72d, 4325.22d, 2.79d, 3125.77d, 813.02d, 3125.77d, 6.42d, 1234.56d}; private static double[] table = new double[630]; private static int duplicates; static { for (int i=0; i<table.length; i++) table[i] = -1.0d; duplicates = 0; } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) { double x = data[i]; int n = (int)x % 630; while (true) { if (table[n]<0.0d) { table[n] = x; break; } else if (table[n] == x) { duplicates++; break; } else n = (n+1) % 630; } } System.out.println("There are " + duplicates + " duplicates"); } }


public class SolitaireB { private static int[] triple = {007000, 000700, 000340, 000034, 000016, 000007, 001104, 012200, 002210, 064000, 024400, 004420, 004204, 002102, 022100, 001041, 011040, 051000}; private static int[] ta = {006000, 000600, 000300, 000030, 000014, 000006, 001100, 012000, 002200, 060000, 024000, 004400, 000204, 000102, 002100, 000041, 001040, 011000}; private static int[] tb = {003000, 000300, 000140, 000014, 000006, 000003, 000104, 002200, 000210, 024000, 004400, 000420, 004200, 002100, 022000, 001040, 011000, 050000}; private static final int first = 037777, last = 040000; private static int[] scoreArr = new int[0100000]; public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i=0; i<0100000; i++) scoreArr[i] = -1; scoreArr[last] = 1; System.out.println("There are " + tryit(first) + " solutions"); long timeSpent = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Done in " + timeSpent + " milliseconds"); } private static int tryit(int state) { int score = scoreArr[state]; if (score < 0) { score = 0; for (int i=0; i<18; i++) { int x = state & triple[i]; if (x == ta[i] || x == tb[i]) score += tryit(state ^ triple[i]); } scoreArr[state] = score; } return(score); } } // The above program counts the number of ways of solving the Triangular // Solitaire Problem fairly efficiently. The program recognises that it // is a lattice which is being searched for solutions and not a tree. // There are only 2^15 possible positions and an array of this size is // set up which, eventually, shows the number of routes to the solution // from each position. Initally, every node is set to -1 except the end // node which corresponds to the finish state. // The program duly finds the 6816 solutions in about 85 milliseconds.