CST 1998 Part 1A Paper 1 Question 7

Discrete Mathematics

State and prove the Chinese Remainder Theorem concerning the simultaneous solution of a pair of congruences to co-prime moduli and the uniqueness of that solution. [10 marks]

An early form of public key encryption worked as follows. A person, R, wishing to receive secret messages, selected two large primes, p and q also co-prime to p-1 and q-1, and published their product, n = p q. Another person, S, wishing to send a message m to R, encoded it as s = mn (mod n).

Show how to calculate inverses a and b so that a p = 1 (mod q-1) and b q = 1 (mod p-1). By considering sa (mod q) and sb (mod p) and recalling the Fermat-Euler theorem, show how R could recover the original message, m. State clearly any other results that you use. [10 marks]