Document databases: Solution notes

This document provides some model answers to help supervisors.

Exercise 3 (Tick 3)

Recall relational exercise 1c, in which you searched for pairs of actors who share the top billing of a movie. Let's implement the same thing using the document database.

As usual, the program should take the path to the database directory as the first command-line argument. The second command-line argument should be a number, namely the position to search for. If that number is x, we search for two actors who both have position x on the same movie.

You should be able to compile and run it as usual:

# On Windows
javac -classpath document-db.jar
java -classpath .;document-db.jar Exercise3 document-small 1

# On Linux or Mac OS
javac -classpath document-db.jar
java -classpath .:document-db.jar Exercise3 document-small 1

With the number 1 as position argument (as in the command line above) it should produce the following output:

Owen, Clive (I) and Yacuzzi, Juan Gabriel both have position 1 in Children of Men (2006)

If you change number 1 to 4, it should produce the following output:

Chevalier, Jon and Moore, Julianne both have position 4 in Children of Men (2006)
Batey, Toya and Williams, Cobe both have position 4 in The Interrupters (2011)

The actor names should appear in alphabetical order.

Solution notes:


public class Exercise3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (MovieDB database =[0])) {
            int requiredPosition = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

            // Scan over all movies
            for (Movie movie : database.getByTitlePrefix("")) {
                // Keeps track of the name of an actor with the required
                // position in the current movie
                String firstMatch = null, secondMatch = null;

                for (CreditActor actor : movie.getActors()) {
                    // The null check is required because some actors have a
                    // null position, and you get a NullPointerException due to
                    // auto-unboxing if you just compare getPosition() == int
                    if (actor.getPosition() != null && actor.getPosition() == requiredPosition) {
                        if (firstMatch == null) {
                            firstMatch = actor.getName();
                        } else {
                            // We have found two actors with the required position.
                            // Now order their names lexicographically.
                            if (firstMatch.compareTo(actor.getName()) < 0) {
                                secondMatch = actor.getName();
                            } else {
                                secondMatch = firstMatch;
                                firstMatch = actor.getName();

                            System.out.println(firstMatch + " and " + secondMatch +
                                " both have position " + requiredPosition + " in " +