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ABD - Naive Path to State Conversion

Compiling regular expressions to RTL is completely straightforward (part of a typical proof that for every RE there is an FSM).

By converting a path expression to a state expression we can generate an RTL checker for use in dynamic validation.

(Details not examinable.)

fun gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_statexp e) = gen_and2(g, gen_boolean e)

|   gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_diop(diop_seres_alternation, l, r)) = 
    let val l' = gen_pattern_matcher g l
	val r' = gen_pattern_matcher g r
        in gen_or2(l', r') end

|   gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_diop(diop_seres_catenation, l, r)) = 
    let val l' = gen_dff(gen_pattern_matcher g l)
	val r' = gen_pattern_matcher l' r
        in r' end

|   gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_diop(diop_seres_fusion, l, r)) = 
    let val l' = gen_pattern_matcher g l
	val r' = gen_pattern_matcher l' r
        in r' end

|   gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_monop(mono_arb_repetition, l)) = 
	let val nn = newnet()
	    val l' = gen_pattern_matcher nn l
	    val r = gen_or2(l', g)
	    val _ = gen_buffer(nn, r)
	    in r end

|   gen_pattern_matcher g (seres_diop(diop_n_times_repetition, l, 
                           seres_statexp(x_num n))) = 
	let fun f (g, k) = if k=0 then g else
	    gen_pattern_matcher (f(g, k-1)) l
	    in f (g, n) end

This generates a simple one-hot automaton and there are far more efficient procedures used in practice and given in the literature.

A harder operator to compile is the length-matching conjunction (introduced shortly), since care is needed when each side contains arbitrary repetition and can declare success or failure at a number of possible times.

16: (C) 2008-16, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.