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A Simple Model Checker

The PSL strong assertions need to be checked with a formal proof tool. Model checking is normally used because it is fully automated.

A model checker explores every possible execution route of a finite-state system by exploring the behaviour over all possible input patterns.

There are two major classes of model checker: explicit state and symbolic. Explicit state checkers actually visit every possible state and store the history in a very concise bit array. If the bit array becomes too big they use probabilistic and hashing techniques. The main example is Spin. Symbolic model checkers manipulate expressions that describe the reachable state space and these were famously implemented as BDDs in the SMV checker. There are also other techniques, such as bounded model checking, but the internal details of model checkers is beyond the scope of this course.

The most basic model checker only checks state properties. To check a path property it can be compiled into an automaton and included as part of the system itself.

To check safety over all reachable states, one can either find the reachable state space and then see if all of it is safe, or one can check the safety predicate after each step in creating the reachable state space. The algorithm for the reachable state space, given on the slide, is simply to start with the initial state and repeatedly add any successors until closure.

To check liveness formally is beyond the scope of this course, but one algorithm is to repeatedly trim cul-de-sacs from the state transition graph so that only a core where all states are reachable from all others remains.

24: (C) 2008-15, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.